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Noctisardor Bypass Let me out of here! - Printable Version

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Let me out of here! - Siarut - July 16, 2018

@Alessia sorry to be late! lol

Siarut wasn't in the best mood, he need sometime to himself away from the tension that had somehow settled in his family. He wished for simpler times, and sometimes wished to be under their abusive fathers rule once more, at least then he wouldn't have responsibilites that hung heavy on his shoulders. 

Stealing sometime to himself under the ruse of patrolling, Siarut stalked out into the woods. A scowl firmly placed on his face, he needed some sort of distraction. He almost hoped there was something around, just so he could relieve the ache that was settling between his shoulder blades. He couldn't seem to do anything right these days. With and angry huff he stamped the ground. Furious with his own failings. In his rage he had wandered far from his family, not so far that he was unavailable, but far enough that he felt detached.
set for the late on the 18th or early on the 19th

RE: Let me out of here! - Alessia - July 16, 2018

She'd kept her distance from the group after her last encounter, busying herself with hunting and learning the land. There was a deep tension within her when she thought of the pale wolves. She did not know if they would hold a grudge, if their brief encounter had marked her as a threat. The yearling had allowed no harm to befall the child, and had given her up without hesitation, but she had run, too. For many, that was reason enough for suspicion.
She was hardly a threat now, anyhow. The inkstain had become overconfident, and had paid the price. She moved slowly, dragging with her the hulking, freshly-dead form of a wolverine and sporting a nasty wound. The flesh of her left foreleg was dark and mangled, bleeding profusely and leaving a metallic trail as she neared her intended destination— a lake tucked between the rolling hills of the bypass, vast and crystalline. The thick scent of her own blood and the dizziness of the loss left her ignorant to the nearby presence of another, for now.
The wolverine was abandoned at the water's edge. She crept forward until her toes touched the edges of the water, gaze fixed on the surface and the sun's reflection across it. After several moments, she dipped her left paw into the water and lowered it slowly until her foreleg was submerged, teeth clenched to hold back a sharp gasp. Blood clouded the water, thick and dark. Her torn flesh protested at the feeling of cool water around and within the wound, so she sent her thoughts elsewhere; she'd need herbs, soon, lest she lose herself to infection of all things.

RE: Let me out of here! - Siarut - July 16, 2018

Water calmed him, if this place was frozen and covered in snow he would suggest that his family make their home here. Alas it wasn't it was green and lush, but still beautiful. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a shadow morphing into the liquid. He was sure he had seen it move. Focusing his green gaze he saw that it had indeed moved. Curious, he approached with caution, taking hesitant steps until the scent hit his nostrils. Myrren? He questioned to himself, and took quicker steps to reach the girl.

"Myrren?" He saw the badger and assumed it was the same injury Uki had receieved. These things were dangerous. "Gosh." Sia's face scrunched, and he looked at the girl concerned. "Always getting into trouble I see." He slowed before reaching her fully, remembering their last encounter. He knew that she might be scared. The pale man didn't want to further scare the injured woman.

RE: Let me out of here! - Alessia - July 16, 2018

One of the inkstain's names rang out, catching her attention. Immediately her hackles lifted, an automatic fear response to the approach; she recognized the voice as Siarut, and had little desire for the male's company. That she was wounded was no small contribution. She turned only her head to look at him, keeping her wounded leg submerged for the moment. The movement parted her wild, dense fur in some places, exposing some of the twisted scarring across her neck and chest.
She settled after a few moments, offering a wry smile at his comment. It has a way of finding me, The yearling mused, withdrawing her leg from the water and watching the mixture of blood and water fall to the lake's surface. The wolverine's teeth had carved deep into her flesh, and still the bleeding had not slowed; she'd already been losing blood quickly, and in no small amount.
I've lost quite a bit of blood, Her tone was calm, thoughtful. She did not know, truthfully, if she could bleed out from such a wound. Already she felt lightheaded and weak, noting a new heaviness to her limbs. She glanced to the wolverine, filled with a sudden and intense hatred for the wretched slain thing. You can take that to your group. I don't want it. The pup she'd found had not left her thoughts; quite the opposite, in fact, and no matter her distaste for those raising the girl, she found herself worrying at what sort of fate might befall her.

RE: Let me out of here! - Siarut - July 16, 2018

The tragic scars did not escape his glance, and once again he felt the protective need tug at his heart. Even though his sisters had possibly been a little harsh, he hadn't thought the girl had been trying to hurt Currituk. He peered at her leg as she rose it from the water, and it looked dreadful. Siarut had no head for healing, but he knew that Tahani did. Mentioning Tahani at the moment was probably not a good idea, so Sia kept her name out of it for a moment. "The wound looks deep. Someone should look at it."

Myrren offered her catch to his family, and that solidified his idea. A thought that had been milling in his mind even before the situation with Currituck. "Thank you for the offer." He flicked his head at the badger, "I'm sure Currituck will appreciate it." He smiled at the thought. Myrren's injury had pushed Sia's ill mood to the side, it was easy for him to put others above his own emotions. Looking back at her leg, "We have a healer who would look at that for you. I'm sure Currituck would like to see you again, with proper supervision." Siarut would try and convince his sisters to let Currituck approach the woman again if the little girl so wished.

RE: Let me out of here! - Alessia - August 14, 2018

She resisted the urge to snort at his first comment, instead listening quietly as he continued speaking. She didn't bother to correct his gratitude, though she felt it misplaced; he was a convenient way to dispose of something she did not want to look at. The yearling chose silence again, shaking her head as he finished speaking.
I appreciate your offer, but I couldn't, She decided after a few beats, not unkindly. At least not right now. Maybe I could... visit sometime, when you've reached your home, if we see each other again. But it would be impolite of me to burden your healer during your journey. She stepped back from the water's edge, glancing briefly in the direction he'd come from. She was rapidly becoming aware of the fact that she wasn't quite thinking clearly, and her desire for company hit zero.
I should... return to my companion. He's expecting me, It wasn't her best excuse, but if nothing else she was a good liar. She turned to leave, adding: Til next time, I suppose?

RE: Let me out of here! - Siarut - August 14, 2018

There wasn't much to do about her decision, the girl wasn't very trusting. Not that he blamed her, neither was he or his family. But he shrugged and nodded, "Until next time." Watching her turn away, Siarut wondered if he would ever see the yearling again. Her obsidian coat disappeared, and he turned away. Returning to his family.