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Swiftcurrent Creek Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Printable Version

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Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Kieran - July 15, 2014

Large footfalls fell as mahoghany bound body strode towards the nearest pack lands when he was coming in. He had no reason to join as of yet, and he was going to strongly consider all options before he made his choice. The sadness on his countenance as apparent as were the shadows in his eyes. He could not remember the last time he had smiled, laughed or even had any reason to do any of the above. He missed his family and he missed his beautiful Kiva, but here he was and he was ready to try and begin again. It was his fault that they were all dead, he couldn't defeat the lone wolf, that he would not ever name. He had not been a lone wolf at all, he had been merely a doppleganger, a wolf in sheeps clothing. Oh yea Kieran did not think he would ever forget his face, not that he could the bastard had carved the scar in his face that he bore.

He lifted his nose to the heavens and howled out in a deep voice for any and all to meet him here and tell him of their home. He shifted his large weight and he waited and he watched with deep green eyes.

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Scimitar - July 17, 2014

The summoned male was quick to arrive, having only been moments away from the stranger. His stance was not welcoming – the lift of his hefty figure as he strode across the claimed grounds to the deeper cinnamon male tested the others ability to submit on lands that did not belong to him – especially, given Scimitar’s lack of rank.

His gaze regarded the other – a stoical mask in place did not offer any insight to his thoughts, and with a flick of his ebony-tipped tail, a rumble escaped his jaws, not quite a growl.. not quite a friendly tune. “What brings you to Swiftcurrent Creek lands?” The other did not seem to scent of any other packs – certainly not the Sunspire pack, but Scimitar had not traveled much since he had come to his new home, and therefore was not privy to the validity of this assumption.

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Kieran - July 17, 2014

can we make this a joining thread @Bazi

Kieran raised an eyebrow as the other stalked towards him in irritation. Forgive him for wanting information about the pack lands, that he may or may not be a part of. He was on the borders, not on their land so there was no need for aminiosity, however if the other wolf kept it up Kieran would take his want for information else where and not even consider this pack for him to be a part of. He stared at the other again and spoke in a soft voice his language rolling off his tongue like a caress. How he missed those that could speak his language. " Níl mé ar do chara thalamh ní amhlaidh a dhéanamh a bheith ina jerk faoi."

Kieran ghosted backwards as clearly the other was not thrilled to have him here and he spoke then in the common tongue of these wolves. "Scon are 'ere from far away. oi'm lookin' for a place ter call 'um. but oi want me choice ter be well tart oyt, so if yer can is dare anythin' yer can tell me aboyt dis place?"He stood then still and stoic, not in the mood for a brawl but he’d take it if he had too. He was rather neutral at the moment.

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Bazi - July 20, 2014

Assuming this is from before Fox disappears. :D

From a distance, Kieran looked remarkably like Tiárnan - and when the familiar lilt of a foreign tongue filtered through the air and into her plush ears, Bazi was all but convinced. It was only when the stranger began to speak some stilted version of the common tongue that this theory was quashed.

She remained where she was for a moment, disguised by a crew of tall boulders that shielded her from view. Scimitar was first on the scene. She smiled into the grass at the sound of his voice. Strong, wonderful Scimitar. He had found just the right blend of openness and caution with which to greet visitors. Bazi was both impressed and mildly jealous - she might be Beta, but she did not have that aura, and her voice was inherently snarky.

At the end of Kieran's question, Bazi rolled onto her front and stood up, giving her luxurious pelt a shake before stepping into view. "Ahoy," she greeted both males. The foreigner was stepping backwards, away from Scimitar, and the Beta wasn't surprised - she rubbed her side against her gargantuan pack-mate's shoulder. Ice-blue eyes fastened on Kieran's face. It looked so much like Tiárnan's that Bazi had to spend a few seconds making sure that the tone she was about to use wasn't laced with poison.

"I can barely understand you, but I think I get the gist of what you're asking," she told him, all business. "We're a large pack, strong, and we have pups. We need protectors and we need hunters. I'm Bazi, this is Scimitar - Beta and lead hunter respectively. Let's cut to the chase; what can you offer us in exchange for taking you in?"

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Scimitar - July 20, 2014

Had Scim knew the thoughts of the male about leaving, all insulted about his approach at the borders, he likely would have shrugged his large shoulders, ensured the other was well away from the creek territory, and then moved along his day. If he couldn't handle a brash approach at the borders, he would not suffice for the Creek pack and their likely oncoming battle with the Sunspire.

The other backpeddeled a bit, which pleased the cinnamon male, hough he made no further movement. Words flowed from the stranger's mouth, and the dark agouti wolf was instantly taken back to his childhood -- to Dal Riata. Yet the tongue was still not overly common where he was from, and while his mother had spoken sparse bits of it, he had never been fluent.

Before he could demand the other speak english, he did. Or sort of did. Blinking, confused with the seemingly quick tongue of the other, Bazi was quick to save him, her lithe figure caressing against his as she moved forward, calming him quickly.

She introduced him as lead hunter -- an interesting title that was not entirely deserving, but one that brought a flicker of bemusement to his lips. "Protectors and warriors, he interjected, his eyes falling upon the red male. "You've come to our borders at a tense time."

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Kieran - July 20, 2014

Kieran wasn’t so much insulted as he was put off by the attitude met at the borders. He knew very well that you needed to protect your borders, he wore the scar to prove it, and held the emotional baggage too. However, he also knew that manners were effortless and gentleman should remember that.

Kieran looked at the white female that came forward and listened ot her words. He didn’t think his common tongue was that hard, though he supposed his brogue was strong and a bit off putting, but he just couldn’t help it. He just couldn’t get the jest of the common language.

Kiearan listened to what they needed and spoke " Den it’s gran' dat i’m both a warrior an' a protector nigh isn’t it. ah babes they are de life blud av a family an' shud be protected an' treated as such "
He looked at both of them again and bowing a little at the chest he spoke softly " Scon are kieran o’malley so'tiz a pleasure ter meet yer both."

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Bazi - July 21, 2014

If Kieran was in any way offended by the attitude of the two wolves that met him, he did not show it. "And protectors," Bazi agreed, watching the stranger for a response. When it came, it was gracious, and it gladdened the Beta that he specifically brought up the Creek's children. It helped that he looked strong and healthy.

"Maybe their mother will permit you to meet them one day," When you have proven yourself, she added to herself, thinking back on the faceless wolves that had accepted the honour of becoming a Swiftcurrent wolf, only to disappear without a trace before they could really earn the title. A lop-sided smile eased the tension in the Beta's face. "Then you're a Swiftcurrent wolf. Come on; we will point you at a few caches - eat your fill. There's a lot of protecting to do around here."

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Scimitar - July 27, 2014

Blinking, Scim cast a sideways glance to Bazi, attempting to delve in to the emotions behind the mask. Could she understand this clown? Grasping his name, but only just, Scimitar gave a nod to the other as Bazi spoke, welcoming him to their home. It had been a quick glean of his personality, though the Frostfur trusted her judgement more than enough.

Lenient and submissive to the ivory female, he stepped in alongside her, allowing her to take lead though his eyes would stray to their new comrade every so often as a grand tour was unveiled. There was certainly more than enough work to be done at Swiftcurrent Creek, and once the cache locations were given to the newcomer, the agouti male would later backtrack to continue his prowl of the borders.

Exit Scim.

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Bazi - July 27, 2014

I know it's not my turn, but I just wanted to return the glance.. :D I hope that's OK.

Bazi's eyes widened slightly when she met Scimitar's brief glance, as if to say I don't freakin' know either!. She had caught his name - Kieran - and something about babes, which she knew was a synonym for children. The rest was judged on the thickness of Kieran's limbs and his easy smile. Both Swiftcurrent veterans would just have to cross their toes and hope that this was enough.

RE: Bhí mé Prionsa i measc go leor - Kieran - August 10, 2014

Kieran stared back at them both respectfully and dead pan. He really didn't care one whit if they didn't understand his brogue, as long as they left him alone and told him what they needed, they would have no trouble from him. He was a good man most of the time and though he was lacking and he was self depreciating he could and would help where he was needed in this pack for now. He would muddle through the common language as best he could.

He followed on the tour learning everything and everyone and listening adn watching. "Tanks for de tour an' for a 'um, yer may attend ter yer other duties if yer nade ter."