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Lost Creek Hollow Perfect - Printable Version

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Perfect - Arbiter - June 07, 2019

O hai, quick pack meeting, probably only a round or two!  PPing everyone's arrival because this is important news and stuff, so if for some reason your char isn't here, please let me know.  This thread takes place on June 5th, the day after Rannoch, Liffey & Co left.  
@Gannet @Mona, @Sarah @Vuk @Ashlar @Jet / @Nara @Joss @Baelfire

Also tagging @Ibis and @Okeanos because I'm not sure when you guys left, but if your chars are here, feel free to show up!

Arbiter and @Terance had gone there together, dragging their children along (more like the children dragging the adults because ADVENTURE), and after a brief review of what would be said, she howled to call those who remained to the meeting place.  The pups had been promised adventures to new areas of the territory if they behaved -- not that she expected anything bad from Spook, but hopefully that would keep Jet from being completely ridiculous.  Basically Arbiter explained that if they couldn't sit and listen, they should play quietly not too far away -- and not go running at the other pack members yet.  Maybe after.

The gloom of the day pretty much set the mood.  Yeah, it wasn't completely awful, but the peeks of clouds that could be seen through the canopy were a dingy grey that were going to get more threatening as the day went on. It wasn't happy news.  Anyway, one by one and in small groups, the remaining members of the Hollow arrived.  The numbers gave her a bit of hope, and she dipped her head in greeting as each arrived.

Once she was sure that everyone had arrived, it was time to begin the wall of dialog, Some of you may have heard directly, and others guessed from the howls, but to clarify for all, Rannoch, Liffey and their children have left to join the pack their family is from.  I don't think any of us expected their sudden departure, but regardless of how you end up feeling about it, those of us who remain will need to pull together.  As you can see, we've taken a rather large hit to our numbers but we have enough to continue on and keep this land as our home.  It's more important than ever to work with your packmates -- know them, work with them.  And if in any of your trips outside the territory you find a worthy wolf looking for a home, well.. We've got room, she said wryly.

In other news, I'm stepping up to lead beside Terance -- feel free to come to either of us with any issues you may have.  Also, I will no longer be going by 'Treason' -- my name is Arbiter.  She then looked to her pups, And as long as they're on their very best behavior, if you want to meet Jet, Pike, and Spook, they'll be here after the meeting is concluded. So behave, kids.  Otherwise, just stop by the den.

Any questions or other news?  She looked across the group, first checking with Terance, then specifically looking at Mona, a quick look to wherever Ashlar was, then back to Mona again.  It was Arbiter's invitation that if she wanted to say anything about her own child, now was the time.  That was the only thing that was obvious to her, but if she'd rather say nothing, it wouldn't be pushed.

RE: Perfect - Vuk - June 07, 2019

she was the first at the meeting, watching curiously the young that seemed so much like tiny copies of their parents. she grinned briefly at them before returning her attention to Treason (Arbiter, now) and briefly the gloom above that threatened to burst down on them. but the news Arbiter shared was far more interesting than a blank grey sky, and so her attention was redirected easily once she began to speak. 

she didn't quite care that Ranny and co. had flown the coop - according to first impressions, Treason - Arbiter - was a capable and fearsome leader and as long as she wasn't going anywhere, Vuk was content. she worried briefly that what Arbiter implied ould come to pass; she'd come to love the Hollow. but she could recruit, as suggested, and then they'd all be fine. right? right.

RE: Perfect - Terance - June 07, 2019

terance watched as the pack rolled in, noting that more wolves turned up than he had expected... perhaps that was just his pessimism taking over, he was glad to see more wolves loyal to him and arbiter than to rannoch. or perhaps more would leave now that they knew what had happened. either way, terance was surprised and pleased... and most certainly relieved. it showed with each wolf that appeared as he became less and less tense. 

he let arbiter take the lead, and when the floor opened up terance chimed in. arbiter will be more than capable -- i'm sure none of you have doubts, he said in a low tone. silently, terance wondered how many of these wolves were pitying him -- if any. he remembered when seabreeze left, and how there was an air of pity anytime he spoke to someone. if it would be similar now... terance didn't know, but he didn't want the pity. he wanted their respect and loyalty -- and their hard work to keep the pack afloat. i'll be making a journey to our allies at moonspear, i think they would be willing to help us. i'll have more information on how when i return. he glanced back at arbiter, having said his spiel, and then around the clearing. 

his gaze landed on the tiny trio of menaces that he and arbiter we're raising. they'd mostly behaved thus far... though terance had been a bit distracted. pike said upright, a single ear pricked while the other one flopped over, with his lip caught on a puppy tooth. a small smile pressed to his features, and he glanced again at his mate.

RE: Perfect - Brouhaha - June 12, 2019

Adventure was out there, and they were going to get to go find it at last! Yesss! ...Except that as she toddled along after her parents, the wheels began to turn in Jet's little head and make her grow increasingly suspicious. If the puppies were getting offered bribes on that order of magnitude from all-too-protective parents, then that surely must mean this was bound to be really, really, super-extra-terrible boring Grownup Talks. Ugh. Her tail began to drag and a pessimistic frown etched itself onto her face with a matching furrow in her brow. She glanced in temptation at her brother Pike, and then away; okay, she supposed she'd better wait and make sure but boy this all didn't look very promising. At all.

She heaved a dramatic sigh as she plopped her butt down on the dirt, and rolled her eyes in equally dramatic and long-suffering fashion at Momma Arbiter. Which parent rather wisely didn't respond to in the enthusiastically sympathetic fashion Jet really wanted (I'm assuming  3;P —given that she maybe has, like, actual important pack news to be imparting here and not just playing up of puppy dramatics, lawlz) so she angled her best pout in Terance's direction next. Maybe Daddy would prove more malleable? Or at least less of a way-too-serious wet towel, dangit. One could only hope. (What was that about not being totally ridiculous again, here? Yeah right. But at least her theatrics were confined to one spot...for the moment, anyhow.) He seemed to be pretty srs bzns today too though.

Other wolves trickled in, which normally would have had Jet's eyes sparkling and tail wagging itself off with the novelty and thrill of having so many potential new playmates appearing explicitly for her pleasure, but nooooo... not today. Today she'd already been warned off pestering any of 'em! Uuggggh. This was not just boring, it was sheer torture. Leveling another even-more-dramatic gap-mouthed frown in her mother's direction, Jet gave it up as the grownupy blah-blah-blah started and the terrible inescapable boringness of the situation only increased. The pup neither saw nor scented her sister Ibis either, which sucked. She did flash a bright smile back at @Vuk but even that promising glimmer died aborning because Vuk immediately looked back at Mom. Ugh, what the hell, people; this pup wanted fun and excitement and here everyone was pretending this yammersome meeting crap was somehow more important. Her one remaining hope that maybe some of the other pups like (preferably) Sionnach would be showing up ready and willing to start a fresh game of tag was not borne out. In order to keep this from ruining her whole day entirely Jet got up and went to go poke at @Warlock Spook with paw and tooth both. He was kind of a boring and whiny chewtoy that she'd somewhat worn out by now, it was true, but he was better than nothing, at least, and less inclined to make her squeal than her shark-faced other brother, so...

 Jet did glance back once as her name was mentioned, her ears perking hopefully, but then she brushed it off with a shrug as Mom and the other grownups just kept talking, at Arbiter's explicit invitation. Jet brightened however, her whole body perking up as her eyes happened to drift over @Ashlar on their way back toward her wussier baby brother. With an excited little yip she couldn't suppress, she galloped gleefully over to greet him with a poking nose before her brain could catch up with her, her stubby tail waving wildly. Oh good! Surely her fellow pup here was going to liven up this place a little, before the yapping adults caused her to up and die of boredom. Tag! she stage-whispered into his ear as she did her best to plant a cold-nosed kiss through the thinnest convenient patch of fur near the pinna and right up against his skin to make absolute sure she got his attention.

RE: Perfect - Ashlar - June 13, 2019

Ashlar had gone from many friends to none and was not handling the change particularly gracefully.  He had always been rather soft spoken, but now that he had learned no amount of screaming would bring Sia or Aeng back, he'd settled into even quieter habits.

Ashlar didn't hate many things, but he found that he did hate this.  Why did they have to leave?  He didn't know these other puppies.  He'd played a few times with them, but Liffey's had been his best friends.  Did they not like him anymore, was that why?

Baba was gone too, but Mona had assured her son that he would be back soon.  He had better be.

This was Ashlar's current mood when Jet came and tagged him.  He wasn't expecting it, and it snapped him out of whatever he'd been thinking about abruptly.   He hadn't been ready, that wasn't fair, and who else was even playing?  He stared at her for a moment in clear shell shock before he looked around awkwardly.  He didn't know if he wanted to play or if anyone else did either, and he ducked his head down with a light, sighing whine.

RE: Perfect - Sarah - June 15, 2019

Sarah took the news with the same sombre melancholy she did most things nowadays. She had never exchanged a word with either Liffey or Rannoch or their offspring, therefore she did not feel their loss keenly, though she sympathized with Terance, who had taken the hardest blow. During her half year long stay here many people had gone and went and, frankly speaking, she enjoyed the fact that the pack was smaller now, making it easier for her to extend her circle of acquaintances no larger than it was necessary. 

Her gaze lingered at Terance briefly, then at Treason now Arbiter, she sought out Gannet to see, what he had to say on the matter, if anything at all, and then down at the two puppies that had engaged themselves in a game. Suddenly she smiled to herself, realizing, that it was a good thing after all that she had not left as she had intended months ago, or that she had not drowned as she had wished to. Time had come, where once again she had purpose in her life.

RE: Perfect - Mona - June 15, 2019

it was with a solemn demeanour that mona brought her young son to the pack meeting, called by the newly named arbiter. the pack seemed smaller somehow, and ashlar had not stopped his bitter grieving since his friends had departed. the firebrand frowned somewhat at her little one's continued plight, but made sure that the pack alphess held her attention.
she opted not to push ashlar into the spotlight once the woman had finished, for now he had been approached by another pup, but stood and cleared her throat. "i am a scout by trade, and rannoch had wanted me to travel for him. i offer that skill to you now," mona murmured, faltering somewhat as eyes presumably fell upon her. "send me where you wish." gannet would watch ashlar, she was sure, and on short trips she could take him.

RE: Perfect - Joss - June 17, 2019

Let's bring this scamp back, shall we? :)

Joss resentfully turned, sighed, and moved toward the area that Treason had called from, summoning the pack to her. He generally liked avoiding the others, as he hadn't made any real bonds with his packmates, still considering himself more a hostage than anything else. He was at the bottom of the pack, where Treason had decided to put him- and he'd wondered, over the course of the drab winter months, if he should have just let her kill him. He wasn't happy, staying in one place, doing whatever they told him to do, but always eating last. Now that there were more pups- and he hated kids, because even in their spud-like state they were still ranked higher than him- it meant more mouths to feed- and longer he'd have to wait to eat if the pack made a kill together. 

While he hadn't died over the winter, he hadn't thrived either. His physical condition had improved, but he still sized up to be little more than an average coyote for height and weight. He'd managed to build up a bit more muscle, but his pelt was so thin, dull and limp that every muscle, joint and bone still showed. He didn't look like he was dying anymore- but he still looked like he was starving. 

So he sat a little distance away, avoiding eye contact with all the others easily. He listened to Treason as she spoke, hardly interested at all in the news she had. Apparently Treason had chosen another name for herself- Arbiter- and he didn't know why she'd do that, but whatever. There were fewer pack members, which was fine. More space for him. And there were kids, but he didn't bother to look at them. He'd dug their home- but that'd be all the interaction they'd get from him. He had nothing to contribute, so he simply waited quietly until they were all allowed to leave.

RE: Perfect - Warlock - June 19, 2019

Spook had been behaving and kinda paying attention until he noticed his sister wandering off.  Umm. They were supposed to stay!  He watched as she went over to tag Ashlar then toddled on over there too.  He hissed in what was barely qualifying as a stage-whisper, Supposed ta wait.  Can play after!  Despite the fact that was what their mother had said, he didn't seem too sure about himself -- probably because it was Jet and she could beat him up any time she wanted.  He looked for Pike's agreement on this.  Or maybe he'd just get chomped and all hell would break loose -- that's kind of how these things went.

RE: Perfect - Arbiter - June 19, 2019

She nodded at Mona's offer, We'll have news to share with our allies when Terance gets back, regardless of the outcome.  So, a few weeks? She looked to Terance, making sure she had the right timeframe.  Positive or negative, she'd continue soon after, In the meantime, we'll figure out how things fit together in the pack.  A larger hunt may be a good thing.  If anyone wants to run it, let me know -- but keep an eye out for elk or the like.  Something nice sized we can all enjoy together.

And since he still probably did a reasonable job at trying to avoid her, And Joss, whether it's now or sometime soon, I want to speak with you.  It wasn't a rush, but hey, thread sometime, k?  They totally need to catch up, hah.  But hey, at least he wasn't going to get roped into pupsitting -- mostly because Treason was pretty sure even Spook would walk all over him.  Speaking of, seemed like they were starting to get fussy.  Wasn't like they were particularly stealthy at this age.

That's all I wanted to cover, she got to her feet, dipping her head, so thank you for coming.  Last chance for any other speakers?  Otherwise, I'll stop forcing the little monsters to be patient, stay at your own peril.  Not really much of a threat, considering her smirk.  Her children's penchant for rowdy behavior amused her almost as much as she found it annoying, it really depended on her mood.

RE: Perfect - Brouhaha - June 23, 2019

Ohmifreakinggosh. This pup Ashlar was being even more boringer than all these grownups, here! Jet hadn't even thought that was possible! He was an umoving whiny lump, which even freaking Spook was managing to outdo. Jet stared unbelievingly back at the unrelated boy a long second before just barely restraining her eyeroll in response to her brother's hissed rebuke.

Thinking quickly, she replied, Well us pups is supposed ta stay together too, right? An' he's not, he's over here all by his lonesome, so obviously I'm just tryin' ta get him over by us where he should be instead, right? Another sharp and, this time, less-playful poke at poor Ashlar. Only he don't wanna move, do he, she said more grumblingly. This kid's scent did kindasorta ring a bell but Jet didn't remember him all that well from previous play sessions. And no wonder, if this was the kind of playmate he made! Well, maybe Pike could toddle over here and get a better reaction outta him. Even the kid's mother here seemed like she was staying distracted and apathetic because there was some sort of Boring Grownup Jabber going on over the youngsters' heads. Jet freaking gave up already. This whole meeting nonsense sucked and she was feeling sorry she had ever agreed to any of it even for a moment.

Before Arbiter or (less likely) Terance could recall their scolding attentions to their wayward daughter in turn, Jet turned and galumphed her way almost all the way back to where she was supposed to be. She wiggled her butt back down into the dirt and, when a quick beseeching glance toward Mother failed to instantly cause more-interesting things to happen (though at least Mom didn't look mad today—more amused than anything, which naturally was only going to encourage Jet's misbehavior to increase in a moment) Jet tilted her jet-black head wwwaaayyyy back on its axis, and shot a long-suffering, overdramatically bored look upside-down at the rest of the gathered crowd. Like ohmigosh she was dying here now someone come save her before she died of this endless tedium! Jet startled however, and her eyes arrested on a particular figure with a stifled gasp as her batlike dark ears perked up in alert. Spook! Pike! Izzat a yotee?! she breathed as she gawped in delighted awe at @Joss for a moment. He was slumping there all guilty-like, and so motheaten and skinny, gosh—Jet didn't think any wolf would be so pathetic a creature, so logically... As she flipped her head upright and her body about to get a better look at the skeletal creature with its threadbare fur, Jet flicked an ear and paid attention long enough to catch her mother imperiously calling out what a quickly-snuck look from the pup confirmed was the sad-looking canine in question. That clinched it, in Jet's little mind: this guy couldn't just be some ordinary wolf, surely. Jet scooched her butt a little sideways towards her mother and then got up, craning her neck and vibrating her tail as she impatiently waited to get a better eyeful of this wasted freak's form and a better-yet earful of whatever Top Secret "Yotee" Instructions her mother was about to impart to the guy.

RE: Perfect - Sarah - June 24, 2019

Sarah had nothing to add to the matter, though for a moment she had had a very strong urge to ask Terance, if she could come with him. It seemed tempting to have some alone time with her brother and, hopefully, mend their relationship in some way. But the realization that with two wolves gone for few weeks, there would be even less people to help Treason-Arbiter at the hollow, and the question remained unasked.

She had nothing else to add to the news and once it was clear that everyone else had said and done all they wished, she got up and left.

RE: Perfect - Mona - June 28, 2019

arbiter took mona’s offer beneath consideration, and the girl sighed inwardly with relief. continuing to contribute to the pack after ashlar had come along was important to the cardinal, and the leader’s acceptance created a sense of security.
in time, mona would stand and gather her son, but for now she was content to watch the small cluster of puppies with warm amusement.

RE: Perfect - Warlock - June 30, 2019

Uuughhgh, was his proper, brotherly response at her.  Were all sisters that ridiculous?  Ugh.  He tried to give Ashlar a look that said, "I'm sorry she's awful."  But the meeting seemed to be wrapping up, so that part was nice.

Defiantly, he looked back to Jet, frowning, See?! We just had to wait.  An--- then she started going off about the coyote.  Spook too eyeballed the guy.  Unlike her, who thought that Joss was some awesome new chewtoy or something, Spook was was more on the "you should stay away from zombies rather than hunt them" kind of thing.  I 'unno I'm not gonna go see.  I'd rather play.  He ended with a scoff, turning back to Ashlar. Can play, right?  Please don't leave him with that crazy sister.

RE: Perfect - Joss - July 03, 2019

Joss was prepared to learn next to nothing at the meeting, and was fairly certain nothing was going to concern or interest him. He sat and listened with ears slightly turned back in a relaxed sort of manner, but as soon as Trea- no, Arbiter- spoke his name, they flattened. His dull grey eyes opened in surprise and he looked more alive now, spooked as he was, than he usually did. He hated having the attention drawn to himself, and now, he found out, Arbiter wanted to speak to him about something. He swallowed hard and simply nodded, clenching his jaws together. What did she want? He certainly felt singled out, and did his best to avoid eye contact with everyone else, so they might not get any ideas or start talking about him. 

He failed to go unnoticed, however- and he felt the kids looking at him with keen interest. He hadn't heard what they'd said- and frankly, would have been quite offended if he'd realized that they thought he might be a coyote- but he had to use all the restraint he had in order to keep himself from sending an icy glare there way to stop them from looking at him with such interest. Had he done so- and had he been free to flash his teeth at them in a warning- he was certain he'd get in trouble, so he refrained. 

Fortunately, others began to peel off and leave, so he did the same, slipping off into the wilderness without acknowledging the pups at all. All he could do was hope and pray that Arbiter wasn't going to ask him to be a babysitter.

RE: Perfect - Ashlar - July 05, 2019

Ashlar simply shrank back more under Jet's exasperated words.  He didn't know if he wanted to play, but he did know they shouldn't.  He threw another nervous look at Mona and had to catch a whine before it could make him seem even more like a scared kid.  He wasn't! He just didn't want to get in trouble.

Ashlar did nod emphatically when her brother, more sympathetic, echoed his thoughts.  He listened as Treason wrapped up, then tentatively agreed.  Um, can play.  I think.  He started to follow with a last questioning look at Mona.  Doubtless she'd allow it; he had been moping around enough.

probably my last post

RE: Perfect - Brouhaha - July 07, 2019

Jet squinched up her nose and stuck out her tongue at her dumb brother Spook. She didn't know why he had to go around making dumb noises of disapproval at her, or try to make even dumber suggestions like just waiting. Jet was pretty sure waiting was the most terrible of ideas no matter what anyone else said: case in point, here she was sitting obediently (finally) and waiting on this likely yotee and instead of obligingly slinking over to satisfy her curiosity he was skiving off now. What?! Jet frowned after him, and for a moment considered giving chase... but she was pretty sure his legs were longer than hers, and so were Mom's, so she was bound to get caught and stopped long before she could even come close to catching him up. So instead she made a mental note to keep an eye out for him and be sure to harrass him mercilessly better indulge her puppyish curiosity next time she saw him.

In the meantime however Ashlar was still being a wet noodle over here. She hadn't even done anything to him yet, not really, and already he was wilting like a dessicated flower in full sunshine. Good grief. He did finally meekly offer a "Can play" to her and Spook at least, but by now Jet's rather scathing words were ready to leap off her tongue before she could stop them. Can you? Really? She looked down her nose at the boy with doubt and scorn intermingling. This terrible lump was more and more of a sorry excuse for a puppy, in her mind, the more often she saw him, and a sorrier substitute for fascinatingly big and gangling 'yotee invaders. Jet didn't mean to be mean about it but she found it quite dubious Ashlar would be able to redeem himself at this point. Being boring was such a horrendous cardinal sin to find in a peer! She sure wished Sionnach was here instead.

RE: Perfect - Arbiter - July 27, 2019

Wrapping this up

Of course the pups could go play, geez!  So while many of the adults headed off, the kids got to hang out and have a bit of fun before being shepherded home to where their respective parents corralled them.

For the rest of the pack, hopefully this would be turning to a new page, a new chapter, or some other metaphor like that.  There was going to be plenty of work to be done, and at points it would probably look a little bleak... But hopefully not.