Wolf RPG
The Sunspire I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Printable Version

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I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Wisteria - August 01, 2018

For any healers, aspiring caregivers or both!

Wisp was hyperfocusing again, but this time it was a moving target. Her eyes tracked every flutter of the butterfly's wings as it bobbed and weaved over the flowers on the slope near the den, every muscle in her body taut as she slowly followed it with robotic steps. She never let it get even an inch further from her than it already was as she traced the intricacies of its wings with her gaze. An orange pattern on a black backdrop, with a pair of black spots on orange whorls near the body. The hindwing had an orange pattern suspiciously like crab's claws, though Wisp didn't know what those were (or what a hindwing was, or what bug she was looking at, or whether it was safe or not).

Her eyes were fixed on the three white spots at the tip of the butterfly's forewing when it flew out over a ridge, and Wisp blindly followed it into thin air. Luckily, Sunspire's ridges were short and the slopes were gentle, so the fall wasn't long and she landed on relatively soft grass. Unfortunately, her momentum threw her immediately into the side of a boulder lodged in grassy decline; she hit it square on with one tiny forelimb, which snapped at her wrist. Pain threw her panic, which was already mounting from the fall, into total overdrive, wrenching a blood-curdling screech from Wisp's throat.

RE: I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Hyacinth (R.I.P) - August 01, 2018

It was a normal sunshiney day for Hyacinth, she had checked up on the sick male she had brought back and made sure her herbs were in stock. She had an abundance of energy to use up, so she went out to hunt. She found a gopher nosing around and digging at the ground and crept ever so slowly forward, eyes fastened on the critter's fat haunches as it wiggled back and forth. It seemed to be going well until there was a scream. The scream caused the gopher to shriek and Hyacinth to jump five feet in the air, recognising it as a child and running off immediately.

She came upon the slope and stared down in shock for a moment at Wisp before carefully sliding down the hill and stopping in front of Wisp. "Hey Doll, you're okay. Can I pick you up?" she asked. She needed to get her back up the hill to properly check her out.

RE: I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Wisteria - August 01, 2018

She was found quickly, but if Wisp noticed Hyacinth or heard her question, there was no outward indication of it. The child was rocking side-to-side on her back, shrieking and flailing her tail madly as she tried to calm herself down while cradling her injured limb close to her chest. She had her eyes screwed shut and her ears plastered back in fear and displeasure. The butterfly was forgotten, although the pattern was branded into her brain as something negative now.

Everything about her said she was disconsolate and in no state to answer Hyacinth's question of consent; the healer would need to make the decisions for Wisp. The timid one-monther struggled enough with meeting new wolves when she was perfectly calm, but with a panic attack choking her and unexpected, unwanted pain wracking what little sense she had left, there was no getting through to her until something was done to make her relax.

RE: I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Hyacinth (R.I.P) - August 01, 2018

Shit. Hyacinth's blue eyes quickly scanned over the wailing pup,noticing the way her limb was held up against her body limply. That spoke of a sprained or fractured bone. The level of panic the child was in meant Hyacinth couldn't risk picking her up and moving her, for fear that she would freak out even more and possibly drop her as a result. So the next option was for Hyacinth to try and calm the child and treat her like a patient in shock which the poor baby probably was.

Slowly she slid down onto heher belly and ever so Gingerly pulled Wisp into her chest, careful not to bump or jostle the injured limb. Then she began to lick the pup's fur in long, slow, rhythmic motions from the top of her head down to the base of her spine. After about two minutes of that she began to hum and sing between licks
"you are my sunshine
my only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away"

She then continued to hum, trying to keep an aur of calmness herself as she knew panicking wouldn't help.

RE: I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Wisteria - August 02, 2018

No one could fault Hyacinth for not knowing Wisp and all her particulars. What the medicine woman did was exactly what any adult wolf would do to comfort any pup, only Wisp wasn't your average pup. Although being scooped up did serve to distract her from the pain in her leg for just long enough to open her teary eyes, it elicited more negativity in the child who didn't like to be cuddled or held than anything.

Screeching with displeasure, Wisp extended her good leg, planted her foot on Hyacinth's nose, and pushed with all her might. It was measly at best but served to communicate how she felt about being held, especially by someone unfamiliar. It was all too overwhelming for her, but luckily the wolf had also chosen to hum. Just like Rere, thought Wisp, and it was this that calmed her enough that she might be carried without fussing too much. She continued to try to push Hyacinth's head away, but her shrieking had died down to a blubbering sob and her eyes told a tale of pained confusion rather than outright fear.

RE: I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Hyacinth (R.I.P) - August 03, 2018

Inside her head was a tirade of panicked curses and very unladylike things but outwardly when the small girl pushed her away she simply looked surprised and mortified that what she had done was wrong. Maybe I'm not meant to be a healer she thought. Every time she seemed to try and help out she messed up somehow and it wasn't even like she was a young girl who had an excuse to be so dumb.

Seeing that something she did had calmed Wisp down at least a little bit, she took the opportunity and gripped the back of her scruff. Quickly but carefully so she didn't jostle the pup around too much, she scampered up the hill and onto stable ground. She then set Wisp down and sent up a call for @Rannoch or @Seabreeze, or just someone who had puppy experience and could help her calm the poor baby down. "My name is Hyacinth, my momma named me after a really pretty flower. See my eyes?" she crouched down, widening her pretty purple- blue eyes so that the child could gaze into them. She hoped that maybe distracting the little one would further calm her down. "That's the color of the flower i was named for. Your daddy is a friend of mine, he's had me check on you since you were a teeny little thing" she said stretching the truth just a bit. She wouldn't say Rannoch was a friend exactly quite yet but he did seem to like her and she liked him. As for the check ups, that was fairly true. She had been over to check on Wisp and her siblings ever since they were born.

RE: I'm a creeper in a bathroom 'cause my buddy kinda left me alone - Wisteria - August 08, 2018

Tacking on an ending at player's request.

Before she really knew what was happening, Hyacinth had hoisted her into the air and carried her back up the slope. She was held still and her limb was pressed too tightly to her chest to be jostled much, but she still wailed the whole time from discomfort alone. The pain was beginning to subside, replaced by a vaguely numbing sensation she would come to know as tolerance; the shock of it had worn off, but she could tell there was something not right about her leg.

So when she was deposited on the ground, Wisp kept it crooked up against her sternum. Hyacinth ducked low and began speaking and Wisp watched her with a wary and pained expression, understanding only a fraction of what was said. Her dark gold ears tipped toward the adult, but any attempt at eye contact was fruitless, for Wisp actively avoided making it. She stared instead at a spot on Hyacinth's jaw, where the fur was longer and feathery.

She shifted and bumped her leg and started from the jolt of pain that crept through her; that was all it took for the waterworks to start again. Eventually Hyacinth gave up on trying to calm her down with soothing words and comforting gestures and merely took her back to the den, where she offered half a crushed poppy seed, lulling Wisp halfway to sleep. Thus calmed, the healer bound two appropriately sized sticks to the sides of the pup's injured wrist with tightly wrapped cattail reeds and sap to keep them together. Once finished, the pack medic delivered the dozing babe to Liffey, who comforted her until she fell properly asleep with her injured limb held aloft.