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Stavanger Bay To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Printable Version

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To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Beric - July 10, 2014

@Claire I tried to keep her sleeping spot neutral since I wasn't sure if she's in a den or not.

Beric had been feeling very guilty when it came to Claire and her situation. He felt he had no choice in the matter but to respect the pack's traditions and follow their rules. He knew they could have killed her for trespassing, but instead they were only making her stay a short while for punishment. Still, he knew she might be feeling depressed over her current predicament, and while it appeared as if she gained a little weight, Beric knew she could use to gain a little more.

So, earlier this afternoon he had gone out on a mission to catch her a meal, mindful that the pack leaders may not want him taking from the caches to feed the girl. It had taken him a little while, since he wasn't the hunter that Julooke was, but he had caught a healthy rabbit that was currently hanging limp in his jaws. He trotted towards where she was sleeping, slowing on his approach until he came to a stop. He dropped the rabbit, and then stepped away from it. Claire?. he called, hoping she would show herself.


RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Claire - July 11, 2014

she's in the den but I'll adress that later on here and on the kidnap thread :)

Saying that the beige girl was depressed after being held captive was an understatement. She was completely and utterly devastated. The scene kept replaying in her mind and each time she went over the events she asked herself what could she have done differently. What is she had ran away when Thistle had called her back? She'd ptobably be dead, but wouldn't that be less painful that being forced to see her oppressors day after day?

That was the question that lingered in her mind when she awoke to the sound of her name. Claire, flicked the tip of her tail but didn't move, she had no desire of seeing Beric at the moment, but she had no choice. No freedom to leave and no freedom to chose, she had been stripped away from them both.

After a bit of hesitation she forced herself to go and face him. With her tail drooping and her ears flattened she stepped towards him. Her face conveyed the pain she felt, her jaw clenched tightly and dark circles under her eyes that gave away the fact that she had been crying. "Yes?" she muttered under her breath as her eyes fell on the rabbit.

Her stomach flopped at the sight of it, she was not hungry her apetite had left with her dignity.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Beric - July 13, 2014

Okay ^_^

The expression on her face told him everything he needed to know. She still had not forgiven him. However, that would not stop him from continuing to try. He nosed the carcass towards her before stepping back once more. I caught this for you; I though you might be hungry, he said. While she looked better than their first meeting, he thought she was still thin, not that it was any of his business what her weight was, but he wanted to make sure she was eating, at least. He knew depression might cause her appetite to leave, but maybe having a fresh kill in front of her would bring it back.

He sat back on his haunches, regarding her a moment. You hate me, don't you? he said softly. He wanted to tell her to put herself in his position and think of what it would cost her to have chosen him over her own pack, but he didn't say that. He could have been malicious about the entire situation, and not care to bring her a thing, but he did care, and he wished she would see that. He could have taken her to the other captives and left without a single glance back or thought as to her well being.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Claire - July 13, 2014

Claire stared at him prod the body towards her, she remained with her eyes glued to his offering for a few instants, completely unresponsive to his words. She was not an idiot she knew she had to eat, but she just could not. Even if she forced the rabbit's meat down her throat she knew it wouldn't stay in her stomach for more that a few minutes. It was all a strange defense mechanism her body entered when she felt threatened or something.

"You shouldn't have bothered" she finally responded her eyes suddenly darting away from the meat and settling on his face. "I couldn't keep it down if I wanted to anyways" she revealed scrunching her nose in disgust -- more for herself than for the scent of meat. Without noticing her body posture changed into a seating stance that portrayed the ease she felt with him. She couldn't be mad at him for too long, after all he was the only familiar face in this prison, it be foolish to let him slip from her side too.

"No" she answered looking at the ground. "I just don't understand you, but not everything has an explanation I guess" she barked while shrugging her shoulders and shooting a furtive glance his way.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Beric - July 14, 2014

Thanks! <3

She stated that she couldn't keep it down even if she wanted to, but all Beric heard was that she didn't want to. An ear flicked back in discontent, but he could do nothing about it. He couldn't very well force it down her throat. I'll leave it anyways, just in case, he replied. Maybe the smell would finally get to her stomach and allow her to eat.

He was a little surprised to hear her say she didn't hate him, but, in fact, just didn't understand him. Maybe that was something he could work on. He didn't generally lay out his life story for people, but if it would help her understand why he did what he did, he would tell her. His voice was soft as he spoke. I'm very family-oriented, and for the past year I have been separated from them. I finally found them here just a couple of weeks ago... If I had spoken against Thistle, I feared she would have kicked me out, and then I would be without my family all over again. He paused before adding, I'm sorry if you feel I've betrayed you, but I couldn't give them up after just being reunite with them.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Claire - July 16, 2014


There was no more worldly power that could get him to take the prey away so she just accepted it with a nod. She thought of the time she had been wandering aimlessly around the slopes of a mountain, where she came across a horribly mangled goat carcass which ultimately ended up attracting the attention of another female. Claire thought of her for a second, she had told her the scavenging on the beaches were excellent -- and they were, she had just forgotten to mention the savage pack that dwelled near.

Tough luck.
As Beric began to recite his life story, Claire lifted her chin and locked eyes with him. A dangerous thing to do with a wolf like say.. Ragnar, but the girl did it with the intention of really paying attention to every one of his words. Once he was done she shifted her gaze again and gave a thoughtful hmm before adressing him again.

"Alright I get it, it was all bad timing --for you and for me as well" she muttered, trying to think if she would've done the same for her mother --or if her mother would've done that for her.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Beric - July 20, 2014

She locked her gaze with his, telling him she was paying attention to him as he explained his reasons for what he did. Many wolves would see this as a challenge or sign of aggression, but Beric and Claire were somewhat familiar with each other, so he didn't take offense to it. His ears perked at her hmm, wondering what it meant, but she was quick to tell him. Was she forgiving him? It seemed like she understood, at least. He nodded, Thank you, he said softly.

Though the reason he came seem to be settled now, he wasn't quick to want to leave. Trying to engage her in more conversation, he spoke again. I noticed when you came into the territory that you smelled like the Island wolves. Did you join them? he asked. If she did, what luck was it that he had left there, and then she joined? Not that it would have changed his mind, but if she had been there when he was, he might have asked her to come with him.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Claire - July 23, 2014

i'm assuming it's gettind dark

The last glimmers of orange ignited her beige coat, making her look more decent that she really was. All the stains in her mangled fur and her showing ribs were hidden under the veil of orange. Claire could be beautiful without trying to. Though she could never see it even if she did try to.

His thanks were recieved with a feeble and short lived smile from her lips, her back was beginning to ache demanding a better resting place than the humid nest that had been given to her on the Isle. She thought of saying goodbye and retreating to the den provided but as a captive she couldn't do that..

Before she could even shake the though away,a question was thrown her way. It seemed it was now her turn to recite her story. After a long silence, Claire began shuffling her paws for a bit before she responded. "I joined to survive" she murmured, though all it did was kill me inside she added in her mind. "Ypres found me in the mountains, when death was knocking at my door, she took me to her home to help me" she explained, she felt no remorse in referring to the isle as Ypres' home and not hers. "It was an act of kindness, but I never felt comfortable there..and then when I decide to stray from them I get captured.. " she sulked.
"Life's not kind Beric" she murmured between a drowned sigh.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Beric - August 01, 2014

Yeah, sunset is fine. Sorry it took me so long to reply. Just getting back from vacation.

The setting sun cast its final rays onto the pair of wolves, illuminating the multitude of colors that made up her beautiful pelt. The flash of a smile, however, was more beautiful than anything. It was a glimmer of hope that maybe their friendship wasn't lost, and it gave Beric the determination to continue to let her see she could trust him.

She confirmed she was with the Isle wolves, and went on to say how she had come about to be there. It was no surprise to him that Ypres had offered her a home. She was a kind wolf, and he hoped a good leader. Claire admitted, though, that she didn't feel comfortable there. At her comment, he frowned. Nature has no sympathy. Either you survive, or you don't, he said softly. She couldn't feel sorry for herself- it wouldn't help anything. I know you have reservations about pack life, but it's really worth it when you find the right pack, he said. Maybe she would consider staying here, of her own accord, once her sentence was complete. He hesitated in asking. He knew he was still on thin ice with her, and he didn't want to push it.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Claire - August 05, 2014

Death was not a taboo to Claire. She often though of the subject which an interest that often crossed the line and turned into a morbid obsession.

She too noticed how the setting sun reached them one last time with his golden fingers before settling behind the mountains. She also noticed a glimmer in his eye when he looked at her -- though she thought it was only an effect of her wild imagination. He couldn't love her. No one did. Not even herself.

Her words obviously disturbed him, she knew this because his words had turned gruff and raspy. She would've apologized but she didn't -- because why should you be ashamed of your beliefs? For her life was unkind, it had been that way since she was born.

At his comment of a right pack, Claire dipped her muzzle while analyzing his logic. That way of thinking fitted him, he had his family here of course this pack was right for him-- but her?

"Is this the right pack for me?" she muttered, not realizing that her thoughts had made their way out of her mouth.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Beric - August 09, 2014

Beric didn't have the doubts Claire did about loving her. Did he? No. But, his affection could grow, if she gave him the chance. That chance, however, is what he did doubt. He didn't like her outlook on life, either. Mother nature was not kind or fair. She did what she wanted, to who she wanted, without thought as to their character. It was just how the world worked, and he felt Claire needed to understand that if she was ever going to survive. Stuff happened, but generally wolves moved on with their lives, despite bad shortcomings.

Her question surprised him, and his expression conveyed that, the skin above his eyes shooting upwards. He thought a moment before answering. You have to figure that out for yourself. There are going to be good things and bad about any potential pack. You just have to find the one where the good outweighs the bad, he replied. Ragnar, for example, is a stern and sometimes unforgiving leader. However, he will protect his pack down to his last breath. He liked that in his leaders. You should meet Julooke, he added. She's outgoing, playful, and I think you would like her. Claire really needed someone to bond with, even if it wasn't going to be Beric himself.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Claire - August 11, 2014

wrap this one and have another? :D

She could see dissapointment written across his face, especially in his eyes. She felt bad for being such a downer but that was just the way her brain was wired. Before she could see the good stuff she was able to point out the flaws and mistakes of a miracle.

She cringed when he began to speak, his words were tainted with sadness and the way he phrased his sentences seemed to build a ladder that tried to reach out to her. She looked at him before allowing her golden eyes to dart away -- the expression in his orbs was unforgettable.

He had looked at her like he wanted to grab her shoulders and shake her until she finally saw the ray of sunlight in the storm. She wished she could too --she wished she could see beyond the rainclouds and grey skies, but until her eyes opened to the reality she'd be immersed in the eye of the storm.

"I'd like to" she said simply, not making clear whether that answer meant she'd like to make this pack the right one for her or that she'd like to meet Julooke --maybe it was both.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Beric - August 11, 2014

Would love another thread between these two!! Do you have time for one with Julooke, too? I could start them ^_^

Beric did want to shake that negativity out of her. He wished he could force her to see how much this world had to offer in goodness, rather than all the bad that was happening. But, he couldn't do that. She had to figure it out for herself. He would help, though, if she gave him the chance.

Her response left him wondering on just which she would like- to figure out if this was the pack for her, or to meet Julooke. He didn't ask, though, hoping for both. He was selfish enough to want her to stay, and he felt Julooke would be the perfect friend for Claire. If she had a friend, maybe that would make her want to stay. Julooke had a way of looking at the bright side of things, and Beric thought she might be able to rub some of that off onto Claire.

The conversation seemed to have come to an end. He couldn't say any more to convince her of the wonderfulness of life, and he didn't want to beat a dead horse. He stood. I'll leave you to your day, Claire, he said softly. He almost moved to try and nudge her in a friendly gesture, but stopped himself. They weren't that familiar yet, and he didn't want to pressure her into taking his friendship. Please let me know if you need anything, he said, before gesturing his muzzled to the food, Don't forget to eat that. He smiled softly, hoping she would take his offering after he left. He turned to leave, but he wouldn't go very far today, preferring to find a spot to sit close by the den.

RE: To err is human; to forgive, divine. - Claire - August 12, 2014

yes i need a few Claire threads :) and now that's she isn't a captive it should be interesting

A dark and gloomy raincloud had settled under her eyes, bringing the promise of potential weeping later in the evening. Her golden eyes flickered around the sharp and masculine features of his face as he stared at her in silence. She had also noticed the conversation had already died, like a fire under the rain.

She gave a weak nod to him after he decided to say farewell, she would've liked to thank him for being a familiar face among the savage vikings but she didn't --those weren't the kind of thing a prisoner said to her guard. He began to walk away not before reminding her of the offering he had brought as what -- a jail cell-warming gift?

Her eyes followed him until he was out of her view and lingered on the place he had dissapeared to for a moment. Then she casted her rich golden eyes to the small and lifeless body of the rabbit. She was not even a bit tempted by the fresh kill laying before her, but thinking about Beric she forced herself to grab it in her jaws and take it with her inside of the den.

That night was filled with tears and sniffles and a full belly as a happy ending.