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Swiftcurrent Creek Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Printable Version

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Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Morgan - January 25, 2019

For that fine @Velvet ?

Thick burls of earthen fur clunk tightly to this moving mountain of wolf, sticking frost and flakes of crusted frozen water to crispen his pelt. With every few paces, the southern man had to shake himself free of the draft and push on, hunger threatening him, but not fully keeling over the titan. He'd find a place to get dug in, soon enough. But this cold was settling through his hide, and wasn't doing too good for him. 

A creek glittered all fine and such in the ambles of the moonlight, and while he couldn't stop to appreciate the beauty of it, he could appreciate that some fish was just too stubborn to move on to colder waters. wasn't nothin' wrong with that to Morgan - in fact, that'd do him just fine. Bringing himself up to the edge of the frigid waters, the hulk bent down to water himself first, keeping his peripherals aware of any flashes o silver or dark blue that might shoot his way under the waves.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Velvet - January 25, 2019

life in the creek was boring, for lack of a better word. aside from the small commotion at the borders... to which she was still intrigued by the regal stranger, hoping to properly introduce herself once her highness was settled.
for now though, the black shuck finds herself amongst the borders once more; though closer this time, her form blended against the darkness as a cryptid.
she wasn't patrolling nor marking, she was just simply existing as the earth permitted her to do so. sneaking away under the blanketting of a starlit sky was just the thing she needed most of the time, to clear her head, to be away from the chaos and constant smell of sex in the air-- not that she minded the latter, but the overpowering smell of multiple bitches in heat wasn't one she was particularly interested in smelling all times of the day.

with that, she prowled. her senses vigilant. sharp. although she was alone in the dark she would not be made easy prey for those who wished so. moving one paw gently in front of the other, her steps dainty, quiet. not to draw attention to herself, velvet kept her stance low and guard high. holding purpose in her steps she finds herself across a peculiar sight; there is another here, and their scent is one she cannot recognize (and being who she is, she shrugs it off, of course). a sihlouette is all she can make out, and it's lumbering: kneeled over a half-frozen lake, her interest piqued, the fae drew herself quietly closer until she's right by his side. a mocha colored man, gaze a similar sparkle as her own and much larger than herself. wordlessly, she takes a seat next to him, observing.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Morgan - January 26, 2019

To say he was fully invested in finding a meal was an understatement. Morgan’s whole mind was finding him some grub, right now. So with ears filled with the sounds of him lapping up some water and golden eyes stuck on the rippling shapes in the water, he wasn’t even remotely aware of what was going on around him. All he smelled was water, and coldness. 

Eventually his lapping ping becomes normal to the fish, and after a minute of assessing the danger, hungry trout come to inspect the pink flicking thing. Just as one neared, he tried his damndest to keep on a’lickin till it went to peck at the flipping pink of his tongue. 

Suckingg the tongue back in, he threw a darker set of vices into the water, and almost missed the meal as his size wasn’t all that quick. But as it took time for the trout to turn away, Morgan got lucky, and snagged it by a meaty tail. Ivories closed over the hefty meal, and he turned to pull it closer to land-

and he smacked faces with another, smaller wolf.

Dropping his meal, he hadn’t had time to figure where it had flopped away to before his hearty ass jumped  back. Back hinds felt the sting of winter water and he almost swore much worse than what he usually did. And instead, pulling himself free from the death-trap, a surprised glare landed on the dark girl he almost locked jaws with. 

What’sa matta witchu gur’! You coulda got killed fur sumthin’ like that!” Shaking the bottom half of his ass out, dark brown and creamed flasks of fur stood out like some kinda joke in his majority dry body. “Damn near spooked me shitless. Coulda gave a fella a ‘hello’, firs.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Velvet - January 26, 2019

everything from that point forward seemed to happen so fast, to her. the coffee-colored man who had been so focused on his fishing didn't even seem to notice as the fae ended up so close to him. she observed carefully, her gaze fixated on the half-frozen over lake in front of them as he-- less than gracefully, to say the least-- plunged his muzzle inside to snap at the aquarian he focused. with alabaster fangs secured, and a mighty turn of his neck, he moves to pull it out before smacking his face with her own in a display of blissful unawareness.

velvet jumps back as she's hit-- not necessarily out of defense but moreso shock. she shakes her fur out soon after, moving her crown slightly upwards to lock her glowing golden gaze with his own. the way the man talks is also less than graceful, to her, but that was something she could easily get over as she entertained him. velvet slithers up to him, cooing at him respectfully. ,,oh dear, you have my deepest apologies,'' the shuck circles around him slowly as she talks, swaying her feathered tail in each direction. ,,are you hurt?'' she finishes, occasionally brushing her tail against him as it sways.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Morgan - January 26, 2019

As he got over his initial shock, his anger simmered down some. Getting over her scaring him, he watched her circle him, up downing him like some kinda panther. Well she was a pretty damn cute panther. But the way she talked had the Southerner on edge.
And it didn’t help that she had others scents on her, screaming at him that she was already in a posse of wolves already. 

Taking a slight step back once she had rounded her circuit back to his front, his anger got back in check as he recalled the last jumping he was almost ambushed with. Yea he had takin most of em down, but it really wasn’t worth the newest scar on his neck, a long and raw band of red trying to be shiny and beckoning under his thick hide. 

Hey look here now, I ain’t lookin for no trouble now, Miss. I’m fine, alright?

Her voice, while silky, and as many times as his dick had almost gotten him in trouble with a wifed woman already, reminded him way too many times of those traumas. 

I’ll be on ma way.” 

But damn he’d be lying if he said he wanted to leave this pretty thing. All curvy and whatnot, slipping across him like some willing prossy. And it was that little hesitation that he really actually needed to be getting going.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Velvet - January 26, 2019

with her circuit completed, he stepped back. fluffing her chest out subtly, velvet stood afront him; her paws slightly crossed over one another in her stance as the swaying of her tail came to a rest, letting it go limp behind her. she was reassured by him when he stated he wasn't looking for trouble, but she wasn't here to investigate why he was so close to the borders anyway-- she didn't really care why he was so close to the pack.
,,i'm not looking for trouble either,'' she hummed back at him whilst her ears attuned to the baritone voice he possessed.

once the words had came that he would be on his way, she noticed something peciluar in his tone. a hint of hesitance, it was, she sensed that this wolf didn't want to leave despite his apparent need to. with this, a smirk creased her muzzle ever so slightly as her chest fluffed out a tad more, perhaps she could entice him to keep her company for a while longer. ,,leaving so soon? stay a little longer so i can properly apologize for startling you so.'' she mused at him before letting her eyelids halfway down, giving him a dreamy look as her ears twitched.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Morgan - January 26, 2019

He watched her sidle all up and perky for him, reassuring him that he wasn’t gonna get his ass beat outta the blue - but as much as he wanted to fall for it, the block head had a few sharp corners to match his dull ones. But even while he knew better, that silky voice of hers had him a lil stuck. She just looked so soft.

Men like him liked soft thangs.

Whoa miss - I don’t even know yer name! You might even have you a boahfren.” Those were the worst kinda fights. How do you explain that? ‘She told me she was single’?

Golden eyes ran over that plush body, trying to seemingly look for reasons not to like this appeal she had.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Velvet - January 27, 2019

fluttering her lashes, she drew closer-- closer-- yet closer. a sway in her step as her enticing posture sustains itself. looking like she had him in her claws grip, confident, sure of herself-- until something snaps inside the other. sense, perhaps? while she knows that would be best for him, to attend to whatever business he may have, she really can't help but want him for herself, to see how far she can go with a stranger once more. with a snap of his muzzle he spat out his sentence in his accent that was almost hard for her to understand.

upon hearing what he had to say, she cocks her head slightly and chuckles. ,,boyfriend?'' her voice moves up and down during the word, ,,no, no, no no no-- that type of relationship isn't for me.'' she muses at him before addressing that word. her favorite one, possibly; the word that allows her game to begin. ,,i can tell you my name when you get to know me better.'' words poured from her mouth smooth as silk, her body swishing.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Morgan - January 27, 2019

Oh, so she was one of them gurls, huh? Not a prossy, looking for nothin in return, or so she didn't seem to upfront cough that up, just yet. Nah she was trying to get him all wound up around that wavy waist of hers- Either that, or she had some aims of being the one who got on top, tonight. Well shit, that wasn't no kinda problem to him- the outrider would let her do all that she was content to do to introduce herself to him, should it go right on down that trail. 

His tail swished a bit until it was clear he was much more interested in her than he should be. Looking down at the vixen, the wandering mass assumed just some gurls wanted a bit of fun before going on the first date. Wasn't nothin' new to him. But as he passed his first few gurls like that, he was thinking about settlin, looking for something to come back home to. He wasn't no heartbreaker or nothin'; hell he'd only gotten with girls that wanted just as much as he did, but they usually asked first. All he did was oblidge. Ears flicked to regally peek across his wide shoulders as he fought to discern whether this was yet another one of those situations or whether this was another cunt full o' snakes. Some ladies wanted a good time - some just wanted to bring a man down. 

Morgan fussed with it enough, taking a step forward till the end of his nare just glanced across the crest of her ebony crown. She was a rather persistant one, and as he knew it was the season for gurl's to be starting to get fiesty and ho-downin with the nearest man, he didn't wanna risk her getting in trouble with whoever it was that stood over her. He also wanted to atleast be a daddy to whatever kids he spawned - well, the latest ones, atleast. He had atleast a litter or two probably wondering what the word 'Daddeh' meant. 

"Somethin' like this'll get ya kicked out yer posse, miss..." his voice was gruff as he was at his wit's end of restraint. It wouldn't be the first time he'd be chased off of pack lands, but a fella like him gets tired of runnin' after not coming across a posse willing to take him in. Loner life was hard, and it was even harder for a pregnant girl who wasn't supposed to be havin' kids without the group leader's say-so. 

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Velvet - January 27, 2019

the game had begun.
she circled around him, resting her muzzle on his shoulder. cooing in his ear whilst he voiced her concerns over his pack scent. to this, she gave nothing but a light scoff. she knew she wasn't planning on staying here permanately, she just needed somewhere to reside for the colder months that plagued the land: sweeping over the once green grasses, killing everything with it's frigid touch only to be reborn again as gales bless them. ,,they can't kick me out if i leave,'' her voice is quiet and although most would consider this a brash decision she had no connections with the pack in which the silver-and-black peppered male sucked her into. ,,i have no roots here. you can whisk me away to wherever you desire.'' the dreamy tone in her voice came to a fever pitch as she playfully nipped at his ear-- waiting.

RE: Ain't no prettier face than a kissed one. - Morgan - January 27, 2019

Cracks began in the resistance he had called himself trying to keep, a dam that wasn’t any better than an upside down umbrella in a typhoon. Because the killer half of the joke was that the gruff man turned the umbrella upside down on his own and started walking into the storm. He stood at that dam, sledgehammer in hand with every word this minx whispered in his ear. 

And once she threw that little biscuit out there for him, that little treat that landed right across his feet, that man let go of that umbrella and swung that sledgehammer at full force.

Well then, less gedda move on ‘fore them folks start missin ya,” he said with that roguish charm, trying to hide his urge to take her down right on her old pack turf then and there behind a smirk of his own. 

She was warming him up in all the places a married woman would a husband, and damn it all. Just her being so close to him was warming him up, and it had been a few months since he felt a woman’s touch. “Came ‘cross a dark fella who’d talked about this posse he’s settin up in some good woods west a’ here. We get moving now, we can try to beat any new settin’ snows.” Champagne gaze running a smooth trail over the trace of her cheek up to the round of her nape only to gallop over that slim back of hers. Wasn’t no girl gone settle with a rat bum scum, so he outta atleast get settled now while he could. It was good he had a girl with him now, atleast.