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Whitefish River the other side of paradise - Printable Version

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the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - November 24, 2018

being caged in his den had drove him mad. being left with his own thoughts was tiring, so he decided to test his strength today.

it was a rough start at first. he wobbled on his legs like a new born deer. the absence of his tail didn’t do much help either. but eventually he persevered and was able to head towards the familiar river.

there was an ominous feeling over the waterbed. issun kept his guard up as he limped along its edge. he feared the cougar could still be lurking near.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - November 24, 2018

the glass animals title<3
padding through the grove, a particular raven took note of her surroundings.
many new, unfarmiliar scents overflowed her during her walk, how odd, she thought. she wasn't used to many smells, given her chaotic and isolated upbringing. anything that wasn't musk or blood was foreign to her. trying to push the irritating smells away, she let out a breathy sigh and continued on towards a waterbed-- when she noticed someone else.
huh. she thought, peering at him from a distance away, slightly rustlng the bushes as she moved around to get a better view. this one was very handsome, she ran her tongue along her teeth while contemplating, yes, this one will do. after drawing a little closer, she had noticed something interesting, the lack of a tail caught her attention. it's not like she hadn't seen a wolf with a tail ripped off, but finding one here was something she didn't anticipate.
this is better for her. the lack of a tail makes everything so much easier.
nothing to get in the way.
she walked out of the bushes, getting closer to the waterbed. a cloudy sky means the sun can strike minimal light on her gorgeous coat, it's a shame to her, but she doesn't need to sparkle to be noticed. she made her way over to the limping wolf, settling beside him and grooming herself to show off every curve of her body, as if she was completely oblivious to his presence.

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - November 24, 2018

his fur stood on edge when he heard something rustling in the bushes. that cat. his top lip quivered, showing his teeth. if the beast was back for more, he would fight it off this time, despite the underlying fear. maybe rip it’s tail off too. it was only fair.

but it wasn’t a cougar, it was a nice looking woman. he wondered if she had noticed him yet, it didn’t look like it at least. “who are you?” he asked as he came closer.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - November 24, 2018

she continued to lick and groom ger body, lifting her legs to get to those hard-to-reach spots. letting out a little yawn, she got up and leaned in for a stretch, arching her back as much as she could, lifting her tail to a curl and folding her ears back. she was hiding a smirk behind her seemingly-oblivous show.
''who are you?'' oh! he talked, her eyes opened wide as she realized this means her charade of not notiching his presence was up. what a shame. she could have continued for much, much longer, perfectly happily.
she didn't changer her position, butt rather focused her gaze towards the man in question, a quizzical expression on his face. she rumbled over the question in her head, trying to find a way to answer it without giving her name away.
,,who am i?'' she cooed at him, hiding a smile behind her seemingly jet-black coat, ,,you'll get my name if you get to know me better, you can call me whatever you'd like in the meantime.'' with her position unchanged, she continued her stretch, reaching her paws as far as she could. ,,what about you? surely such a handsome wolf as yourself should have a charming name.'' she mused the question at him, lightly wagging her high-held tail.

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - November 24, 2018

well, she was certainly attractive, he wouldn’t deny that. he caught himself studying her form a bit longer than usual. he felt guilty, remembering minori in an instant. it felt like betrayal to take somewhat of an interest in the woman. but she didn’t love him, she wouldn’t care. if she could be with corvus, then why couldn’t he be with this mysterious girl? there was no harm in it. besides, maybe it could give him a much needed escape from reality.

well, if you plan on keeping it a secret, then I will as well,” he hummed teasingly.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - November 24, 2018

''if you plan on keeping it a secret, then i will as well,'' he responses to her in an oh so teasing tone, it might have sent a small shiver up her spine. but she likes this, she wants this. if he wants to play games, she will very, very gladly play games. teasing was half the fun. quick as a viper, she launched herself out of her alluring position to circle around the little bug. her circle was slow, brushing her tail all around him & stopping to give him little licks and nibbles on his ear and nape. his lack of tail was not only convinent but it was kind of cute, in her eyes. she had wondered what happened to it, maybe he was born that way, but this was certainly no time to ask.
no, no. certainly not the time for that. it was time for her & this mysterious wolf to do a dance, a teasing, interesting dance.
she chuckled at his response, ,,i like that. i'll just call you whatever first pops into my head,'' her circling ceased as she crawled and positioned herself underneath him, licking and nibbling at the bottom of his jaw, then sliding out from under, making sure to brush her entire body against his. ,,so tell me, cutie,'' she hummed at him, going back to teasingly nipping at his ears. ,,what's on your mind?'' her voice was smooth and full of lust, like blood mixed with dark chocolate.

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - November 24, 2018

she suddenly shot up and before he knew it, she was laced around him. her voice and touch sent a shock down his spine. it was a very new experience. it didn’t bring guilt (at least at the moment) and it there was no invisible drive to like it.  he just genuinely enjoyed this.

only you,” he replied with a coy smile. it was clear that he was enraptured by her. issun leaned forward to nip her nape.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - November 24, 2018

that's it, with a coy smile, a teasing response and a nip at her nape, velvet had him wrapped around her claws. she giggled at his response, a hot blush washing over her face as she placed a gentle lick on his muzzle. the fae leaned next to him, burying herself in his plush fur and swaying her hips rhythmicly, bumping him with them.
,,only me, huh?'' her voice hushed to whisper in his ear, her hot breath on his skin. she rested her head on his neck and nipped at it more, before whispering to him in a hushed sing-song voice, ,,if you wanted you could have more of me, not just in your mind either, darling.''

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - November 25, 2018

he shivered when her warm breath tickled his ear. he wanted to take her far away from this place. away from the troubles and woes that waited for him in the plateau. just the two of them, forgetting about the world.

he circled around to her back end, leaving a trail of kisses along her spine. “i would like that,” he mumbled through her plush tail. despite his excitement, he would wait for the ok to move on.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - November 25, 2018

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: slightly sexual content and a lil language
with a shiver her breath had left on him, the wolf slowly started to circle around her, leaving a delicate trail of kisses in his wake. she let out a quiet, dreamy sigh as he worked his way behind her. she wasn't sure of what was going on in his mind, he seemed a smidge bothered by something when she had first come across him-- but regardless, the moment right now, to her, was ideal.
with a gentle brush of her tail on his face, she arched her back and lowered the front of her body close to the ground, lifting her tail into a tight curl and presenting herself to him. ,,make me yours, baby,'' she mused at him, ,,fuck me and let the rest of the world melt away,'' her seduction had known no bounds, her body was shivering in anticipation.

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - November 25, 2018

and with her next words, he continued with their game. he hoisted himself up with ease and grabbed her scruff to support his weight. unlike last time, it didn’t take much effort to find what he yearned for and the dance of passion had begun.

issun closed his eyes to appreciate the moment. it was a wonderful feeling, so much better than last time. but when he opened his eyes again and looked down upon the woman’s fur, he couldn’t help but think of minori. and for a split second, he wished that this stranger was her. no... no... no! he would not let that ruin the moment. he growled through her fur and moved faster, hoping to forget of minori entirely.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - November 25, 2018

quickly after the words were spoken, she felt his weight on her body--such a feeling she hadn't felt since she had left, such a feeling she had no idea she craved so much to feel again. as she felt the thump of his sheath ram against her, she let out a dreamy, drawn-out sigh. her tongue lolled out of her mouth, slightly drooling as she felt sensations pulsate through her body. twitchling lightly with every pump, feeling his jaws clamped around her scruff and listening to his breathy growls through his thrusts, moans escaped her throat. ,,harder,'' she managed to breathily draw words out through her gasps, ,,please baby, shove your knot inside me and fuck me harder, don't stop,'' her voice was breathy as desperate through the moans and the pleasure, she continued to beg the man for more and more.

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - November 25, 2018

her pleas add fuel to the fire. his rhythmic thrusts become rapid and all he could think of was the alluring stranger. he couldn’t tell how long the affair lasted, but eventually he had reached his limit.

issun relaxed on top of her with his tongue lolling to the side. “that was...amazing,” he said with a shaky breath. it had been awhile since he was in this position and it was certainly better than last time. but as his adrenaline ceased, guilt began creeping in the back of his mind.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - November 25, 2018

her pleading successful, she rocked her hips against him as his hips bucked wildly against her. his thrusts sent tingling sensations through her entire body, the two were entangled together, their fur merging with one another giving the silhouette of some oddly-shaped being moving in an unnatural way. the passion bubbled up inside her as with one final thrust, the warmest pleasure flooded her entire body, she hissed out his name and let out a pleasured sigh as he relaxed on top of her.
,,you were amazing,'' the raven lazily crooned at him as her body relaxed, trying to catch her breath as their dance had ended. she gently shook out her fur, being careful not to make him lose his balance.

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - December 01, 2018

issun had blanked out for a moment. thoughts of being caught fogged up his mind. they were so close to the plateau, anyone could walk in at any moment. it’d be embarrassing at the very least. but if corvus came, well, that held more weight.

he did his best to suppress those thoughts. “how about that name?” he asked with a sly smile.

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - December 01, 2018

dreamily drifitng off whilst relaxing her body, she remained blissfully ignorant of how exposed the two were. in her mind, getting caught wasn't that big of a deal; the more, the merrier. during her daydreaming, after what seemed to be ages of just growls and moans, he had asked about her name. there was no harm in it, she figured. i mean, he did get to know her. a promise was a promise, even if it might have been an implied one. ,,velvet,'' she purred her name at him as he finished asking, ,,and what might yours be, love?'' she couldn't help for her voice to remain the slightest bit sultry.

RE: the other side of paradise - RIP Issun - December 19, 2018

issun.” he would’ve stayed here forever if he could. all of his frustration and jealousy would just come back if he left. but the more time he spent with velvet, the more anxious he became.

i must go,” he sighed as he slipped of her back. he took a few steps towards the plateau, but stopped to look back at her. “will i ever see you again?

RE: the other side of paradise - Velvet - December 19, 2018

his name came, a foreign one, at that. the charcoal-pelted wolf carefully slipped himself off of her, starting to pad off in a direction oh which she assumed he came from. before he walked too far off-- issun turned back, posing a question to the sylph. ,,well, issun,'' she started to walk towards him, approaching from his side with a sway of her tail. ,,i would be more than delighted to see you after we part ways--'' she leaned into his ear, humming quietly, ,,sing that and i'll be with you before you know it.'' velvet slunk away from him, lifting her paws off of the ground as she pounced in the opposite direction, bounding off into the wood.
if you ever do want another thread with her, you can just tag her wherever you want! <3 i'll archive this now.