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Grouse Thicket And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Printable Version

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And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 08, 2018

tag for ref <3

She was completely unaware that there was a pack near where she roamed, though she'd find out soon enough if she continued.  For now, she and @Erzulie had tacked south, and sought a place to settle before the cold truly set in.  These woods weren't exactly what she had in mind, but they did look promising when it came to food, and Rosalyn had a hunger to sate.

She spotted the birds before she spotted the carcass, and made a beeline for the flock, scattering ravens and crows that had gathered on the fallen deer.  It wasn't immediately apparent what had killed it, but it was food, and that was pretty much all the pirate needed to know at the moment.

She cast a quick glance about to ensure that she was alone, then set to tearing at the free meal.  A few of the birds grew bolder as she went, but any that came too close to her end she corrected with a quick snap.  She could add them to the menu fairly easily if they tested their luck too far.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - RIP Niamh - November 08, 2018

WC: 542
....Oh, hello there... <3
Due to all the sensory overload she’d been experiencing as of late- what with Tegan’s return, Caiaphas’ leadership challenge and finding out that Screech was actually still alive and had kidnapped Ceara- there was nothing Niamh wanted more than to go out, get some time to herself, and kill something. Preferably something that she could eat, too, as she was not only angry but hungry, and a hangry Niamh was never a pretty sight. She’d not said much since she had found out about Screech’s mysterious ability to pull himself back from the dead and join probably the worst group of wolves ever, and had wound her way along the borders until she’d come to the thicket, which was her usual hunting place. A bird would suffice, she figured- then she could take her anger out with each mouthful of feathers that she plucked from its body. And then use to those to line her den, almost as though in revenge.

She caught the scent of carrion and was immediately interested. Niamh wasn’t picky when it came to food, and even if it had been dead for a few days she’d still eat it. If she didn’t have to put any effort into killing something, she’d definitely not complain about a free meal. She remembered the last time she’d found a dead deer not too far away- she and a pretty white wolf had gone head to head over it, and she’d somehow ended up losing almost the entire kill. At least she’d been able to fill her belly before the pretty white wolf had made off with the rest of the remains, though. She’d have to be smarter about it this time.

She approached, and saw another wolf feasting first, snapping at the vultures who had gathered around the kill, and at first, she didn’t recognize the tawny woman. It wasn’t until she got a bit closer and narrowed her gaze, catching the female’s scent over the scent of meat that she finally realized who it was- and with everything else in her life that had just gone sour, Niamh’s mood darkened. She remembered Rosalyn. The pack had taken her in when she’d been weak and hurt, and she’d left without so much as a thank you….It had pissed Raven off to no end at the time, and Niamh had been sent out searching for her, to deal out her punishment. Rosalyn was one of several names on Niamh’s hit-list...But she was the first one who’d managed to wander right into her sight.

”Rosalyn, you bitch, She hissed. Probably more hostile than Rosalyn would have ever expected her to be; the last time Niamh had seen her, she’d brought the injured female a meal. ”You ungrateful wench! She growled, and hurtled toward the brown figure, not only intending to chase her away from the meal, but to dole out a punishment for having taken advantage of her pack’s kindness. She’d had enough of that lately, and would be damned if she was simply going to let Rosalyn take from them yet again. She charged directly at the beautiful auburn wolf, finally glad to have an excuse to go savage on someone.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 08, 2018


To not be expecting company would be foolish; she had an ear open as she ate, partial attention on any who might come to try and chase her away from what they could decide was their own meal.  But to say she was expecting Niamh would be a lie, and to say she expected a reaction like the one she got would be an even bigger one.

At first, she didn't recognize the golden girl who shouted, and her head snapped around with an intense focus on who would a) know her name and b) have reason to come at her like this.  It took a moment to register, and by the time it did, Niamh was already practically on top of her.

"What the f-" uck is your problem, was what would have come out, if she'd had time to get over her shock and actually finish the sentence.  But instead she was forced to skedaddle sideways, confusion mingling with a sharp spike of indignation that clearly showed in the glare she shot Niamh.  She didn't know what the woman's problem was, but she wasn't about to leave without a piece of that meal to take with her as she went.  Current company's mood swings nonwithstanding.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - RIP Niamh - November 08, 2018

WC: 469
Like a pirate, used to traversing the ever-shifting planks of a ship at sea, Rosalyn was nimble on her feet and easily stepped out of Niamh’s way, causing her to curse under her breath. She should have used a bit less power, and perhaps angled herself in preparation for Rosalyn to move sideways, rather than straight away from her. She gathered herself again, and wheeled to face Rosalyn like a bull who had just missed the matador- but was close enough now that she didn’t need to worry about covering the ground between them and losing her quarry, as there was less of a chance Rosalyn could bolt away without getting tackled first.

Normally, Niamh would have put on some sort of theatrics and shouted accusations at her foe. She might have shouted something about her abusing the kindness of her pack, or about leaving without saying thank you. She could have gone on a wordy tangent about how she had drawn from the pack’s resources, and had never repaid their kindness or even said a word to anyone before she’d simply slipped away. This time, Niamh didn’t want to hurl insults or explain herself- she felt indignant and sure that Rosalyn would know why she was pissed, even though it all likely came as a massive surprise to her. Niamh didn’t care. Niamh just wanted to smash something that was pretty.

Rosalyn did look a bit confused, but that didn’t prompt Niamh to speak. Instead, she circled closer, snarling. She wanted Rosalyn to not only abandon the dead deer, but to pay as well...Though she was keenly aware that she wouldn’t likely get both of her wishes fulfilled. There was another scent on the air- one belonging to another female, and Niamh knew that she was in neutral territory and could still be in danger. But it was worth it- it was worth getting to growl and snarl and snap at someone who deserved it. She needed some sort of release, and this was it. This was her opportunity to get some of her unfocused rage out before she pulled herself together and formulated some greater plan to restore order and balance to the world which had recently been turned on its end.

She stalked Rosalyn for a moment, before she lunged, aiming to hit the female almost directly front-on, but aiming for the female’s shoulder. It was the best way to protect her own vulnerable parts while possibly landing a blow. She could only assume that Rosalyn knew how to fight, but Niamh believed she had the slight upper-hand, given that she was a relatively well-fed pack wolf, and in excellent condition. It had been quite some time, after all, since the last time she’d been in a fight, and was in prime condition, for once.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 08, 2018

A part of her still figured that Niamh was bluffing... and it was that part that made her pause an instant too long, considering how she would make out of this with something to show.

Niamh's lunge took her by surprise, catching her shoulder just as she moved to dart around.  With a leg caught, she ended up buckling, falling forward and nearly slamming her muzzle into the dirt.  Luckily she was able to at least pull her head up.

What the fuck is your problem?! She finally hissed, but her confusion was giving way to anger.  She couldn't really afford injury as a lone wolf approaching winter, but she wasn't about to roll over and take this shit either.  She snapped back at Niamh, aiming for her face.  If she connected it'd be a painful scratch, but if not, it would at least maybe shock her into letting go.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - RIP Niamh - November 08, 2018

When she made contact, she grabbed what she could of the dense fur and skin of Rosalyn’s shoulder and bit down, even though she knew that where she’d landed her teeth- just above the point of Rosalyn’s shoulder- was not a particularly integral or sensitive area. Niamh could have shaken her head from side to side with a fair amount of gusto and still inflicted minimal damage, due to the fur and skin that protected the neck and shoulders. She wrenched sideways when Rosalyn snapped at her cheek, not moving enough to get completely out of the way and she felt the keen pain of teeth clipping through fur and skin just below her eye. With a growl, she released, knowing that that bite had been a warning- if she persisted and Rosalyn struck again, she would likely aim to really hurt by grabbing Niamh’s muzzle, or trying to hook an eye with one of her canines. An ear could be torn too- and she needed to avoid that sort of damage. 

She released Rosalyn and glared at her when she demanded an explanation. ”You had some nerve, taking advantage of our hospitality- and then disappearing without thanking Raven at all,” She said. ”You piss Raven off, you piss me off. That kill is in our hunting grounds- leave it,” She demanded, taking a bold stride forward to punctuate the point she was making.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 08, 2018

Rosalyn let out a small guttering sound when Niamh's jerking away pulled at the hold she had, but she didn't snap further as the other woman pulled back.  Instead she glared, and her lip curled up derisively at the answer.  "I didn't ask for help, and if I knew it'd cost me, I wouldn't have taken it.  I offered ye the same if  you ever needed help, but I don't owe you and yours anything."  They weren't her crew, and if her presence had been an inconvenience, then they shouldn't have helped her. "This isn't your ground. Back off."  

Maybe testing her luck wasn't the best idea here but Rosalyn was starting to get real tired of pack wolves who felt they owned her or the land she walked on.  First Drageda, now this.  Fuck if she was walking without saying her piece.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - RIP Niamh - November 08, 2018

Rosalyn made a fair point, but unfortunately for her, Niamh was not the most reasonable creature on the planet. She, like others her age, felt a tad too entitled to function properly in such a situation, so she didn’t handle Rosalyn’s comments well. She snarled in indignition, believing Rosalyn to be selfish and ungrateful. And when she tried to claim the carcass as hers, Niamh had had enough. 

This was the Redhawk’s hunting grounds and she’d be damned if she’d just roll over and let Rosalyn have the kill to herself. She shifted her weight from one forefoot to the other, as though testing out her weight and balance, before she feigned to the left and lunged, snapping again at Rosalyn’s shoulder- aiming more to spook Rosalyn into giving up her position than actually aiming to hurt- before targeting Rosalyn’s haunches. If she could bowl Rosalyn over or at least grab her, she might be able to force her out of the way.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 08, 2018

She didn't back off.  The opposite, actually, not that Roz wasn't expecting it.  She shouldn't be fighting; but the reasons not to were the same as the reasons she was so deadset on not turning away.  If she and Erzulie were to survive, they would need to take what they could find whenever they came upon it.  Besides, she was mad now.

Niamh targeted her haunches, but Rosalyn had had enough.  She let the other woman get in close, but as she did, have a savage snap at her hind leg.  She wasn't aiming to warn; she was aiming to maim, and if she connected, the bite would be a hard one.  Maybe at one point they could have been friends; and maybe at one point this was a pack Roz might have joined.  But not anymore.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Erzulie - November 08, 2018

hunger clawed at her belly, or perhaps it was the stone of guilt she had swallowed. the harlot moved through the forest along the trail of rosalyn's scent. 
erzulie had begun to rethink her earlier pride, despite the fact it cost her a great deal of self-face to do so. the days had grown more and more cold, and prey thinned. two wolves were more than capable in the summer; the chai-tea woman was unsure they would brave the harshest snows yet to come alone without suffering.
suffering — dead ahead the sound of snarling, rosalyn's raised voice. erzulie's hackles bristled; she was galvanized immediately by fear, and again the ache of her empty stomach. meat here, and her lover entangled with a honeyed thing almost oer'top it.
the harlot's immediate focus was the corsair's safety; she was silent as she leapt toward the pair, striking fiercely for the flashing maw of the stranger. a lip, the bridge of her nose; erzulie did not care, so long as she was driven back and away from rosalyn.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - RIP Niamh - November 08, 2018

Had Niamh been more prepared for the whole situation, she might have known that there were other ways to get what she wanted. She wanted an apology and some show of appreciation- and Rosalyn even confessed that at one point, she might have done just that. More flies could be caught with honey but Niamh was more like a child set loose around a hornet’s nest, armed with a fly swatter. She didn’t have any approach, and though she could flail like mad and kill as many hornets as she could pin down, she couldn’t win the war. She was about to learn just how poor of a decision she’d made, relying yet again on her pre-conceived notion of invincibility that was founded on nothing but her ego and a few lucky fights. She had the heart of a true warrior- but lacked the real experience. 

So when Rosalyn rounded on her and snapped at her leg, Niamh was taken by surprise- and was distracted, too, by the rapid approach of another female wolf...The one she’d smelled earlier. These two were companions, and she should have known better than to take on a wolf who had company not far away. A fight between her and Rosalyn alone would have been a close match- but with the addition of Rosalyn’s partner, Niamh had no hope in taking even just one of them down. 

She shrieked when Rosalyn bit her leg, but had lowered herself just enough so that her fangs sank into the meaty flesh of her leg just above the knee rather than clamping down on her shin. A snap like that could have broken straight through the bone so she snapped at Rosalyn’s own hind leg in retaliation, but did not aim to grab- only to bite emough to make her let go. 

The razor sharp fangs of Rosalyn’s companion ranked at her cheek, tearing the wound Rosalyn had already created open even further, and Niamh knew then that she had no hope so she bounded sideways and away from the two females, tail tucked but still snapping defensively should they pursue her. She prayed that one of her packmates might hear the commotion and come to her aid- but she couldn’t stop to howl, as doing so would expose her throat and she had no idea how far Rosalyn and her companion were willing to take the fight. Niamh knew with her leg wounded as it was that she would not be able to run fast enough to escape them, so she continued to sidle away, snarling and snapping, but her posture very much exhibiting the fact thatshe was defeated- but would atill defend herself to the death if necessary.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 09, 2018

Victory was sweet as it was short lived.  Her jaws caught Niamh's leg, but quicker than expected, she was forced to release when Niamh returned the favor to her.  Rosalyn hadn't given herself enough room to avoid being caught, and she couldn't afford an injury like that.  

The warning was enough to make her let go, but it was the arrival of Erzulie that turned the tide.  Her lover barreled in overtop, a sight to see, and Rosalyn felt a deep pride as she shifted to stand again beside.  

She wasn't interested in chasing.  Her ears were pinned, and her lips lifted, but she didn't step forward.  Instead she kept an eye on Erzulie, continuing to growl threateningly.  They could stay here and defend the meal she'd found, or move on.  There could be others nearby, but she was willing to take the risk.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Erzulie - November 09, 2018

her blow landed; blood filled her mouth. the harlot gave a dire grin beneath the gore, a snarl promising that she would tear a new wound in the strange she-wolf if given half the chance. flanking rosalyn, erzulie watched tensely as the woman limped a retreat, and then her mintglow gaze found that of the pirate. "she not be wor't it, love," the jezebel decided, her voice loud enough to mock the coward. 
turning to the kill, she began to gorge herself, intending to carry off as much of it as she was able. the wolf was wreathed with the scent of others, and lone creatures could not stand against them. this meat belonged to them, so long as they were able to defend it, but it was not worth injury or death.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - RIP Niamh - November 10, 2018

Shame filled Niamh as she was forced to withdraw, and the female’s comment stung. A coward? Of course, she felt like one...But she had made a promise to Colt, and now was hardly the time to be injured when they were already down a member of the pack and Towhee was still recovering. Niamh saw herself as being one of only a few battle-ready wolves, and couldn’t let them down by foolishly trying to hold her own against two others. There was no way she could have come out on top against both of them, and hadn’t even put in a solid effort. 

”Try fighting your own battles sometime, Rosalyn.” Came her vicious and spiteful reply. She gave a glare to Rosalyn’s companion, who had somehow thought that two against one was a fair turf war. ”Consider yourself marked- next time, I won’t be alone...And next time, you’ll die.” She vowed. Leaving the two females to their spoils, Niamh retreated. Their find wasn’t worth it- a kill aready picked and pulled apart, and now subject to another round of scavengers. She’d made the right choice, of course, but it didn’t feel like it as she left them to their kill with a jilted step.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 10, 2018

The hostility - it rolled off of her, but Rosalyn remained fixed, staring at the golden woman as she disappeared.  As she did so, a sinking sensation settled in the pirate's gut.  All through their travels so far, the Redhawks had been a silent fallback in her mind.  Perhaps, if everything went south, she'd thought, there was at least one pack out there who might have room for them.  Who she had left on good terms.

Apparently she poisoned everything she touched.

The wilds had never felt more crowded.  She gave a small, snorting laugh, then shook her head and turned back.  Well, least she could do was partake in the spoils.  She dug in opposite Erzulie, keeping an eye on the trees behind.  If anyone came, they'd need to clear off pretty quickly.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Erzulie - November 15, 2018

last post! <3

rosalyn fell beside her, and erzulie nudged her lover gently with a shoulder. "when we move from dis place, you should tell me who dat was," the harlot murmured lightly. it appeared the pair had history; out of curiosity she wished to know. in time, erzulie tore a great swathe of meat from the kill and stepped over it, ready to move on when the pirate was.

RE: And just a little too honest to believe that I am saved - Rosalyn - November 16, 2018

She nodded and moved to pick up a chunk as well, accompanying Erzulie away.  When they stopped, she would tell her of the RedHawks; how they'd helped her, she'd promised help in return, and left them.  And how apparently this was a problem.

It seemed to be a pattern.  Territorial wolves who thought others owed them the world.