Wolf RPG
King Elk Forest Far Far From Home - Printable Version

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Far Far From Home - Higoro - March 28, 2019

Paw tracks in the snow, blots of red within them, dark, and stark against the white icy snow. An even darker color lurked within the forest, a shade of black, sliver and brown dappled over fur. Blood stained teeth, a sleek coat, and a strong body. A fresh kill within Higoros maw, fur to protect against the elements and strenght to keep him moving forward. He wasn't done, he still had to find her. No matter how bloody his paws got, how tired his body was or how muddled his mind became he would not stop until she was found. It had been months, no a year since his journey began and Higoro allowed himself little time for self care. He was too full of himself to admit it but he didn't look good, a considerable amount of his usual weight had been lost and his strenght was certainly not what it used to be. None of that would stop him much, maybe an inconvenience here and there but he would refuse to let those things stop him. The guilt he carried with him each and everyday since his separation from her has fueled his expedition to find her. He had to make things right with her. 

A violent rumble withing Higoros stomach was enough to pull his thoughts away, and onto the fact he was sure that rumble was loud enough it could be heard a mile away. Not to mention the pain was like bear claws being sunk into his belly. The silvery male decided enough was enough, he was to eat what he had killed. His pace slowed, and his paws ached more as his steps became more deliberate and weighted. The blood on his paws was still there, a clear product of just how much he was unwilling to cut himself breaks but unfortunetly to Higoro, he needed to eat. The male laid down on his stomach and laid the rabbit in front of him, belly exposed. He licked his chops and began tearing into the belly of the rabbit. As he ate his mind drifted to her, wondering if she was near or far and if she was okay. To stay this female was his soft spot was an understatment.

RE: Far Far From Home - Minori - March 28, 2019

She had stayed put long enough. She knew the risks of straying too far from the keep alone, especially when her hips had widened and belly rounded and it was all she could do to just waddle. But she waddled away anyway, eager to get out and explore the surrounding regions around her new home. While she roamed her thoughts were on the unborn children in her belly, the offspring of her and her love. Her love.....Issun. She smiled to herself as she entered a forest, wandering alongside a creek. Issun had done so much for her, he was loyal and good, he had never betrayed her or lead her astray. He was everything she hoped love would be and more. 

The scent of blood caught her attention, rabbit in particular and she turned in that direction. Something pulled her that way, urged her to follow the scent and she did. For a while there was only bloody pawprints and crimson droplets and then she spotted the thin and sickly looking dark form on the snow. She sniffed at the scent and froze, her hackles immediately rising. It was a scent she could never forget, one that shook her to her very core. Memories flashed through her mind, war, celebration, nights under the stars sharing her deepest dreams. Screaming, shouting, a pinprick and then blackness. "You" she croaked out, voice raw with emotion. "You filthy snake. Traitor. Liar!" she shouted at him, secretly praying it was a mistake. She bared her fangs, eyes aflame with violent intention but she stayed still. She wasn't just living for herself anymore, she had children to birth. "Out of all the others who could have showed. My soldiers, my baby brother...why you?" this came out in an accusational whisper, a lifeless tone filled with heartbreak.

RE: Far Far From Home - Higoro - March 28, 2019

The rabbit tasted nothing like the ones back at his homeland, this rabbit was much more gamey and chewy. Something Higoros palate wasn't accostumed to but the new discovery was thrown out the den like a sly fox when a voiced called to him. It took a fraction of a second for him reconize the voice, it belonged to her, the one he spent a year looking for and she was here! He sprang to his feet, taking a few hesitant steps towards her, unsure if it was truly her. Excitement and joy was quick to flood his mind once he realized it was but just as it was quick to come, it was even faster to dissappear once his brain finally registered what his ears had heard. All his momentum drained out of him, leaving nothing left but his guilt and shame. His body sank into itself, his ears drapped down and his his features were sullen and pained. His guilt was put on display by his actions, and expressions, he hated knowing he looked pathetic but Minori was always able to withdraw what most couldn't out of him.

"Minori.." He said, his voice nothing but a pitiful whisper. "It's been so long." His eyes wondered her body checking to see of any certain markings and was horrified to see her widened hips and rounded belly. Somebody had claimed her and done that to her. Higoro was alit with fire, he wanted to know who was responsible for such an act. "Tell me who did this to you." He demaned. His hackles raised and his ears were pricked upwards, Higoro started stepping closer, trying to inspect just how far along she was. A couple of weeks he would guess but he wasn't sure, too shocked to care much further. "Minori, how could you?" He was offended, forgetting all about what he owed her.

RE: Far Far From Home - Minori - March 28, 2019

She opened her mouth ready to shout more venomous words his way, ready to flay his skin from his bones with the sheer rage she put into them. She was waiting for the man she remembered to return the venom, to return the same fire she dealt out but instead he deflated. She snapped her jaws shut and stared, ears flicking back and then perking forward again. She waited for him to speak and he did, uttering meaningless words that went in one ear and out the other. And then all at once he changed, his gaze swept over her and she recoiled taking a few steps backwards defensively. He spoke again, this time demanding to know about her pregnancy and then....he asked her how she could do this.

Immediately she was enraged. Oh the set of balls he had! Once more she slid into the persona of General, her tail raising and a thunderous snarl echoing through the trees "My mate did this! You forfeited our relationship the second you betrayed me and my family, the second you destroyed my life and my home!" she was mere inches from him now, her well fed and muscled body poised and ready to slam into his weakened one. Instead she reigned in her anger a bit and placed a well aimed snap of her jaws in the air just in front of his eyes "I should be asking that question! How could you? How could you be so selfish Higoro?" she screamed at him, oh how long she had waited for this moment. Her heart hammered wildly, she felt a strength the likes of which she hadn't felt in over a year.

RE: Far Far From Home - Higoro - March 28, 2019

Hearing Minori had a mate stung more than the reminder of his betrayal, he still had feelings for her. Deeply rooted feelings that were under a massive tree of bonding, that had thick branches that lead to memories and a previous love that was now past. The news sobered him from his anger, bringing back down to earth, leaving him conflicted. Higoro was upset over her betrayal but understood he needed to make up for his own. He didn't know exactly how to make up for what he had done but he was sure there was something, he only needed time and her patience. Though he doubted the latter was going to come easy, or at all for that matter. He swore he would gain her trust back and redeam himself, no matter the cost.

The snap in Higoros face was a genuine surpirse to him but one that really didnt affect him all that much. He could thank the wars for his literal unflinching attitude, a simple blink was the most she got from him. Higoro took a deep breath, his sickly frame shivering in the cold and with the exhale came a small gust of steam. The males eyes strayed away from Minoris and aimed at the snow, his ears softened, hackles flatened, and his body relaxed. And with a deep breath, "Minori, there isn't a single word or gesture out there to express my heartache, guilt and shame with proper justice. Ever since that day, that moment.." He spit those words out, disgusted at the mention of his betrayal. "I have felt severe guilt for what I did and I haven't stopped thinking about you since then. I doubt anything I say will mean a damn to you but please know that I am sorry for what I did." His words were scincere, he meant each and everyone with astounding honesty. 

Higoro lifted his head and met Minoris eyes once again, his own emitting scincerity and almost pleaded to accept his apology. Yet similairly like his trek to the land, her acceptance would be hard fought to get to and the male had strong doubts she would just give in and accept. Apologizing was a new thing to Higoro, it felt odd, like a wrongfully placed puzzle piece. Made him feel exposed, as if a lethal verbal strike could come his way any moment and that out him on edge. Higoro backed away slowly, taking two steps back in hope space would calm his previous mate. Surly things couldn't get any worse for the male and yet, he was sure it might.

RE: Far Far From Home - Minori - March 28, 2019

She stared into his eyes and it was the hardest thing she had ever done. She had stared into the eyes of men far scarier than him, men who had armies that had caused some of her best soldiers to piss themselves and run. This time she was staring into the eyes of a man who was her personal demon, the one who had shattered her heart and world. She silently took his apology and she scoffed, her breath blowing against his muzzle yet despite her cold exterior the words he spoke hurt her. "Your heartache? I was a mess. I didn't talk, I didn't eat. I had nobody, not even myself. You want to know who fixed me? Who cleaned up the mess you made? Issun. He saved me, taught me to love again. And now I will have a family and I want you to stay far away from me" the last sentence wobbled unevenly and she lashed her tail, backing away just as he did. "Live with your guilt Higoro. Suffer. Move on. I don't care about your apology because you mean nothing to me. I can move past what was done to me but what you did to my family is unforgivable. My baby brother, Tadashi...you know he's probably dead. He was so innocent" her voice broke. She shook her head "You were my trusted advisor. I told you all my secrets, all my dreams. I'm just glad I saved one thing for Issun, my body and womb. Goodbye Higoro" she said the last hurtful thing she could think of. It was petty, a low blow and she knew it but she felt so much better and genuinely hoped he felt all the more worse. She huffed and turned around, heading back to Shadewood as fast as she could.

RE: Far Far From Home - Higoro - March 28, 2019

His feelings were correct, things got infinitely worse. Minori up and left without giving him a single chance to defend himself or at the very least tell her his side of things. The male huffed and watched for a bit as she stormed off, rolling his eyes and trotting off after her. He kept his distance wanting to gather his thoughts before engaging in another fight with her. Whether she noticed him or not he didn't care, he was going to continue to try to fix things. He walked, searched and called out for her for an entire year. He wasn't about to give things up now.

Hirogo picked up his pace inching closer by the minute to Minori and once he was within speaking distance, he spoke. "Minori, do you think I faired well either? Do you think I didn't lose people too? Do you think I didn't spend nights awake and sick to my stomach wondering what had just happened? What I did?" He sighed, "I lost who I cared for the most, you. So don't think you're the only one who lost something Minori. Cause you aren't!" His voice raised, and grew harsher as the sentence progressed until his voice was significantly raised. 

RE: Far Far From Home - Minori - March 28, 2019

She had actually done it, she had faced her demon, she had won-

And then he was back, shouting at her. Their dance had begun, similar to like home except this time for real. She struck, he fought back, she retaliated and they battled equally until one caved. She pretended to ignore him, facing Straight ahead until the last words he shouted vehemently. She whirled around aiming to grab his scruff and throw his weakened form away. If successful she would scream at him, so loudly that it was likely heard by @Issun at Shadewood. "I lost my family, My soldiers, my home! I had that stolen from me! You gave it up, you made the choice!" she would stand over him and snarl.

RE: Far Far From Home - Higoro - March 28, 2019

Higoro let Minori throw him back, knowing she was no threat to him. If this was any other wolf they would be swiftly met with just retaliation but because it was Minori, he would do no such thing. The days events with his once beloved reminded him of something Higoros mother told him when he was just a pup. His mother had told him something he never forgot, she said, 'Higoro, one day you will say or do something to hurt someone and you will beg for forgiveness but never recieve it.'. Her words rang painfully true, it was almost as if she knew all this would happen but Higoro knew his mother was just wise. As Minori spoke his mothers words echoed in his mind, hammering in the last nails of his mothers point. As well as Minoris. She was right. As much as Higoro abhored admitting he was wrong, he would cave in and agree. His head nodded. Damn was he so confused, these feelings were hard to manage and even more difficult to express. New territory he didn't know how to traverse well. "You're right," He reluctantly admitted, his voice slightly cracking. "I was and am foolish." Another crack in his voice, "But just know, that I still care for you and I'm not going to give up trying to fix my wrongs." He offered a small, almost unnoticeable smile and then with that, Higoro walked away. He would be back, keeping tabs on the female of course but for now, space was needed. 

Aaaand scene

RE: Far Far From Home - Minori - March 29, 2019

WHAT A START! <3 Archiving!

Her anger burned out and left her feeling broken. Her eyes moistened as he admitted his wrongdoing and promised he wouldn't give up. How could she get him to see she didn't care? She didn't want him around! Yet...some small part of her yearned to call out, to say something harsh so that he wouldn't leave. Instead she watched him go, breath turning shallow until every exhale was a shrill whine. She turned and ran for her new home, tears blurring her vision and choked sobs making it hard to breath.