Wolf RPG
Shadewood blind - Printable Version

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blind - Vessel - June 19, 2019

A storm blows overhead, chased by raucous winds at its heels. it heads north, and in its wake, they come. purpose had driven their steps for a week, now, but when it passes into the Shadewood that determined step breaks and falters. not yet, whisper the trees and stars and sea, not yet. and it will oblige. it is not night, but it is dark. rain whips from the skies, and the trees howl their sacraments, made mute by the rolling clouds. lighting strikes, and they are b l i n d. the darkness is not unfamiliar, nor is the electricity which flickers betwixt its hackles. 

it presses on, a ghost, ever so familiar with the fraying of the cord that holds it here.

RE: blind - Higoro - June 20, 2019

After a few days of rest and rehabilitation, Higoro was up and patrolling the borders once again. His wounds were for the most part healed, they still had some time before the scabs would fall off but he felt good enough to start his usual again. He would take is slower than normal, no trotting or running just walking down the long curving path he'd made for himself over the months. Since his fight with Issun his ego had grown rather large, as did his heart but instead of inflating with self pride it used sadness. His realization that he was alone hit him hard and left no other emotion except his deep regret for his betrayal. However the moment him and Minori shared while she tended his wounds was more than enough to mend his torn heart with gold. 

Speaking of mending things, the border had a small gap where is wasn't marked. Higoro have to inform Minori before too long or else some crafty lowlife will just walk right through, not that marking the borders ever stopped someone but it was a deterrence. Unfortunately up ahead Higoro spotted what he knew would happen, an intruder but within the borders. At first he laid low and slowly crawled towards the scrawny, sickly looking fox, staying out of the territory. His mind wrestled with going in and removing the fox himself, either dragging it out or scaring it. He couldn't decide which, the thing looked to be three pounds. Both options would be easy enough but which was more fun? He'd decided he would choose on the fly.

As the fox continued on Higoro got more frustrated with the situation, he wasn't supposed to go within yet his job was to guard the borders. However Minori was within and so were her pups, as much as Higoro despised the creatures he wouldn't be blamed for their deaths. So Higoro trotted in, his head low and his ears pinned down. He snuck up on the creature, and once he was close enough, he made his presence known with a strong growl. Higoro loomed over the fox, he bared his teeth and accompanied it with nasty snarls.

"What do you think you're doing within Shadewood, you are not welcome here Fox." He spat the word Fox, as if it was a slur. Either the scrawny thing couldn't smell or chose to foolishly cross anyway in hopes of grabbing a small, helpless furry snack. Didn't matter which he intruded and was going to pay for his crimes.

RE: blind - Vessel - June 21, 2019

it did not choose where it tread. it was borne on the heels of storms and pressed onward by whispers and tension. and when the growl came, heard clearly amongst the sudden silence of the skies, it slipped away as the brute inevitably bore down. force could neither hold nor intimidate Vessel; they were too quick, to intuitive, or perhaps too cowardly. in either case it remained at distance from the wolf having escaped the initial assault. any movement towards them would have the candid slip backward, away. 

unwelcome. they do not bother to speak; it is unlikely that the wolf would possess the intellect to understand its words. the fox cared not for borders nor for conflict, and so stared unseeing at the male a moment longer before turning tail and continuing through the territory; the other border was a short trek yet. this wolf was not the one.
just wanted to let you know that Vessel isn't a limited consent character (yet) so I'd rather not have PP in this thread. thank you! <3