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Great Bear Wilderness Explore it out - Printable Version

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Explore it out - Sitri - June 30, 2014

Sitri traveled from the den of his own and padded towards the new land, they had yet to lay claim too. His red eyes were fixed on the horizon as he worked hard to find some of the game that populated the area. He padded on silent paws, with his nose twitching trying to scent some game.

He wasn't sure what he would find here, but he hoped to find something worth hunting. He tilted his head and listened, for small pitter patter of some animal. He hoped to start making some caches here on the new territory, happy to contribute where he could. He had been a silent pack member for too long, it was time to up his ante and work at getting to know those among their ranks.

RE: Explore it out - Tyrande Nightshade - June 30, 2014

Tyrande had recently came back to Silvertip Mountain, but her new rank had made it hard for her to greet the rest of the pack again. She feared she would never gain Jinx's trust now that she had returned upon abandoning the pack. Still, it wouldn't hurt to try.

The old clay pot dangled from her jaws, with comfortable familiarity as she padded towards the land known as Ouroboros Spine. Her clay pots have been cleared from rotted and dry leaves that had been left behind. She had dusted and separated the good pelts from the bad and had collected dry moss and salt stones. Her den was ready to be moved to the new territory, but she still had yet to find one.

She was looking around closer to the lake itself (It was ideal to find a dark place, like a hollow or cavern near it to store her clay, and a close supply of drinking water wasn't a con, either) when she caught the scent on the wind. Her tail drooped, but wagged slightly. She was torn upon seeing Sitri again. Would he be angry? Upset? Happy? She may have listened to his words, but Sitri had such a blank-slate personality when it came to show emotions towards others, unless it was an intruder. She wondered if, upon leaving, she had hurt him in some way. But, this is only time to make amends if it did hurt him...

She set the bucket down by the lake shore and turned towards Sitri's scent. Within a few minutes, the black wolf would come upon the chocolate brute.

She saw him on the horizon. As she drew closer to him, the she-wolf lowered her body as a sign of her lower rank. Her coat glimmered from black to a glossy blue, the same effect a raven's feather's would hae in the midday sun. Her grey had turned into a brilliant dark silver that echoed the black fur's effect. Her eyes had become a more vibrant lavender and her runner's muscles rippled underneath her pelt. She had taken note of these changes. She wondered if Sitri had changed at all as well.

She stopped a few yards away from Sitri, belly to the ground. She kept glancing at his eye contact before returning her gaze to the floor several times. She said nothing, for fear of what words would come out.

RE: Explore it out - Sitri - July 01, 2014

Sitri swiveled tattered ears towards the sound of footfalls and turned towards that raven furred Tyrande. He had not been there when she came back to the fold, and he had not been there when she had left. He supposed if he looked deep enough he would realize she had hurt him, and he would realize she was usually the only one that could calm the voices that threatened to overtake him, that had gotten undecidedly worse after she had left, but he couldn't show her that. To give her that power could sign his death, because once someone won his emotions, he did anything for them, and it could cause insurmountable problems if he wasn't careful.

However, at seeing her he felt his tail wag and a small dip of his nose to the ground to tell her hello. Tyrande stand up no need to do that for Sitri. He shifted a little more weight to his frame, but other than that the brute had not changed much, he was still scarred and world weary and extremely backward and guttural, but he was there none the less.

Tyrande tyrande The voices growled over and over again inside his mind.

RE: Explore it out - Tyrande Nightshade - July 02, 2014

Tyrande stood up, but shook her head in disagreement. "There is every reason to do that, Sitri. I... I had abandoned the pack. The fact that Jinx even allowed me back into the pack is a miracle in itself... I was a deserter..."

The shame that came off her was almost palpable. Part of her wanted him to yell, wanted him to rage at her. She did something wrong. Sitri was the only one that had looked upon her with at least somewhat friendly eyes since her return, even if there were only three others she had seen.

For the last few days, she had fervently tried to get the scent of a pack wolf back on her fur, just to put that part of her life in the past, but the earthy scent of her herbal work outside of Teekon seemed adamant on reminding her of her fault.

She sighed, the dark feelings of depression, uncertainty, and shame seeming to almost cripple her figure. "Jinx has not forgiven me, Sitri. And now she'll never grow to trust me. The only reason I remain in the pack is most likely because of my abilities. If I was just an everyday wolf, I probably wouldn't even be alive anymore... Otherwise, why has she allowed me to be here?"

RE: Explore it out - Sitri - July 02, 2014

Sitri listened and laid ears to his skull. He spoke quietly, his voice guttural and unrefined. You may have deserted, but you didn't join another pack. That is enough of a small bit of wiggle room.

He panted for a moment trying to come up with the right words to make her feel better, but he honestly didn't know how. He was terrible at this stuff, having virtually no emotions that he didn't suppress as it were.

Sitri looked at her and spoke softly yet again, Sitri thinks that Queen Jinx is not as cold as she likes most to see. maybe she thought you needed another chance. Sitri does not know Tyrande, he is just a simple wolf, but Sitri is glad you are back. He shrugged and bowed his head unsure what else to say, fearing that perhaps he had already said too much, but he was trying to be better he was.

Sitri is trying to fix Sitri. He looked at her with questioning gaze wondering if she would help.

RE: Explore it out - Tyrande Nightshade - July 06, 2014

Tyrande's heart lifted at Sitri's forgiveness. It was the first words of kindess she had received since her arrival, and she was glad it came from the dark wolf. She smiled softly and looked up at him, her lavender eyes glowing faintly with a soft violet light. "I'm glad to be back, Sitri..."

She sat up as Sitri continued. Sitri trying to fix Sitri. She shook her head at this. Those words made him sound as if he was a tool that had been bent out of shape, or a clay pot that had been shattered. But he wasn't an object, he was a wolf.

"There's no such thing as fixing yourself when you're not broken, Sitri." she began. "You are merely trying to find yourself. You're trying to find who you are in the cruel, yet beautiful world. You're just a little later than others."

She smiled at this, her eyes in a far off place. "But, you know, Sitri, my brother always thought that the late blooming flowers... Are the most beautiful ones. I think he was right."

RE: Explore it out - Sitri - July 06, 2014

Sitri was not sure what was expected of him now, he had told her he was glad she was back, and she had said she was glad. But now what, did he bump her in the shoulder? Or not touch her at all? Sitri was terrible with this stuff, every touch he had ever known had been in the throes of some sort of passion, whether it was red hot anger, or a carnal desire so primitive you could do nothing but act on it. He didn’t know what to take from those glowing eyes either, he was nervous now.

Regardless of what Tyrande thought or believed, Sitri had been nothing more than a tool, a tool used for death, for lust, for pain and for darkness. A tool, forced to do the bidding of a mad demon queen.

Sitri scoffed and spoke softly Tyrande Sitri is not beautiful, once upon a time yes he was a handsome man, but now Sitri is scarred and brutally disfigured. There is no beauty here. He shrugged his massive shoulders, it was simple he was not a beautiful creature, and she could not paint him into one, it was not possible.

RE: Explore it out - Tyrande Nightshade - July 06, 2014

As much as most believed, Tyrande was a stubborn creature. She refused to give up on Sitri. To accept him as a tool to be used. She was determined on making him see the light that he wasn't as bad a wolf as her thought he was.

She shook her head. "Beauty does not stop on flesh and fur, Sitri. It grows. It grows to your bone, to your marrow, and finally to your heart. You don't have to be beautiful on the outside to be considered ugly, and vice versa. Look who you're talking to, Sitri!" The black female stood up and turned in place. "Take a good long look, Sitri. I do not consider myself a pretty wolf. Who would go for a wolf with strange eyes and unnatural-looking markings? I'll tell you, no one. It's damn near impossible."

She sighed. "But I do consider myself a good wolf. I do what I think is right, and what I think is right is showing you that your past doesn't mark who you are. There's a story, Sitri, about a boy with a past a lot like yours. It was a boy born with a sister, growing up to be her servant, and she his queen. He was forced to do many bad things for her, including wiping out an entire neighboring pack. Even going so far to kill the wolf he loved.

"In the end, he used his looks, since he was an identical twin to his sister, to let her escape from death by the people. He didn't do it because she was his queen. He did it because she was his sister. He did it to protect her. He did a lot of bad things, Sitri, but protected his sister simply because she was his sister. Now, does that make him a bad wolf?

RE: Explore it out - Sitri - July 07, 2014

Sitri wasn’t sure if she would ever succeed in making him realize that he was not as terrible as everyone made him believe. But he sure did appreciate her for trying.
Sitri listened to her and wondered why she felt that he was worth saving, that he was worth the hassle to make better.

Sitri spoke out, Sitri’s heart has been dark a long time, Tyrande. He watched as she twirled and wondered why she thought she was ugly, he thought she was pleasing to the eye and her eyes were pretty like flowers. He didn’t know what to say, but he tried anyway. You are a pretty wolf Tyrande and your eyes are like flowers. If someone calls you ugly you send them to me sitri will make sure they never do so again.

Sitri listened and then he spoke after her story, That is not possible for Sitri to do, everyone Sitri’s cares for dies, so he doesn’t care anymore, or he tries not to.