Wolf RPG
The Sunspire rolling with the summer breeze - Printable Version

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rolling with the summer breeze - Leaf - July 22, 2014

In the late afternoon sun, the little red captive lay sprawled by a tree. Drowsiness embraced her in the warmth of the sun's sparkling rays and the gentle fluttering of a cool summer breeze. How strange how the world could still be pleasant even here on The Sunspire. The thought immediately struck her with guilt, but she rolled it off. She was much too tired to fight. She did not know what to think.

As for what to do, she did not have much choice at the moment, and so at least in that regard there was simplification in her life. Though she owed a great debt to Swiftcurrent Creek, her attraction to the big, black wolf here was strong. She did not know if it was love--or whatever it was that Jace felt for her that compelled him to care for her so--but she did know it made her yearn for him. It made her want to know him more, but the more she thought about it, the more predictable his actions had been at the borders. She should have known, but she had not, and this lack of wisdom disappointed herself. She was not who she wanted to be, not even close, and she was also not familiar with such dark thoughts. It seemed to chase all life away swiftly and without mercy.

RE: rolling with the summer breeze - Nightingale - July 22, 2014

Nightingale was racing down the mountainside, chasing a young rabbit that ran in terror in front of her, and she gave chase. Given her blind eye, she was a poor hunter, which had caused her to lose the advantage of surprise when she had stalked her prey. So, instead of making a quick and clean kill, she instead scrambled to catch up to her meal.

She was almost upon it, it was only a few more feet of catching up. But then she tripped on a root, rather clumsily. She cursed as she tumbled, seeing the cottontail or the rabbit disappear from sight before she fell into a final face-plant. She stood up and shook the dirt off her fur, grumbling in annoyance. It was then she saw the captive.

The half-year wolf stared, unsure of what to do or say. Instead, she felt a creeping blaze of anger. She part of the pack that had chased Ferdie out. Part of a pack that had liars for leaders. The flame of fury glimmered in both her clear and murky eye, and a look of annoyance slowly crept up onto her face. Slowly, the juvenile began to walk away, muttering.

RE: rolling with the summer breeze - Leaf - July 22, 2014

Setting this after our other thread with Ferdie, so I assume they know each other

Had it been any other wolf, Leaf might have ignored them, but when it came to the juvenile whom Ferdie had supposedly saved, she had questions. Rousing herself from her sleepiness, she watched as the juvenile attempted to hunt--and failed. Though it was not uncommon for a wolf to "fail" in its hunt attempts, the failure reminded the little red captive all too much of herself. She found herself laughing aloud. Maybe she was losing her mind.

"Come here, my young captor," she called out, not entirely sure the other wolf would even respond. The juvenile seemed to be quite upset, and she wondered if the sight of her reminded her of old memories. She wanted to know more about these memories. "Don't you want to tell your side of the story?" she asked. Though Ferdie had given his version, she wanted to test the veracity of it by comparing it to the juvenile's. True, she could lie, but Leaf wanted material to sift through. Anything would do.

RE: rolling with the summer breeze - Bobber - July 22, 2014

Bobber was trotting through the SunSpire territory, when she slid on a rotted out tree branch, big enough to hold her weight. She slid down the mountainside, fear welling up inside her, when she stumbled to a stop from a tree root. Stumbling off of the log, she rolled a little ways down the mountain.

Getting up, the yearling shook her pelt, then padded towards a clearing. Two wolves were sitting together, talking. One was talking about the other being her 'captor', whatever that meant. Bobber couldn't help but proceed into the small gathering.

"Hello," she started, leaping up onto a tree branch just out of reach of the wolves. "I am Bobber, and I am looking for friends. I have one, her name is Flit, and she is above me." The bob-cat had one friend, an imaginary one, who was always sweet to her. "Do you want to be my friends too?"

RE: rolling with the summer breeze - Nightingale - July 22, 2014

Nightingale was not a liar. She'd answer everything as truthfully as she could.

The fire died in her eyes as the other wolf asked her question. "My side of the story?" Her tail seemed to droop. "Where do you want me to start?" The little pup sighed and sat down and curled her small tail around her tiny paws, preparing herself for a biography.

"I guess I could start with the first time I came to Swiftcurrent Creek, just to tell you how much Ferdie means to me, to give you a bit of background. A few weeks before I stumbled upon the pack, I had woken up in the middle of some forest, and I couldn't remember anything." Her eyes darkened as she seemed to float away in memories. "I couldn't remember my mum and dad's face. I can't remember if I had brothers or sisters. I came to the edge of the Swiftcurrent Creek, expecting to die that day. But then... Then Ferdie saved me."

The little pup smiled, neck-deep in gratitude. "He gave me food to eat. He helped me get back up on my feet... In fact, the only time I was in danger during my arrival is when Fox asked what was going on. If Ferdie hadn't defended me, I wouldn't be here in front of you. Even Bazi kept her distance from me at first, not so certain I was going to make it."

The thought of Bazi made her expression turn sour. "Bazi-i-i... She... She may have been the closest thing I could call a sister. I was... I felt guilty when I first arrived. Bazi and Ferdie were so close, I felt like I was intruding. Then she turned around and lied."

The juvenile growled to herself, and turned away for a moment. "I will never forgive her..."

Her small pout was interrupted by a bobcat. She looked back at the strange voice and her eyes widened, she staggered away from it a few steps.

RE: rolling with the summer breeze - Leaf - July 23, 2014

Leaf watched as Nightingale's tail drooped. Perhaps this was a sad story through and through. The little red captive listened as the juvenile recalled her even younger days, which seemed to be predominated by some sort of amnesia. Though it should not have been a common ailment, the little red wolf had heard of one or two wolves who suffered from it. Quietly, she wondered what Nightingale possibly could remember if she had lost her memory at such a young age. Still, everything she said rang true. At least the first part. Her own brief interaction with the Alpha of The Sunspire had proven that he was a caretaker of the young through and through. No matter that she had vehemently refused his own care of her. She had principles.

But it was when Fox and Bazi returned that she frowned. No, this was not right. Moreover, it did not make sense to her for Nightingale to abandon Bazi, especially if she had been a "sister". "Why didn't you make amends?" she wanted to ask, but her thoughts were interrupted by the intrusion of a bobcat. She did not understand how the cat had managed to come into pack territories, let alone into the area where she was being held captive, and she felt a snarl contort her mouth and face. "Is that some euphemism for eating me alive?" she hissed while whipping her head back to Nightingale accusingly. The juvenile was staggering back, but Leaf did not know if this was a continuation of some charade. Still, she would not chance it. For the youth's sake.

"Go away, kitty-cat," she said with a growl. Whatever warmth her character once possessed had been temporarily stamped out of her. The little red captive quickly rose to her feet, and though she was much smaller than her predator, she began to snap upwards with her sharp teeth.

RE: rolling with the summer breeze - Bobber - July 23, 2014

The she-cat hissed. "No. I'm not doin' you any harm! I just want another friend. To be safe, Bobber climbed up to the next branch. Her heart snapped at her to attack the she-wolf, but she resisted, instead asking, "Do you want a tussle, or something?" Hissing, the she-cat swiped at the wolf. Flit hopped down, getting snapped by the wolf. Quickly, her imaginary friend fell limp. "You killed Flit!" She was in a rage, leaping down to get this she-wolf back. She would pay. "You kill Flit, I hurt you!"

RE: rolling with the summer breeze - Nightingale - July 23, 2014

Er-hem, time for a history lesson >.>
I didn't write it, but i had planned Nightingale to eventually remember what happened to her parents, which i meant to get them killed by a big cat. So, when Bobber attacked Leaf, it's gonna trigger a small little wisp of memory, which had been suppressed until now. Whelp, better sooner than later, I guess.
GG, Bobber, GG XD

Nightingale should have helped Leaf then, but she was suddenly on the ground moaning in pain.

A white-hot agonizing and sharp pressure suddenly rested on her mind, so heavy that her vision blurred into one big color. She whimpered suddenly, with a blank, far-away look on her face. "M-Mom?..."

Her nose filled with the scent of blood, she heard a soft scream at the back of her head, a male's voice telling her to... run? A female was calling her name... Was someone running next to her?...

She suddenly collapsed, her eyes brimming with tears as she pawed at her nose, trying fervently to get the scent out. She mumbled inaudible words.