Wolf RPG
Past the Point of No Return - Printable Version

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Past the Point of No Return - Erika - June 17, 2014

She had to be very tricky this time. Already some of her packmates were being suspicious of her constant crossing over the borders. Monsieur Lecter had already forced her to take him with her on one of her excursions. Cara was already twitchy since Majesty left the pack, and there was no doubt that Monsieur Lecter had told Madame Jinx about her. So, she left on the pretense of hunting. She chased a herd of deer across the border, angling them towards Blacktail Deer Plateau. Once she got near there, she stopped and went to the place Majesty had picked out for their second date.

Before she reached the place, she paused to drink at a stream. Her thirst quenched, she pulled back and looked at her reflection. Beautiful, you are beautiful. She smiled, feeling the giddiness they both experienced when they went out together and she trotted happily to the appointed meeting place.

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Majesty - June 17, 2014

Lol. So much for putting it in Blackfoot Forest. Ah well. Also, for timeline's sake, I'm going to say this takes place like a week after Courtship and Pronghorns. Sooo... cue the porno music. Ahahahaha. No. Lol. Also, I powerplay a bit in this thread. Just tell me if you want me to change it.

Majesty was already there, unbeknownst to Erika, and he smiled as he watched her appear on the horizon. It was still warm out, despite the fact that the sun was lowering in the sky, though it wasn't quite sunset yet, just late afternoon. He sat up from where he had been lying in the grass and woofed out a greeting, hoping she would see him on time so she wouldn't be startled.

Then he decided to just get up and walk towards her. What sort of a gentleman would he be if he made her walk to where he was while he just sat there? He loped towards her, his runner's legs using long, easy strides to reach her in moments. And before she could speak, he playfully bowled her over and then barked like a puppy, sticking his rump in the air and wagging his tail in a playful way. So much for being a gentleman...

"Good day, Ma Belle," he said, coming towards her as she lay on the ground and leaning down to nuzzle her face. He gave her a lick on the cheek, and then sat down, giving her a chance to right herself after being suddenly pushed over. He paused, and then said, "You can push me over now, if you want to." And then he sat there, posing in such a way that suggested he figured she would do it. He winked at her and gave her a grin. He was being very not-Majesty-like, but he didn't care. He was having fun!

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Erika - June 17, 2014

([size=xx-small]Oops. Sorry. = A =''''[/size]) YES. CUE THE SEXY SAXOPHONE SOLO (The powerplaying is fine)

A whoof greeted her arrival. Instantly her tail began to wag when she recognized the voice. She could hear his paws hitting the ground as he came to meet her. "Majes- OOF." Suddenly he bowled her, leaving her sprawled on the ground. The alpha nuzzled her face and licked her cheek. He moved back, giving her the chance to knock him over, smiling and winking at her.

Erika growled playfully and pounced, aiming for his legs. He was bigger and more muscular than she, so the best way she could knock him over was by destroying his balance.

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Majesty - June 17, 2014

OMG this is so hilariously adorable!

Majesty fully expected Erika to try and knock him over by ramming into his side, so when she suddenly aimed for his legs, he was completely unprepared. As a consequence, he went head-over-heels and ended up lying on his back, having flipped over her body completely. Now everything he looked at was upside-down and he was very confused for a few moments. Then he laughed and regained his bearings, lifting his head to look at his mate with kind eyes.

"Good one," he said, letting out a laugh. "I actually wasn't expecting that at all. You'd make a good warrior if you kept up the element of surprise." He lay his head back down, perfectly content to see the world the wrong way up, lying on his back with his front paws tucked into his chest and his back legs splayed in opposite directions. It was quite the image, and - oddly enough - he was comfortable like this, even though wolves were not known to lie on their backs.

He twisted his head to the side to look at Erika. "Come lay down with me. It's comfortable like this. I may have to change my sleeping position now." His honey-colored eyes twinkled with amusement as he looked at her, and underneath the amusement, his undying love for her shone through like the sun. Hopefully, he wagged his tail. It would be nice to feel her body beside him, snuggling against him, warm and soft, even despite the warmth of the day. It would be... romantic.

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Erika - June 17, 2014

I know~ They're so cute together.

Erika barked with delight as Majesty tumbled over, landing flat on his back. She relished the confused face he made and laughed. "I am already a good warrior, I am just too skinny." she said, puffing out her chest in mock arrogance.

The adult female gave a girlish giggle when Majesty tucked his front paws into his chest and splayed out his lower legs. If anyone else saw him, they would not think he was the alpha of Wheeling Gull Isle, of any pack. He looked like a foolish puppy.

Her eyes glittered when he invited her to lay down with him. "Do I 'ave to lay down like you?" she snorted with amusement, laying down by him nonetheless.

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Majesty - June 17, 2014

So, unfortunately I don't remember all that has been said between Erika and Majesty, so if I'm putting words into her mouth I'm really sorry and I was kind of hoping we could just assume that because it's been a week since their first date, maybe they've spoken again since then but before now.

Majesty grinned as Erika asked, "Do I 'ave to lay down like you?"

"No," he replied. "Ma Belle shall lay down in whatever position she fancies. And I will growl at anyone who says otherwise!" He turned his head to look at her as she lay down beside him. His smile stayed amused and innocent for a few more moments, and then suddenly he was acutely aware of how close they were.

He cleared his throat, blinked, took a breath. She was beautiful. Gorgeous. The mark on her face that she hated so did not phase his attraction to her at all. In a way, it made her look more... mysterious. He realized for the first time that he had no idea how she had gotten the mark at all, but he also knew that now was not the moment to ask. A sudden wanting had entered his body, traveling quickly down to his nether regions, and for once he was not going to make himself be gentlemanly and forget those feelings. She was his mate, after all. Why couldn't he feel a certain sexual pull towards her?

And before he could stop himself - not that he wanted to - he said, in a voice an octave lower than normal and charged with an underlying question, "Did you mean it when you said you wanted to have a family...? A family... with me?" He rolled over so that he was on his stomach now, side-by-side with her, his face inches from hers. "Because you know what that would entail..." He took a moment to let his eyes wander her lithe body. "You are...." he searched for the right word, and his eyes flared when he realized what he was going to say: "sexy."

Once the word escaped his lips, there was no going back. He let his eyes travel back to hers, stared into them, and did nothing to hide the deep, instinctual longing in them. His body trembled with the effort of holding back. "Erika..." he said, and his voice nearly moaned her name. He hoped it would be all she needed to hear to understand his intent.

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Erika - June 17, 2014

She laid down on her side, almost touching Majesty; so close their fur brushed. She sighed, moving slightly, and let herself gaze at him. Not his face for once, which was handsome enough. Just everywhere else. His strong shoulders and legs. His wide chest. How big and strong he was.

She found herself averting her face bashfully. She started feeling....weird. But it wasn't a bad weird, but a pleasant weird. It was strange. Luckily, Majesty distracted her from the sensations as he cleared his throat. But they all came back, stronger than ever when he started talking.

Because you know what that would entail... his voice was husky and deep. She shifted uncomfortablely. "O-oui..." Due to her disfigurement, she was still a virgin, even at three years of age, but she knew want mating was. She knew what it meant to "have a family".

His eyes wandered over her body and she felt like her body was on fire, especially around her nethers. Then his eyes came back to her face and their eyes locked. Erika.... he said, almost a moan. She answered him by pressing closer to his body. "Majesty...." her voice was a husky whisper now.

Holy fudge cakes I know we're not writing the actual thing but I feel like we just wrote a sex novella WOAH. XDD

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Majesty - June 17, 2014

Yep! And we're not done yet because the only way I'll be able to get EXP for this is if there are at least 10 posts in here, so get ready for more! Also now I want a fudge cake... Do those exist? ... GOOGLE! Also, Majesty is pushing against mating right now, and I want Erika to convince him to do it anyways in the next post(s) because I still OOC want them to mate. Just letting you know so you don't think I'm calling it off or anything.

Majesty was so close to letting go of all thought and to focus on only action when suddenly reality came crashing down around him. He realized, with a start, that he had been moving ever closer to her without noticing it, and he pulled away slightly, letting his lust cool down a little for the party crashing moment.

"Wait," he said softly. He looked in Erika's eyes, and the look was not as intense. "Are you sure you want to do this? If Jinx or any other Mountain wolf found out... they would shun you from the pack, or worse, try to kill you. I cannot put your life in danger like that. I'm not so sure this is a good idea... If something happened to you because I couldn't control my lust... That would kill me."

He looked away from her. His body was screaming for him to do the deed, and his mind was saying hell no. He wanted what was best for Erika, even if his hormones hated him for it. "I'm sorry," he murmured, because he knew that she wanted it, too. He had felt her come closer, felt her let go of herself. And that only served to drive his body crazier. He swallowed hard and tried in vain to force his mind elsewhere, but his thoughts were now thoroughly in the gutter and they refused to be moved. What now? he thought miserably.

RE: Past the Point of No Return - Erika - June 17, 2014

Well, get ready for a personality change, courtesy of estrus.

Majesty was pulling closer and closer, and she was too. The heat was rising and she felt a desperate urge to give into her hormones and let nature take it's course. But, alas, Majesty pulled away. She gave a pitiful whine in disappointment and stared at him curiously.

Her eyes narrowed at the sound of the Silvertip Alpha's name. "Jinx," she hissed, dropping the Madame from in front of the name. The old, polite Erika was gone for the moment, lust and hormones had taken over. "Screw Jinx, screw Silvertip! I want you, Majesty. Right now. I don't want to zink of ze consequences. If I do get hurt, if I die, zen at least I will die knowing zat you and I were together as mates should be."

She pushed her body against his, nuzzling his chin and licking his cheek. "Majesty. Je veux que vous. I want you."

RE: Past the Point of No Return [MATURE] - Majesty - June 17, 2014

I'm going to write the very beginnings of the act itself, and then I will fade it to black. Don't freak out too much, I don't write wolf porn.

The sudden raw lust and emotion that rang clear in Erika's voice was enough to push Majesty past the point of no return. All sense of reason left his mind, and he allowed instinct and hormones to drive him now. Without saying another word, he slid over the last few inches, and then rose slightly and wrapped his lower legs around her body in the natural position that all wolves take to mate.

The last words he spoke before beginning the act that would consummate their relationship were words that were so far outside of his usual speech that he almost didn't recognize himself as the speaker:

"Erika... if you want me, then take me."

Fade to black...