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Friend or Foe? - Printable Version

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Friend or Foe? - Kaname - June 21, 2014

All's welcome, but I'm looking for @Tyrande Nightshade

Wolves have left, wolves have come. Packs are made, packs have gone, packs have to move. He rumbled to himself as he dragged a doe to the Ghost Rock Network. So much has happened since he joined Silvertip Mountain. Majesty had left, his whore Erika and the little Tyrande following him, Erika possibly pregnant with his pups. Some had joined, like Tenzin the former monk, a friend of Lecter's, the foreign Tiarnan, the ambitious little Cara, a kind and loyal wolf called Mordecai, whom he befriended, and another, named Bagheera, who he had not met. Northstar Vale had disappiated, Wheeling Gull and the Sunspire appearing. And now, Horizon Ridge and Silvertip was moving. So many things going on... he sighed.

He plopped the deer inside the cave. He had heard rumors that Tyrande had returned to Silvertip. Lecter obviously was not pleased by that, and nor was his mate. He on the other hand, was happy. If she had returned after so blatantly disobeying Jinx, she would be below him. Far below him. Not too long ago, the little toxicologist was part of the upper tier, but now, he was Gamma and the only two wolves he had to answer to was Jinx and Lecter. If the rumors were true then he could rub it in her face. If she had returned, then he could blackmail her using her betrayal to get his way. Oh, this was truly wonderful.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Sitri - July 05, 2014

Sitri padded into the cave and looked around with red gleaming eyes. He knew Tyrande was back, had spoken to her already. Though his loyalty lied with Jinx and lecter his protectiveness was for the toxicologist alone. The only wolf to ever treat him with any semblance of decency other than his father, Lecter and Jinx. Everyone else looked at him like he was the plague. Granted he was not the smartest, but that was no fault of his, and it wasn't so much that he wasn't smart, but rather he just needed to be taught. He was a quick study, truth be told.

He moved into the shadows and studied the wolf kaname that had stolen his spot in the hierarchy. He did not want to cause a problem, but he would get his spot back of that he was sure. He stepped into view then and dipped his head in greeting, preferring not to talk, his language far too unrefined and guttural.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Kaname - July 05, 2014

Once he reached the pile of food he and the other hunters had created, the aspiring Gamekeeper plopped the deer nearby the other smaller carcasses. Rabbit, quail and pheasant, and some squirrels made there home in this little corner of the cave. His deer was the only ungulate.

He prepared to take the already loosened skin off the deer when he noticed Sitri nearby. The large brute nodded to him, saying nothing. The Gamma nodded back, murmuring "Greetings." Before starting to tear the skin off the deer. He would bring it to a sunkissed part of the mountain later to dry out and stretch later.

"Have you seen our toxicologist lately?" he had paused in his work to ask the question that had been on his mind. He hadn't seen much of Tyrande ever since she returned to the pack.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Sitri - July 06, 2014

Sitri strode forward and spoke softly yet still unrefined Need help? That was all he asked, he had no insights to offer, no conversation to start, granted he would have a conversation if it was wanted, but he hated starting them. He found that he was terrible at starting them also.

Sitri froze and looked at Kaname Yes Sitri has seen Tyrande Nightshade why do you want her? Sitri would not step in if the queen or lecter wished to do something to the toxicologist, but he’d be damned if someone else hurt her in some way if he was around. That was probably a futile thought and he would probably be ostracized for it, but she had gained his loyalty with her kindness to him.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Kaname - July 11, 2014

Kaname was halfway through pulling the skin away from the deer when Sitri offered help. He shook his head. "No, I think I am fine." he muttered through clenched teeth. After a bit more pulling, the skin peeled off quite cleanly. He placed the skin aside and moved the meat onto the pile.

"Well I haven't seen her ever since she rejoined the pack. I wanted to see how she was doing." More like he wanted to bother her and annoy her for her low ranking.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Sitri - July 14, 2014

Sitri twisted an ear towards the male Kaname and listend to his negative on help. He wondered why he wouldn’t want help, they were pack mates, that is what they were there for to help each other correct. He shook his head he didn’t know, he was used to taking orders not just helping out so it was different this time around for him.

Sitri shrugged then and spoke quietly keeping his voice neutral and his thoughts to himself. She is fine she is looking for a den in the new pack lands and of course hunting for her poisons. How she does that without dying Sitri does not understand.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Kaname - July 15, 2014

"She is immune to the poisons she works with." He explained to Sitri. While Tyrande was immune to a wide variety to poisons and toxins, Kaname could only boast slight immunity to certain common poisons like nightshade. He wouldn't die from certain doses, but would probably be very, very sick. "After a while of being exposed to those plants, your body doesn't react as badly to them anymore."

RE: Friend or Foe? - Sitri - July 19, 2014

Sitri listened, he wasn’t entirely sure what Immune meant, but he supposed it meant that they didn’t make her sick since she worked with them so often. He wasn’t sure, and he would ask Tyrande later what it mean, embarrassed to ask the male before him a common word most likely. Sometimes he hated the simple mind that churned behind his eyes.

that is good then I would think. Sitri would not like to work with poisons. he shook his head. He strained his memory trying to remember if his father had been immune. He didn’t think he had been, but his father had been a healer.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Kaname - July 20, 2014

"Neither would I. It looks like risky business." That didn't make Kaname respect Tyrande any more than he did. Sure she risked her life almost everyday trying to collect toxins to benefit the pack, but she still left them to persue the fool Majesty. She was still a traitor in his mind. But to Sitri...

He had seen them around together. They've been rather close ever since she returned to the pack. What was that about? "You and Tyrande have been very close lately..." he said, inviting Sitri to explain their relationship to him.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Sitri - July 20, 2014

Sitri listened as the other spoke, and he noticed the moment when the males thoughts turned to him. He wanted to growl in defense, he hated absolutely hated it when others formed opinions of him without even knowing him. They had done that when he was a slave, assuming that because he was the queens then he was as stuck up and royal as she, and he wasn’t….he had never had a friend before Tyrande.

Sitri stared at Kaname and spoke sharply and a bit gruffly, If you have a question just ask it. Sitri does not like it when you beat around the bush, makes you sneaky, don’t like sneaky. his red eyes bored into the other with a small measure of irritation and equal parts of anger, but he kept it in check and instead he spit out the words to the question, even though it hadn’t been posed. Tyrande is just Sitri’s friend, never had one before. She takes care of Sitri helps to calm the voices that yell and scream constantly.

He took two steps backward a little irritated, but he had spoken sharply and he didn’t want to be in smacking distance of the other. He then tilted his head and waited for what the male would say next.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Kaname - July 20, 2014

Kaname's ears pushed backwards slightly as Sitri glared at him, annoyed. He didn't mean it like that. He only wanted to know if he and Tyrande had a relationship at all. But he couldn't change Sitri's reaction, no matter how hard he tried. "I did not mean to offend you, Sitri." he said in apology. "I just wanted to know."

The assassin sighed in sympathy when the brown brute mentioned the voices in his head. He had voices too occasionally, but he doubted it was as bad as his. Sitri's voices screamed and yelled, while his were subtle gnats gnawing on the flesh, becoming more and more irritating...

RE: Friend or Foe? - Sitri - July 21, 2014

Sitri listened and dipped his muzzle Apology accepted. Sitri gets defensive about his only friend. And he did Tyrande the only wolf to ever show him complete kindness. Jinx yes she gave him a place to stay, but that was the most of their interaction really she was nice to him when they met, but Tyrande would seek him out at times or he would seek her out..that was how he determined the difference. Even the wolf in front of him, had never sought him out ot just talk to him to learn about him and he probably never would and Sitri was okay with that, he just didn't like to be questioned about his friend.

Now you know. that was all he said as he shifted and sat to his haunches.

RE: Friend or Foe? - Kaname - July 22, 2014

This looks like a good place to end. Thanks for the thread. :)

Kaname sighed. By all means he respected Sitri, no, it was more like intimidation. But he didn't like offending people that he kind of liked, or had no opinion on. If Tyrande and Sitri were friends, then fine. He didn't like Tyrande at all, but he wasn't about to force her to do anything.

The dark brown wolf got up, taking the deer hide in his jaws. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you later Sitri. Bye." With that, he strode out into a sun-kissed area to dry the hides. Maybe someone could use this as bedding. Perhaps he could give it as a gift to Cara?
