Wolf RPG
Dragoncrest Cliffs Peppermint and apple pie - Printable Version

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Peppermint and apple pie - ZC11 - December 10, 2018

Well, thought Freesia as she finally came across the scent and signs of civilization, this is it. Okay, so it was the first pack she'd encountered since leaving the northern prairies after the fire swept through. And sure, she didn't know a damn thing about these wolves. But she didn't exactly need a handbook, did she? Wolves were wolves, and coming from a sheltered pack of perfectly ordinary folk, Freesia thought that was that.

She howled low and long for the attention of whoever claimed the tall seaside cliffs, her tail swishing pensively as she ran over a list of possible things she could say to secure a place here. She couldn't take much more of wandering around by herself with only herself for company. You'd be surprised how dreadfully boring one-sided conversations could get, but heaven forbid you start answering yourself. All that talking drove the prey away. So even if she didn't know a thing about them, she was prepared to tell them absolutely anything just for the promise of some living, breathing company.

Preferably company that could keep her warm and fed, and this group smelled like many.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Vercingetorix - December 10, 2018

The call had him strolling up soon enough, and he surveyed the female with a glint in his eye. Not the prettiest woman, but he wasn't so chauvinistic to think that the only feminine value lie in beauty. No, there was more she could offer. . .but what?

Hey, he said shortly, drawing to a halt in front of her. What's your business here? He still was very much on-guard since the incident at the sound; his fur bristled imperceptibly.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - ZC11 - December 10, 2018

She spent a few seconds examining the borders more closely, sniffing here and there and noting the specifics of the pack. Just as many men as women, said Freesia's inner voice, a nagging little feminine voice that she affectionately dubbed Maisy. It might've been just her self-talk but she couldn't possibly admit to actually being who she was on the inside. That's a shame, it would be better if there were more men, then they'd take you in just for another hole to fuck and it'd be smooth sailing...

Her internal monologue was cut off by Vercingetorix's arrival, and she cocked a brow with instant interest at the tall man who strolled onto the scene. "Ohhh," she clucked, fluffing up the fur on her breast as she took him in in all his vainglory, "hiya, handsome." She ignored the testy look about him and the tone of his voice and went on to say, "why, I couldn't help but to stop here when I noticed how strong and fresh your borders are. It's a nice change from all them small packs inland." Cue a coy little smile, that's a good girl. Sell him on his power, flatter him and then swoop in under his nose. That was the only thing testosterone fueled dudes were interested in, she was sure, flexing their little muscles. "Your pack must be very powerful and capable," she guessed, quirking her lips up at the corners.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Vercingetorix - December 10, 2018

Oohhh, she was off to quite a start. He almost remarked that she wasn't pretty enough to use that sort of tactic, but he held his tongue. Again, not all about beauty. Though perhaps she thought her perceived charm might be to her benefit.

In the words of Donald Trump: wrong.

Okay, I'mma stop you there, Vercingetorix said, a chuckle in his throat. I'm just kind of sad that no one ever told you that 'Hiya handsome' doesn't actually work on anyone. Yeah, yeah, we've got strong borders, strong wolves. Not gonna lie about that.

He shook his head. Cut the fuckin' flattery, babe. What can you do for us? What really brought you here? Maybe once they got through the initial bullshit, she'd turn out to be an asset. For now, she was a wannabe succubus.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - ZC11 - December 11, 2018

Yikes, whispered Maisy, this guy's a complete douche canoe, probably thinks he's such hot shit, smug little... Shoving down the monologue going on in her head, Freesia cracked another smile that didn't quite reach her eyes this time and said, "come now, mister, that's no way to talk to a lady who's just paying you a compliment!" It wasn't like she was looking to jump in bed with him. She would if he asked but her aim was to stroke his ego, not his boys. She made a mental note that laying it on thick with this guy wasn't going to pay off, though. Obviously less testosterone than most women. Too bad, he was a looker.

"I told you," she said, indicating the ground with her muzzle, "I stopped here 'cause your borders are strong. Them other packs I've come across—" none, truth be told, or she wouldn't be here trying to join this one, but he didn't need to know that "—smelled small and unstable. I only wish to join the best." That much at least was true. Freesia didn't want to join any small flimsy packs that might fall apart and leave her hungry in winter, and she didn't want to do the amount of work required of a smaller pack. More wolves meant more division of labour.

Tough nut to crack, she thought, flipping through her mind for some kind of useful skill. She had plenty of skills but none of them were all that useful to anyone but herself. Still, he didn't know anything about her, so she could tell him anything at all. "I know plenty about plants and their medical properties," she claimed, "and I'm a decent hunter. Strong pack like yours and the season being as it is, maybe you could use someone like me?"

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Vercingetorix - December 12, 2018

He grew more and more pleased as the bullshit fell away, revealing a wolf that seemed--at least on the surface--competent enough. Vercingetorix nodded, sizing her up. That's better, he responded, a smile touching the edges of his mouth. Sounds like you've at least got something to offer us, besides compliments. That's good.

The brute stretched slightly, glancing toward the cliffs. Can't let you in just yet, though. Should probably call for my commander. With upturned nose, he summoned @Antumbra, and @Blixen and @Dio too, for good measure. There was less emphasis for the Fleimkepa and Wocha, but they had cared for the pack in Heda's absence--it felt wrong not to invite them.

Now we wait, Verx said, turning back. He settled slightly, staring her down. Tell me a little more about yourself. Where you come from, so on.

no pressure for all tagged to pop in

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Blixen - December 13, 2018

her head is still reeling from her conversation with nomi. she's stuck close to the other leaders since then for the most part (when she isn't doing patrol or trying to catch time with mallaidh--they haven't been together much, not because of hidden resentment or whatever this time, just, she's busy). once, a long time ago, she'd had a conversation with ajatar about leading and being heda's child. obviously leading a branch is not the same thing as being heda, but still, she wonders what the fos goufa would think. (she'd like to think she'd proven herself to ajatar eventually, at least).

vercingetorix's call is a nice distraction from the strange circling of her thoughts. straightening up the fleimkepa makes her way toward the source, amber eyes landing on vercingetorix and an unknown woman. funny how the approaching winter drives so many to their borders--a good thing right now, she thinks, even if she's still a little doubtful that these outsiders will stick around. sorry, furi, it's a prejudice hard to shake. "hei," she greets, turning toward the woman. "i'm blixen, our fleimkepa. what brings you to drageda's borders?"

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - ZC11 - December 18, 2018

Come from nowhere important, said Freesia, flashing a wan smile. She wasn't one to talk about her past to fellas that hadn't even bought her dinner yet, and she didn't think being on a pack's borders was enough of a reason to divulge such sensitive information. For all he knew her family had all died before she came here! That would be tragic and traumatizing to recount right here and now to a stranger. The truth wasn't nearly so interesting but there was still no real cause for her to tell him all that personal stuff, was there?

Good thing their exchange was interrupted by the arrival of a hot-damn-what-a-piece-of-ass. Freesia wasn't choosy when it came to what she liked to look at and if she thought Verx was handsome, then Blixen was a stunner. Well hey there, she said, not bothering to mask the salacious twang to her tone, do all the lookers live here? My, what luck! I'm Freesia, you must be the commander of this fine fella, indicating Vercingetorix.

Edit: Since DRG is about to be full, Freesia can probably just be turned away for being fake as heck! @Blixen @Vercingetorix

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Vercingetorix - December 19, 2018

Lord, she was back to it again. Vercingetorix rolled his eyes, looking at Blixen to explain. Sorry. I thought she used up all the flattery earlier. He nodded at the gray female. She's here to join. Can hunt and knows about plants. I'm sure she can expound upon that for you.

He wasn't yet aware of Blixen's persuasion, but even if he had been, he would have doubted Freesia's charms on the Fleimkepa as well. So fuckin' transparent, man. He liked a little bit of nuance with his snatch, at least.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Blixen - December 22, 2018

though it isn't the first time blixen has been flirted with, it is the first time she's been flirted with so ... brazenly? flirting might be generous, she thinks, looking helplessly at vercingetorix for a cue. it's not like she hates being told she's "a looker" (whatever that means) by a pretty woman, it's just, like, a lot. verx seems unamused by the flattery himself, briefly introducing her. freesia. hunter. okay, sure.

"you talk to everyone you meet like that?" blix asks, the stunned look in her eyes fading to something cross. she's got a lot on her plate right now and her patience with these outsiders is stretched thin after everything that's happened in the past few days.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - ZC11 - December 27, 2018

'Course, sugar, drawled Freesia, appraising the red-haired commander with a sweeping gaze. These wolves clearly weren't fond of flattery. She found that strange and made as much known by continuing, who doesn't want a compliment now and then? It makes folk feel good to have their finer qualities noticed. At least that was what the mask Freesia was currently donning told her.

That this was a near-militaristic pack of wolves who probably couldn't care less about false flattery, she couldn't know. Them being unimpressed didn't escape her notice but she didn't realize just how disrespectful she was actually being—lesser beasts fell to her feigned charms all the time and she imagined these ones would as well.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Vercingetorix - December 28, 2018

There was only so much bullshit he could handle in a conversation, and this was Vercingetorix we're talking about--King of the BS. He sighed, looking at Blixen and shaking his head. Nah, this one's no good. Drageda needed honesty, constancy. . .not this. . .whatever the fuck this was. At the end of the day, after all his joking, at least he cared.

I'll leave this one to you, Fleimkepa, he said, voice slightly wry but with an unmistakable note of apology to it. His eyes cut to Freesia. Good luck with. . . Well, just, good luck. The guardian laughed, his eyes skyward in bemusement once more as he padded away. Bye, Felicia.

RE: Peppermint and apple pie - Blixen - January 01, 2019

verx beats a hasty retreat and blix can't blame him. the way the woman addresses her makes her skin crawl, the crease between her brows deepening into a scowl. "i'm not interested in your false flattery," she says, her muscles tensing. drawing her lips back to show her teeth she adds, "you'll be better off looking elsewhere -- you aren't staying here."