Wolf RPG
Stavanger Bay Lilacs and love - Printable Version

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Lilacs and love - Thistle Cloud - July 09, 2014

Thistle had woken to the smell of lilacs and she had stared at them neatly near her. As terrible as it was to admit she had thought about ripping them to shreds and throwing on the four winds to scatter to and fro, but she couldn’t do it. She sniffed at them, gently and taking them in her mouth she left the den to sit outside, while she waited for the children to get up.

She knew realistically she should really forgive him now, but she just couldn’t get completely over her fury. She was working at it, and by night fall she’d probably be fine, and the lilacs of course they helped. At least the stubborn man listened when she talked, that was more than she could say for most men and their wives. They lay at her feet and ever so often she’d bend down to get a smell of them. Even though lilac permeated the air.

Soon enough their children got up and commenced to ripping and tearing across the small clearing that they called home, with herself keeping a close eye on them. They would occasionally try and edge out of the boundaries and usually would come back with a sharp word from her, sometimes she had to meander to them and bring them back. Maybe she’d talk to Ragnar about taking them one at a time around the borders if he would, maybe it would quench the fire for exploration, or turn it into a roaring inferno either one.

RE: Lilacs and love - Verrine - July 11, 2014

Ever since Julooke had approached him with the idea of having kids, Verrine had taken even more of an interest in the Alpha's children than he'd had previously. He'd never really paid much attention to kids. They were cute and annoying, but that was about the extent of his experience and his opinion on them. But now, Julooke wanted kids with him. Kids of their own. Holy crap, he had some learning to do. And what better way to learn than by first-hand interaction?

He'd enjoyed the time he had spent recently with "Guns", and hoped to find the boy at the den this morning. He wasn't expecting to find them all there, though, and halted when he spotted their mother among them. He was acquainted with Thistle, of course, since they were packmates and all. But he didn't know her all that well and, as she was Ragnar's wife, he'd kept a respectful distance from her. But today, he approached her and dipped his head with respect. She wasn't an Alpha by rank, but as far as he was concerned, she was every bit his queen as was Ragnar his king. "Good morning, Thistle," he greeted her with a small grin. "You...look troubled. Are you okay?"

RE: Lilacs and love - Thistle Cloud - July 11, 2014

Thistle looked up at the newcomer to her area. Granted she knew the wolf, but she had never spoken to him. He was the elusive Verinne, mate to Julooke and perhaps father soon?. Tveir of course was first upon the male before Thistle could even get a word in edgewise. Ver!

Thistle watched as Tveir had given a greeting and then toddled off to do what puppies do, while keeping an eye on his older friend. hello Verinne, it is a pleasure to finally get to speak to you. She felt like she knew this wolf, from what Julooke had told her so many times about him. She however needed to determine some things on her own, as everyone did when meeting someone new.

She sighed as a question was asked, she smiled though a small smile, devoid of too much happiness, but not incredibly cold. I am okay, ragnar and I simply had a spat, and I am still a little upset with him, but such is the way of things. She tilted her head and then realizing something she spoke again. Oh I want to congratulate you on becoming the official mate of Julooke, she is a wonderful woman and I am proud to count her my friend.