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Breathe your life into me - Printable Version

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Breathe your life into me - Jinx - July 11, 2014

@Kaname @Lecter @Sitri @Cara @Mordecai @Snowflake @Vectra @Itsuki @Tyrande Nightshade @Meldresi
This is the "claiming howl" for Ouroboros Spine. Because of their need for secrecy, it isn't a traditional howl, but more a series of barks and stuff so that other wolf packs can't hear them as easily.

Jinx breathed deeply as she sprawled out beneath a mighty lodgepole, her tail swaying and disturbing all the shed needles on the ground. She hadn't been more pleased since... Well, since starting her pack to begin with. They would no longer need to worry about outsiders encroaching on the herds they tracked, nor would they be suffocated by the nearness of others. The Silvertip Mountain wolves, now those of The Spine, were free.

She rolled onto her stomach, readying herself to stand and shoot a raucous chorus of barks into the forest in hopes her followers would hear and respond. The flesh around the wound on her foreleg twitched insistently, begging her attention, but she ignored it. Her tail swayed jovially behind her as she barked and yipped into the gloomy forest, hoping to share in the joy of their freedom with her pack mates.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Vectra - July 11, 2014

im making this supposedly after the fight with Erika

Vectra was nearby, having kept near her alpha after the fight, feeling uncomfortable leaving her leader alone. All that had gone on was confusing, so she was remaining around someone in charge for a little bit of order in this chaos.

Hearing the shrill barks she thought her alpha in trouble, twisting around as soon as possible Vectra darted through the trees, racing towards her leader. Coming into the clearing she saw the female was alright, a let loose a sigh of relief. Taking a few breaths before raising her head she said between pants "you...You called?" she huffed out trying to catch her breath.


RE: Breathe your life into me - Mordecai - July 12, 2014

There had come a point when they had left Silvertip Mountain for the last time. Somewhere in the midst of the chaos, the looming worry of what may come or would be. It had been tiresome, but well worth the change. Mordecai was already steadfast in his exploration of the territory, or at least the parts he had yet to carve out a mental map of. He had plans to make a round of the lake when he heard the sharp barks reaching out for him; the tawny Ostrega paused to listen and interpret.

Jinx was rallying them at last, an indication that their efforts had bore fruitful. Ouroboros was one now, and they were the creatures that inhabited the Spine. He joined in with his own calls then, echoing the barks to the ranges so that the others would hear and perhaps be drawn in and summoned to include their own voices to their signifying chorus. A long smile placed itself at his muzzle, as he was content in their new digs and all that they had done to claim it for themselves.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Tyrande Nightshade - July 12, 2014

Tyrande lifted her head as she heard the barks, shifting in her new den, which now carried the strange herbal scent of the toxicologist. Getting up, she scrambled out of the crevasse and to the front of the den, which showed a fancy view of the lake through the trees. She tipped her head back and let out a series of barks.

The barks were low, signifying her humiliating rank in the pack, but held a hint of pack pride nonetheless. Her strange vocals in harmony with the others.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Sitri - July 12, 2014

Sitri stepped up beside the others, having been there for a while now. He had not found a den yet, and wasn't even sure if he wanted one yet, it was summer so it was nice out at night and he enjoyed it. He added his low bark and smiled in the light red eyes gleaming. He did nudge Tyrande hello, the only friend he really had in the pack.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Kaname - July 12, 2014

He was searching for a place to settle down for the night when he heard barks off in the distance. The Gamma recognized Jinx, Sitri and Tyrande's voices first, then hearing Mordecai and Vectra's. Walking towards the rally, he barked, drawing the noise out almost like a howl, then ending it off abruptly. He continued the sound until he reached the gathered wolves, then switching to shorter barks and yips.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Meldresi - July 12, 2014

The priestess was the last to reach Ourobous. Being new, she had recently recieved news that the pack was moving, and trailed far behind the pack as she travelled to the green valley. On the way she had an unfortunate encounter with a crude Russian male, but that was in the past now. She had a new new home.

Off in the distance she heard the pack rallying, not with howls, but with barks and yips. Relieved that she found them, she added her call, racing down the slopes to meet the packmates she hadn't met yet. Out of all the calls, she only recognized two: Jinx and Vectra. Two out of the six or so that were barking. She needed to change that, and tonight seemed the perfect time to do so.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Cara - July 12, 2014

Save the best for last.
The yearling jumped to her paws once her queen's voice echoed through the air. She knew exactly what was going on. At last the day, they claimed the lands she had had the pleasure to explore beforehand, had arrived. She had been blessed by Jinx and given the opportunity to get a peek of the island before any of her packmates; but the greatest gift of all had been recieving the honor to name the land too.

Ouroboros had been the she had chosen and luckily the one Jinx had approved. Every time she thought of it the young girl's heart pounded in her chest, it was safe to say this was Cara's greatest accomplishment so far. Now she was fighting the urge to bloat around her friends, she knew that as easily as her good fortune had arrived it could fade away.

It was hard but she was managing.
Soon after one of the newest females arrived, Cara appeared from the shadows and headed directly towards Jinx, a wide smile drawn across her muzzle. When she finally reached her queen she planted a good lick in her cheek before stepping besides her and joining her voice to the lovely chorus of the Ouroboros.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Lecter - July 13, 2014

His was a staccato burst of emotion, sharp barks punctuated by sharper sounds. To move from the mountain was not something he had wished to do; he had wanted to die upon Silvertip. But upon closer examination of his mortality, Lecter had realized that to pass his last breaths with Jinx alongside him was the true measured desire of his heart.

With the wisdom of one who had lived long, the shaman knew he did not have a great amount of time. With that which he did have, he would convey his knowledge among the pack, for the Spine would not survive without a proper healer, a worker of magick.

And so he lifted his voice among those that sounded in the new wilderness, until his soul had been sated and his heart blessed.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Snowstorm - July 18, 2014

Snowstorm barked a loud bark, meeting her packmates sound level. She was newer to the pack, so she did not know much about the recent home. The Spine was a nice place. She flicked her ears. Wagged her tail. Barked and whined and growled.

She tried to make all noises possible, except a howl. "Nice spot, Jinx," she said. "And to you too, Lecter and everybody else." She sat down. Still barking, she congratulated everybody on the new find.

RE: Breathe your life into me - Jinx - July 23, 2014

Just quick conclusion post since these are usually just a 1 post affair!

The pack assembled, or at least did so in a manner of speaking. Some came directly to her, while others added their calls from afar. The sounds echoed off the bowl of the Spine, multiplying as they did so that it sounded like a hundred wolves had added their voices rather than their dozen or so. This made the Alpha female smile as she joined her pack mates in another raucous round of celebration. The Spine pack would settle here, in this safe haven, where none of the other packs could so much as touch them in her opinion.