Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain ichor & frost - Printable Version

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ichor & frost - Rhaenys - April 27, 2019

thread for @Radar but wanderers welcome!

The number of times she found herself at the base of mountains were few and far between, so when Rhaenys found herself to be directly staring at one, she eagerly closed the distance. Mountains. She didn't necessarily enjoy having the ruthless sharp stones pinching and stabbing at her paws and no, she wasn't any sort of whizz at climbing them but having the advantage of height was always a priority. The weather was odd to her; the snow on the land was not something that was always there. It was soft and bendable unlike the hard and unbreaking snows of the north. If she dug at it, she could even see green. Green. What a weird color.  It was definitely an improvement to the alabaster lands of Rhaesuial - it had always been unbelievably plain.

The snow was a familiarity at least, but everything else that surrounded her was unfamiliar territory. 

- and it made a sense of achievement rush through her body. She had finally fuckin' done it, she had fled from the place her parents ritually attempted to forge her into something she wasn't. Ritualistic dumbasses were quite literally all they were, beliefs in something so much greater than them that there was no wonder why they were all pushed to the brinks of the north. Anyone who encountered them would be encouraged to think oddly or have an extremely open mind. Unfortunately for Rhaenys, daughter of Caradoc and Adara, she was not of that mind state. 

Which was what put her here, at this very moment, attempting to climb up the mountain unsteadily with her northern paws. They were not built for climbing.

RE: ichor & frost - Radar - April 27, 2019

After departing from the male she had met earlier. The shewolf couldn’t decide what she wanted to do next. She felt all alone even more than she did before. As she trekked forward she noticed someone. “Hello..”

RE: ichor & frost - Rhaenys - April 27, 2019

Moving forward with her attention solely on getting to where she needed to be - to see where she was going and not blindly going straight her entire life, she completely disregarded the fact of the chance of strange faces. At the small 'hello', her fur instantly stood on end and, grasping the stones instinctively, she whipped her head around as her tail raised over her back. Taken off guard, the girl pinned her ears to her head and flashed the individual with her pearly whites. 

And then she rethought of what she said and, snorting once, Rhaenys relaxed slightly. Still on guard, however, she turned around and looked down at the eager little female. "Hello." She responded, her words echoing the woman's like a parrot - or perhaps even a broken record; uncertainty shrouded her expression.

RE: ichor & frost - Radar - April 27, 2019

The girl was met with a snarl as well as teeth. She backed up slowly and she watched the other carefully. “I’m sorry didn’t mean to startle you.”

RE: ichor & frost - Rhaenys - April 28, 2019

For a moment, all Rhaenys could do was stare at the woman. And just before it got awkward, she broke the look and shrugged her shoulders before finally turning back to where she was previously. "What is this place?" She pondered aloud - whether the darker wolf wanted to answer was up to her. Either way, the firey girl would eventually find out on her own terms. Her own time - on her own. 

RE: ichor & frost - Radar - April 28, 2019

All she did was look at the mountain then back at the other female. “I wish I knew. I’m not really from around here.”

RE: ichor & frost - Rhaenys - April 29, 2019

Sorry, she's not very open lmao.

Not much help then. Rhaenys huffed softly, looking at the woman from the corner of her eye before nodding. The girl wondered briefly what it was the darker woman had been expecting - galloping through the snow and, as it cleared, soon to follow rolling in dandelions, sunflowers, roses and all assortments of flowers?

Her tongue ran over her teeth, ears flattening half-way before she continued on her way up the mountain. Rhaenys would only go as far as she needed to get a better viewpoint - water. In the far distance. Slowing down on her climb, the northern girl looked back slowly to see what the woman was doing. 

A defeated sigh passed from her lips. "I come from the north." She said suddenly, bluntly. 

RE: ichor & frost - Radar - May 12, 2019

The woman didn’t speak much and it was hard for Radar to communicate with the female as she watched her inspect the mountain. “I came from that way.” She pointed her snout in the direction of her home.