Wolf RPG
The Tangle all tied up, no more love - Printable Version

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all tied up, no more love - Freddie - November 14, 2018

During his time leading Big Cliff, he'd only ever had one major complaint — aside from his friends being idiots and the lack of Lily, of course. Each day, without fail, he would wake up and observe the bane of his existence from the highest point of the cliffs and complain about it for a solid minute before starting his day. Satan's Butthole, he'd called it — a winding, rocky territory next to his own full of unforgiving drops and thorny bushes and generally anything that could make a wolf's life hell.
This place reminds him of Satan's Butthole. He hates it. He hadn't thought anyone capable of having two buttholes, but apparently Satan does, because he can't think of this place any differently. It's too bad he's gone and gotten himself lost in here. He pauses his irritable trek to sniff the air, hoping to catch some scent that will tell him which direction he needs to go. He catches the salt of the ocean and the various scents of the earth, and some stale wolf scents — but nothing helpful. He snorts, thinking he'd almost rather toss himself back into the ocean than stay here another minute.

RE: all tied up, no more love - Valkyr - November 14, 2018

She and Vyn had truced on splitting up and exploring Teekon in a radius where they would be able to meet back up in a familiar place, and that place being the beach. If anything, what helped was the silence Valkyr had so she could think about all the extra shit talking she could do with her sister about this lame ass place. So far, other than that sandy wolf they had met on that sandy and stinky ass beach, the summer girls had crossed NO ONE. And THAT ticked Valkyr off. The place seemed empty, and with the wilds supposedly being full as a description was, the most judge mental of the twins felt lied to. Already she had planned to meet back up with Vyn and talk of hightailing it back to the warmer portion that didn’t include Teekon. But nope, “My goofy ass stayed.” Shaking her head as she chastised her misconceiving of this wonderland, Valkyr snapped up a mouse that hopped out right in front of her seconds too late. Heavy jaws smashed and crushed the rodent with ease as she enjoyed the small snack that was lightly flavored in nuts. Little guy musta been chowing pretty good on the holiday reserves.

Then the copper and fire pelted girl snorted. “Nuts,” she said aloud, her humor terrible when it was alone. She still found it funny despite her being the only one laughing there. But she didn’t give a damn.

Passing the underside of the cliffs she idly looked up to see someone looking down. Oh really? Tawny eyes narrowed as she threw an insult as far as her boisterous voice could carry. “Stop spying on people, creep.”

RE: all tied up, no more love - Freddie - November 25, 2018

He actually doesn't even notice the fiery girl until she calls out to him, but when she does, his gaze finds her immediately. He can't help but snort softly at her accusation, peering down at her with an expression both baffled and amused. Make me, He calls back, grinning at his own dumb suggestion. He doesn't move from where he is, instead watching her with his tail swishing as if to really hammer his point home: I'll watch whoever I want, lady. Nevermind that he hadn't actually been watching her.

RE: all tied up, no more love - Valkyr - December 06, 2018

“Oh I’ll make you do a lot more, you twerp.” Her irritation was there, but her determination was half hearted. I mean, she wanted to take her ass up there, but he was like ALLLLLLLL THE WAY up there. What was he, a damn mountain cat? 

“Or you could save yourself the trouble and tell me to my face to make you instead of being all high and mighty.” Reverse psychology! Well, an attempt at it. Shaking her ass in a ‘I’m settling my ass right here’ before literally sitting there and not budging, she stubbornly eyes this dude with her topaz curiosity. What was he even doing up there? Not that it mattered...
but she was bored and wanted to either annoy someone into a fight, or just walk up to someone and deck them in the face. 
But how can you smack a hoe up if they’re AAAALLLLLL the way up there on a damn cliff? 

“Bet you won’t,” she taunted childishly. “Bet you ain’t shit.” She continued. “Bet I beat you up,” she threw out there like the little annoying  heathen she was. “Change my miiiiiinnnndddd.” 

Yea, it was clear she was bored. Vyn would have probably laughed her ass off and left her had it been her annoying her sister. 
But what would this dude do?