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Altar of Twilight just one look and i'm hooked - Printable Version

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just one look and i'm hooked - Willoughby - March 19, 2019

ooc; set after she goes to moonspear. a naturalist trade thread

it was obviously night. everything looked better at night. summer would be here soon enough and with it the fireflies'd come out and bless the evening skies. she was looking forward to that. whatever had happened at Moonspear's border, Bee was keen to explore the area surrounding the pack. she just picked a direction at random and went with it. her steps lead her to this altar, this place she had no knowledge of. 

it was pretty here, the way the view gifted her a nice view of the vale below. she'd flop down on the ground, tongue rolling from her mouth from the exercise. Bee still wasn't very used to traveling long distances. it had taken her a few months to reach the Teekons by herself, and that had been such an effort. her home was always closely knit together in more ways than one. everything was within reach. the people friendly too.

pushing aside other thoughts, her eyes stared above to the welcomed constellations. northern skies were clear and void of light pollution. it was cold, yeah, but she could handle it. picking out her favorite star - Polaris - she'd hum a soft tune to herself. her head rocked back and forth as she tried to put names to other beams of light.

RE: just one look and i'm hooked - Sanguinus - March 25, 2019

It was not the vaguely familiar scent or a joint interest in the midnight sky the drew him towards the starbathing enchantress, but rather the soft melody she hummed into the evening twilight. Songs were not something he'd been exposed to as a child or experienced during his travels, so, when he heard her angelic tune, Sanguinus was left in awe and found himself fascinated by the melodious euphony of her hum. 

"That sounds beautiful" he let out in an airy breath, tail swaying softly behind him as he made his way into the scene. It did not register to him right away that she was of Moonspear or that he might have interrupted her stargazing, for he was far too interested in her melody to pay attention to much else. 

RE: just one look and i'm hooked - Willoughby - March 26, 2019

"hmmmm?" Bee's voice paused, emitting a soft 'ohmygods' in amazement someone else was here. her neck swirled around to see the approaching man who had remarked on her tune. she didn't blush at his compliment, having little shame in what she had been doing. a bright grin reached her face, eager at the company. "oh, hello!" 

his face told a wonderful story. everyone was beautiful in their own way, and the girl was not put off by his ravaged features. he must have quite the tale to tell! but it'd be soooo rude to ask such a thing. her gaze returned to the sky itself. "I was singing to the stars. maybe if I shared a tune with them, they'd speak back to me" she gave a little giggle "but they're so persistent to be quiet." she had not yet earned the right to speak to them.

"oh!" her mouth rounded into an 'o'. "I'm Willoughby of Moonspear. it's nice to meet you!"