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Blacktail Deer Plateau Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Printable Version

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Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Elixir - August 29, 2018

Elixir had been a bit absent minded lately, not really around to be there for the pack. She felt bad for her behavior lately but the dreams of the shadow who had given her the nasty scar that lay on her shoulder haunted her since the day it happen. It had been a while since she had felt good to be somewhere. Her efforts to release all her bad energy weren’t entirely working. 

Hopefully now that they had settled it would give her the satisfaction of a border and safety that she needed to sleep. For now she wondered through the night to see what she could contribute to the pack, maybe some food for caches or berries from a bush anything to keep her busy. 
all welcome :)

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Síff - August 29, 2018

It was one of those rare nights, or at least rare as of late, where Liri was unable to slip peacefully into sleep.

Something haunted her, some horror that danced from her grasp just as she woke - leaving her shaking with fear for a monster she could no longer remember. A memory of the caves, perhaps.

With a weary sigh, she hoisted herself onto three sore legs and with a gentle brush of her muzzle against Kavik's head, she began to pad from their den. She glanced in Illidan's direction, assuming that he had elected to sleep with them, to see that he was sleeping and slipped silently from the darkness of the den. 

The atrium appeared ghostly, abandoned in the night. The moon was reflected in the pool, a twin of the pale orb overhead when one stepped close enough to see the sky. Stars winked at her in beckoning but the slyph turned from their lure and instead took to wandering the dark forest. 

In the dark, the territory seemed alien. Familiar, but washed out with the night. The details were lost, the landscape softened into something dreamlike beneath the moon's light. 

The fae couldn't say how long she walked, lost in thought, before she noticed the scent and heard the sound of Elixir nearby. She called out softly in the night, letting the wolfdog know she was nearby - so she wouldn't startle her - before following the scent to the darker girl. 

She greeted Elixir with a chuff as she neared, concern wrinkling her brow when she smelled the injury. 

"Are you alright?" She asked softly, silently asking if the Gamma needed medical attention. Liri hadn't had the supplies necessary to tend to the wound while they were traveling but now her medical caches were beginning to fill up with plants, cobwebs, and the like. 

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Elixir - August 29, 2018

Elixir had made her way through some bushes carefully sniffing each one only to be disappointed at every one for it wasn’t the black berries she was hoping for. There was only two more bushes to be sniffed before she ran out of bushes in that area, she sniffed the next one and it wasn’t what she was looking for. At this point she had lost hope but she brushed by the next one and caught scent of one of the juicy beetle eye looking fruits. Her tail wagged in excitement as she turned to face the bush.

Just ready to eat one the wolfdog heard a chuff behind her that seemed familiar. “Hello Liri!” She said softly as her eyes met the Alphas. Elixir looked down at her shoulder and then back up at Liri feeling a bit embarrassed. “I think it’s healing well, but if you’d like to take a look at it I won’t mind a bit. Now that we’ve settled maybe it would be easier to look at.” She nodded and smiled softly, most of the time she bared weight on it but at that time she hadn’t put her paw on the ground.

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Síff - August 30, 2018

She could not help but smile at Elixir's greeting, for she had always enjoyed the bubbly wolfdog's company.

"I hope I haven't disturbed you," Liri murmured, dark gaze finding the bush of blackberries. She hid a wry smile, for it was no secret that the berries were a soft spot for the healer as well.

She moved closer as Elixir gave her permission for Liri to examine the wound. It was well on its way to healing, but the process was no doubt a slow and painful one - the wound itself looked angry and red, swollen - which was to be expected with a wound this size. 

"Well, it's nothing life threatening or even serious," she smiled as she shot the darker girl a look of reassurance. "But it probably hurts. I have some herbs for the pain and to keep out infection."

"I can go get them if you like," the healer offered questioningly, as she'd long ago learned there were some wolves who didn't trust the plants they were offered or simply refused to eat them.


RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Elixir - September 01, 2018

Elixir was grateful for Liri showing up and taking a look at her wound, if she didn’t than the wolfdog would have just bared through the pain and let it do whatever it was going to do. She was good at keeping her wound under control until night which was the worst time for pain. She nodded at what Liri says and then gave a smile.

it does hurt especially around the night if you have something that helps I would be willing to try it out. I’m sure it’s better than nothing at this point “ she said softly and nodded to her. The wolfdog was still going to help the pack anyway she could, this would not set her back any. If anything this had made her stronger and more vigilant when she’s out getting things for the pack.

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Síff - September 04, 2018

The healer nodded in response to Elixir's words, touching her nose to the Gamma's uninjured shoulder briefly before disappearing into the darkness. 

The sylph prided herself on a keen sense of direction. She didn't know how to use the stars for navigation, as some did, but she had an inner compass that had never led her astray and a knack for memorizing landscapes. It hadn't taken the tracker long to map the plateau in her mind's eye and even in darkness, the Alpha more or less shot straight for the cairns. 

Some of her plants, the ones that required cool, shady areas, had been stored in hidden nooks within the atrium. Others had been stored in homemade cairns in a small clearing near the Door. It was here that the healer carefully moved the rocks from their pattern, taking out bundles of herbs and laying them out neatly at her feet for examination. 

Her dark gaze skipped over some of the milder herbs - oak leaves, chervile root, burdock root - in place of horsetail which was strong enough to cure the corruption in wounds that had already festered. That's sure to kill anything left in the wound, Liri thought as she sat a small branch of the herb aside. The healer grabbed nettle leaves for the swelling of the wound and celandine as well, for the pain - skipping over the stronger poppy seeds which could be addictive. 

With herbs and cobwebs clutched in her maw, the healer returned to Elixir - dipping her pale crown as she approached. She settled on her haunches before the Gamma, resting her mouthful of medicines on the ground. The healer nudged the celandine - which had been doused liberally with mouse blood before drying to make it more palatable - towards Elixir as if to say eat this one. 

The nettle leaves and horsetail she took for herself, for the healer got the unfortunate task of chewing the bitter herbs into a pulp. The sylph squinted her dark eyes shut, attempting to block out the disgusting taste as she chewed them to a mash. Once she was done, the northron unceremoniously spit it onto the wound and carefully covered it with cobwebs - which were sticky enough to act as band aids. 

"All done," the aspiring medic stated as she stepped back, taking a look at her handiwork. 

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Elixir - September 08, 2018

Elixir watched as Liri left to go gather herbs. She smiled as she touched her nose to her untouched shoulder. The wolfdog admired Liri for her caring and accepting personality. Elixir decided to take a seat as she was waiting on the herbs. She hoped she would be back to 100% soon. 

Her ears perked as Liri came back into view with the herbs. When she set them down in front of her Elixir took a sniff and then shrugged it probably wasn’t the worst thing she would ever eat in her life. She gave a small smile to Liri in thanks and then ate it. As she was chewing the taste was something that would haunt her buds forever. It was bitter and all around nothing she’d ever had but she powered through it without hesitation.

Thank you Liri.” She said softly. It was already starting to feel better so hopefully later it would look better.

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Síff - September 10, 2018

"It's no problem," she returned cheerily, her head dipping. It was everyone's duty to contribute to the pack but as a healer it was her calling to offer medical aid to anyone who needed it. 

"What's got you up so late?" She asked curiously as she sat, knowing she'd probably regret asking if Elixir returned the question. Liri wasn't looking forward to sharing the nightmares that plagued her, even still. 

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Elixir - September 10, 2018

Elixir smiled and nodded at Liri, she had a good heart. Hopefully with time her hurt, emotionally and physically, would die down so she could feel comfort again. "I've been having nightmares and sometimes when the weather changes my wound makes it so uncomfortable I come out to look around the territory. I'm still getting to know most of it." she said softly. It was probably not what Liri was expecting but she would always be loyal to her Alphas telling them anything they need to know. 

"Could I ask you why you're up late? Probably not my business but theres nothing better to do but talk." she said giving a warm look to her.

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Síff - September 11, 2018

She was unsure whether she should inquire into the nature of Elixir's nightmares. She didn't want to pry into the Gamma's personal business but simultaneously, she wanted to help. "Is it about whoever hurt you?" Her voice was soft, understanding as she looked to Elixir with concerned eyes.

"I keep dreaming about those damned caves," her words seemed hollow as a furrow formed between her eyes. She could see the outline of the jagged rock teeth - like that of some monster who would eat her whole as the dark mother, Nemesis, forced her in. The damp, mildew smell still clings to her nose and she can feel the rats crawling along her skin; her heart begins to pound. She can taste Abraxas's blood on her palate and hear his deceptively soft taunts of how he was coming back for her..

"There was a time someone hurt me too," she added solemnly as she forced herself away from her memories, away from the man who had ruined her so long ago.

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Elixir - September 13, 2018

Elixir let her head fall to look at the ground and her paw moved the dirt as it did so. The question was a little uncomfortable for her but as it seemed she would always be truthful and tell her superiors everything. After just a moment of uncomfortable silence the wolfdog brought her head up and nodded. "It is. It was haunting. It seemed like he came out of no where. The nightmares are about everything and then he comes out of nowhere and just.... the next moment... I'm gone?" she said choking up at the end. 

She took a small deep breath to gather herself again. Nothing had ever hurt her as much as this did. She knew though that talking about it could help her but it brought back all the real feelings she felt that night.

"Caves?" Elixir asked softly, not knowing if she meant the cave that was in the Plateau or a different one. As she watched Liri after she said that she realized it probably wasn't the one in the territory. Then she said 'someone hurt me too' and Elixir wanted to cry for her too. She knew what it felt like to be hurt and felt for Liri. "I'm so sorry Liri, I didn't know." she said nodding with sympathetic eyes.

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Síff - September 17, 2018

Liri listened with silent sympathy as the girl explained, feeling that she understood. In her dreams, they sometimes made her disappear too. 

She nodded in response, not elaborating. It was hard enough to share this with Kavik, she was unable to describe the caverns in detail to Elixir - unable to share that part of her past. 

"It's alright, it was long ago," she reassured with a tired smile. "Someday your nightmares will seem the same, just that. Nightmares that happened to someone else in a different time," she murmured.

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Elixir - September 20, 2018

Elixir smiled at Liri. The woman was a very respectable alpha. She did hope that her nightmares would one day go away, but for now she would be stuck with them at least for another little while. Though she did feel confident that Liri was right, one day they will be nothing more than just a bad memory much like most of her past. 

Thank you Liri for talking with me tonight, it helped a lot. “ Elixir said as she turned to the berry bush and made a mental note of the location. The pack could use the berries later on when the deer become scarce in the winter or for celebration or just a snack, either way Elixir would later go back and gather some. 
Thanks for the thread! <3 I thought we could end here/ with your next reply!

RE: Haunting details, but you’ll get over it. - Síff - September 24, 2018

Liri nodded, offering a soft, "Good night," as she watched the dark shadow disappear into the night. A few heartbeats passed and the healer was alone with only the night for company. She lingered for a moment longer, seemingly without cause, before gathering the remainder of her supplies gently in her maw. 

With the moon to light her path, the pale leader returned to the cairns - savoring the walk to clear her mind. She returned the medical supplies neatly to their place and made her way back to the Door. 

The girl slipped beneath the current of foliage and past the ghostly pool within the atrium. Silently, Liri returned to Kavik's side, stepping over Illidan as she went, to lay beside him. Sleep found her within moments, her dark eyes slipping shut peacefully.