Wolf RPG
Love the ones you still have - Printable Version

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Love the ones you still have - Julooke - August 24, 2013

Any and all welcome! <3

She had been mainly keeping to herself since the group had joined the pack, though she still made sure to make her rounds and show herself frequently. She didn't want anything to think she was avoiding them, after all. She just needed a little time to herself. And the time seemed to be starting to heal her. She felt a little lighter today, not so weighed down by her depression. And, so, she decided she wanted to do something she hadn't done in quite a while: run for fun.

She weaved in and out of the bushes, and over fallen trees, the wind rushing around her head and over her body, making her fur wave. Her jaws were slightly parted, sucking in air as she ran. It was exhilarating. How had she gone so long without feeling such... freedom? Her pace didn't waver as she ran into the heart of the territory.


RE: Love the ones you still have - Turquoise - August 25, 2013

Turquoise felt even worse when she left Neverwinter without seeing Rivet in person, yet she still wasn't ready to face the DeMonte woman. Now she felt cowardly along with everything else, yet at least the task at hand kept her somewhat busy. For no real reason at all—except for the obvious one of avoidance—Turq had taken it upon herself to check out the surrounding territories and whatever packs they might host. She knew of Ookan, yet surely there must be others?

It didn't take long at all for her to stumble across one. Turq drew up at the foot of a plateau, her tawny head tipped back and her black nose wriggling as she read the scents. This was a large pack, at least larger than Neverwinter. The dominant scent belonged to a young, healthy female. The Gunner bobbed her head approvingly and thought, Power to ya', girl.

Hoping to meet said young woman, Turquoise eventually pressed her lips into an "o" shape and let out a low, sonorous howl requesting the pack's leadership or, if she was unavailable, then at least a representative of some sort. The large she-wolf then dropped onto her haunches to wait, her neck arching around to nibble at an itch behind her shoulder, just an inch or so from the thick black stripe that ran down her back.

RE: Love the ones you still have - Julooke - September 01, 2013

The howl brought her to an immediate stop, her head turning in the direction of the call, her ears perking. Julooke really wasn't sure if her Alpha was busy or not, but backup never hurt anything. She changed the direction of her run, heading toward the guest.

She slowed her pace evenly until she came to a stop, just a few yards away from the stranger. "I'm Julooke. I believe my Alpha is busy at the moment, but is there anything I can help you with?" Though not exactly upbeat in tone, she was polite and genuine as she looked over the other female. She was larger than Jules, and had a striking black strip down her muzzle. But it was her eyes that were the most captivating. The turquoise-colored eyes held Julooke's attention the most, though she tried not to be rude about it. As a pack member, she had the right to not look away. Even if she hadn't the right, it would have been difficult.


RE: Love the ones you still have - Turquoise - September 08, 2013

No one responded, causing Turq's eyes to narrow curiously. She decided to give it ten minutes before she left, though when ten minutes passed, she remained planted there. She was in no hurry, after all, though she twitched impatiently as she wondered why nobody appeared to have any interest in the large guest straddling their borders...

Then, a white she-wolf emerged from the nearby tree line. Taking her to be the Alpha female, Turquoise swept to her feet but dipped her head, registering the difference in scent even as the stranger declared that she was not, in fact, the Alpha female. A disappointed frown touched Turq's face but then she forced a tight smile onto her lips and sat down again.

"I'm from Neverwinter, across the river," she replied, "and I was just trolling the neighborhood, checking out the neighbors. What is this pack? Oh, and I'm Turquoise, by the way. For obvious reasons," she added, having noticed Julooke's gaze lingering on her own almost admiringly.

RE: Love the ones you still have - Julooke - September 27, 2013

I'm SO sorry for the delay! Been so busy, haven't been able to reply. I'm hoping to get back on track, though!

The stranger had caught her lingering look, but didn't seem to be upset by it. Still, Jules knew she was being rude. Her gaze turned casual, as if she could have been looking at any ol' wolf. It's nice to meet you. This pack is called Dragonwatchers. I, um, haven't been here for very long, so I don't know the specifics, but so far it seems like a very nice group of wolves." It should have, considering most of it was comprised of her family that had traveled here. What she didn't know yet is that in the coming weeks, they would fall apart.

In an attempt to make polite conversation, she asked, What is Neverwinter like? Even if she wasn't the most social creatures these days, she would not ruin a potential alliance. Not that she was making one. She did, however, want to make a good impression. Back in the day, it would have come like second nature. Today, she had to work at it.


RE: Love the ones you still have - Turquoise - September 27, 2013

No worries! Life happens. :)

Julooke proffered a very vague, unsatisfactory answer. Turquoise almost pulled a face, but when the pale she-wolf threw the question back at her, she laughed instead and replied, "You know, I'm in the same boat. I haven't been there long; I don't know much about it; and I guess it's nice." She wrinkled her nose, then laughed again, an almost gruff and very unfeminine sound.

Well, that died a quick death, Turq thought of the conversation, though she wouldn't accept defeat. "One thing I do know," she continued after a great pause, "is that Neverwinter has these sort of pirate-themed co-ranks. I'm thinking of becoming a Gunner, for instance, which means I'll be a fighter. My, ah... partner, Rivet, wants to be a Lookout, which is sort of like a scout, I think?" The large she-wolf shrugged her tawny shoulders.

"So what about Dragonwatchers? Do they have any fancy-pantsy dragon duties?" she inquired, oblivious to the fact that she'd quite coincidentally nailed the proper name the pack's leader had given her own system of co-ranks.

RE: Love the ones you still have - Julooke - September 28, 2013

Julooke had felt awkward meeting the stranger at the borders and having little to say about the pack. Usually greeters were one of the wolves who knew the pack best. Thankfully, though, the other female didn't seem put off by her reaction, and actually was in the same situation.

Turquoise mentioned she was a fighter and Julooke made a mental note to store the information. Jules herself was not a fighter, but instead a friendly wolf who excelled at hunting. The co-ranks of her pack were quite interesting, and Julooke gave a soft smile in response. "Yeah, that sound like it might be a scout," she said.

She nodded to the question, "Yeah, actually, we do. There's Boneknapper, which is a hunter, and Nanodragons, who take care of the pups...Oh, and there's Windwalkers, who go from pack to pack with messages and explore the other territories." Those were the ones on the top of her head.


RE: Love the ones you still have - Turquoise - September 29, 2013

Julooke described some of the co-ranks unique to Dragonwatchers, the names of which made Turq quirk a brow skeptically. "Boneknapper and Nanodragon?" she repeated incredulously, trying not to laugh at the titles. "Windwalkers makes some kind of sense, though." She paused, then queried, "Don't you guys have a co-rank for fighters?"

Once Julooke answered that question, Turquoise looked beyond the white female's shoulder, upward at the elevated territory. "You know, I've never lived anywhere other than a forest. This place looks kind of like a mountain and forest put together. What's the terrain like up there? I don't need a tour or anything," she was quick to add. She didn't say it out loud but she thought, I'm not that interested.