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Lips like Morphine - Printable Version

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Lips like Morphine - Sitri - July 26, 2014

Sitri stood as the grass swayed on the breeze and the full moon projected its pearly gleam onto the ground and he sighed. The world was changing at least his. he did not know how much longer his queen had before the dark kiss of death's guardian came and took her on swift wings away. He also did not know if Lecter would survive it, and even if he did if his heart would be whole. Sitri did not understand many things, but he did believe in true love even if it wasn't for him, he hoped others would get it and keep it and hold it close. And though it was a strange pairing it was a true one and he hurt for the male that would lose everything with one single little bite.

It amazed him sometimes how death could be swift yet also so long and it bothered him. His father had always talked about gods and heavens nad being good, but he wondered if there was such a thing, why did they let such terrible things happen to those that he or she or they supposedly loved.

For him for instance so much had happened to him in his 4 years sometimes he wasn't sure if he was even whole and fully alive. His emotions stunted and stuttered as were his words. The wolf he could have been had been lost to the wolf he was. And now the queen the wolf who had taken in many of the lands wayward sons was losing her life and her mind and it just wasn't fair. He bowed his head and studied the ground, who was he thought to say what was fair and unfair. The gods they took and they gave so what would those two gods Atka and Sos have to give back to them after they took one away?

RE: Lips like Morphine - Creidne - July 27, 2014

Although it was far behind her now, Creidne could still smell the evidence of illness discovered in Jinx's waste. Even through the darkness she had noted its discoloration, but again more than anything there had been the unsettling sweetness mixed in with the residuals of her consumption. Pleating the length of her muzzle as her tongue lashed out compulsively, Cree continued her impromptu tread across the territory in a decisively pouting manner.

It was her misfortune to have settled with the pack in the midst of such a special catastrophe. Why hadn't she carried on in her adventures for just a little while longer? Surely, she could have found others who shared her base attitude just as well as the wolves of Ouroboros Spine had. Sighing, as there was little else to be done, she went on through the night contemplating the inevitable change that was yet to come.

However, as she came to a difference in her surroundings, Creidne's attentive gaze captured the outline of another in the immediate distance. Scenting the air first, to make sure that it was someone other than Jinx, once this had been ascertained she advanced -albeit with marked caution. Back home, Creidne had encountered very few illnesses, and so her paranoia was on full guard -a good thing considering the especially vicious nature of the unnatural beast at hand.

Swinging her tail low as she made a wide entrance around the back of the wolf, she made no noise in greeting -at least not until she had settled a ways away from him. Taking to staring off into whatever distance that he was, she exuded what had become the whole pack's sense of restless agitation, a mood which inevitably crept into her otherwise smooth tone. "What is to be done?" She questioned boldly before looking at the male. Surely there would be no question in her meaning....

RE: Lips like Morphine - Sitri - July 28, 2014

Sitri too smelled the waste and the death and the decay of his queen. He could smell the crazy is what his father would have said, even though there was no way for that to happen. Sitri had been lost in translation most of his life, suspended between what his duty was and what he was and now that he had no duty but to himself he found it oddly discernting.

He heard the footfalls of another and hackles raised as tattered ears swayed backwards and he looked to his side as a new female came upon him in his hour of darkness. He stared at her as she spoke not making sense of her words at first. Sitri was at most a simple man, though his simple mindness was slowly making way for a new semblance of sense, it still took him a time to work things through in his mind. It did not bother him though most just thought him a silent being.

He stared at her and said quietly Nothing to be done. It is at a pass. We have lost the queen to a sickness that no one knows what to do about. Now we wait and we stay loyal and we do not break that is what we do. I am Sitri you are?

RE: Lips like Morphine - Creidne - July 28, 2014

His syntax was unexpectedly difficult to follow. There was a stiffness to it, and a disorganization that shuffled the male's intended message. Leaning her closest ear to him as she tried to keep a straight face, it was a sign of accumulated maturity in the otherwise base wolf. She hadn't anticipated to gain personal insight on this 'journey' -a naive over sight on her part- but she was more or less happy for it. Surely it would only work to aid her in her other goals.

"Uhm, but that just seems so... final." Creidne couldn't say that she was really attached to Ouroboros Spine just yet. However, she was determined to prove a few points about her own self and these were the wolves she had chosen to get her there. Switching her gaze to the earth beneath them she shuffled uncomfortably before going on. "So then what happens after she's gone? Is there a heir or will the rank be fought for?" As ambitious as she personally was, Cree was adverse to widespread drama. It only led to confusion and squandered energies.

As the wind picked up her chin was gathered and returned to its normal place with a sigh. She was just so anxious to see the true beginning of her new life -once all of the metaphorical dust had settled. "Creidne," she offered somewhat out of nowhere, but with a lightly smiling voice. At least she could take some small comfort in the male's welcoming company.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Sitri - July 29, 2014

Sitri looked down shyly very aware of how he probably sounded. He hated that his words were garbled and unrefined and often cattywampus. He had never had to worry about it, but here it was a constant worry for the scarred brute.

Sitri looked at her and spoke softly to the girl Death is final little princess it is final. he didn't know where he got princess from, but it seemed to fit the waif that stood before him, and he was perfectly aware that it maybe taken badly and she may totally rip his ear off, but it said now and there was no taking it back. He thought about her next question The beta lecter will be the one in charge until he finds fit to give someone else the throne.

Sitri bowed his head and muzzle down low Well met Creidne. Well met.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Creidne - July 30, 2014

"That it is," she agreed quietly. Despite her misgivings, there were times that Cree questioned her own stubborn aversion to religion. Although considered generally wasteful in terms of the required will, in times like these it seemed like a bargain. To think that there were those who honestly believed that there was something better for Jinx beyond her suffering -well, it was an undeniably nice gesture. In fact, Credine might have even been envious had she known that somewhere far inside the fallen leader was certain of her own eternal destiny.

The thoughts gave her pause in their conversation, but not so much that Cree completely withdrew. Instead, she just might've appeared dreamy for a while before blinking herself back into full consciousness. "Oh," was her summarized answer of choice. After all, there was no need to question such a seemingly straightforward plan any further.

Allowing silence to come between them again -as it was pacifying and not at all uncomfortable. Creidne only spoke again when she had something to say that was worth the bother. "And what will you do Sitri?" It was a valid point. Creidne knew her own reasons for sticking around, but perhaps Sitiri had better ones -or even none at all. Tilting her head towards him, she appeared completely captured by the wolf in anticipation of his answer.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Sitri - July 31, 2014

Sitri was much like Creidne in his own way, but i twasn't that he believed or didn't believed it was more along the lines of he didn't know and didn't understand. If there was something out there better and bigger and brighter than all of them, why could it let them all die in horrible ways or let their lives be hell. Sitri had not deserved what he had been given, his lot in life, but he had been given it regardless. He had survived though and perhaps that was his own trial to force his way up from the bottom to a respected place at least among one or two.

Sitri listened and spoke softly I will do what I have always done I will listen and do my duty and that is all. I was a slave once, now sitri just want's live a little before he dies.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Creidne - July 31, 2014

Still waters run deep, she had heard that somewhere once before. Gazing amicably at her packmate, Cree thought he fit the phrase. Of course she didn't intend to criticize him in the least. Actually, she was rather satisfied that he would be apart of the pack's rebuilding alongside her.

"I too plan on staying," she confessed. "In fact I'm almost glad... in a way. This is of course an unfair burden upon Jinx and the rest of us. But, in the aftermath I am excited to take advantage of the unique opportunities it should create." Glancing nervously Cree hoped she was understood. It wasn't that she was some terrible ladder climber, but she knew benefits when she saw them. She would be a fool not to take advantage of the impending shake up.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Sitri - August 10, 2014

Sitri gave her a small smile, though it was ghoulish and eery in hindsight, merely because of the ever present marring his face held. He dipped his muzzle to her, Ambition is the way of most. Sitri is not an ambitious wolf by nature, but he will support those that are.

Sitri shifted and turned red eyes towards the girl You is not from here, not born here,? He could not get his tongue to work and his words to fit what he was trying to ask, but he was doing his best at making conversation, something he was lacking majorly in.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Creidne - August 12, 2014

"Actually, I'm rather new to ambition myself," she admitted with a stiff laughter. "It definitely takes a bit of getting used to." It seemed that nowadays there was always something to be done. Some goal to prove. Shaking her head as she remembered simpler days, the handsome woman saw reason to envy the scarred male. It seemed that Sitri's needs and wants were entirely basic. He wasn't worried about where he stood on the rungs of hierarchy let alone how he might continually advance. It was an existence that Cree missed more and more with each passing accomplishment. Somewhere deep down inside she knew that now that she had began it would never be enough. Until her dying day she would be trying, and that thought was rather haunting even now.

"Back home I was like you -content," it was a half truth considering her general social status, amongst the other DeForge's but she didn't feel like mincing words. "It was easy much easier than this -the constant contest." Dropping her eyes before placing them on the veteran wolf again, Cree swayed her tail gently before attempting to compliment him. "Then again, you look like you've already put in your fair share of effort. At least enough to get away with retiring from the rat race that the rest of us are stuck in."

RE: Lips like Morphine - Sitri - August 14, 2014

Sorry i was on absence until today :D

Sitri chuffed gently as he listened to her settling to his haunches to give her his full attention. He may not be the brightest or the best speaker, but by all the gods he could listen. Sitri wouldn't know about ambition, having it snuffed out of him as a youth, he supposed if he dug deep within he could pull up the dying embers of ambition and use it to his advantage.

Sitri chuckled darkly at her words, he had not put in any effort for the scars he bore they were given to him by the queen who ordered him around to do her bidding, but he nodded. He supposed he had put in an effort, an effort not to die, so he did the unspeakable to stay alive.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Creidne - August 15, 2014

Once again the male's silence was not taken offensively. Rather, it was a warming swathe over the both of them, keeping them content until there was need to speak again. Grinning at this unfamiliar sense of camaraderie, Creidne was hesitant to break it. Sitri was excellent company and curiosity be damned she refused to ruin it -no matter how many questions his scars provoked.

From that thought Cree started wondering about her own ending and how it would come. Would she last long enough to be decorated like Sitri, or would death claim her just as unexpectedly as it demanded the life of Jinx? Honestly, she couldn't figure which would be better. So in a way she considered it best that suicide forgone, the choice was not really hers to make.

Looking at Sitri with wobbling eyes, she faltered at first before asking, "do you think she's scared?" Once more, she imagined that there was no need to explain who or what was being discussed. Perhaps it was the oddest and even most useless query to be posed thus far, but in Cree's mind it was worth an answer. Was a creature as valiant as Jinx immune to the gravity of her own death even now?

RE: Lips like Morphine - Sitri - August 15, 2014

Sitri was no angel, and he wasn't the brightest, which was in part why he was so very quiet. However, he would have answered her questions had she asked him. Would have told her how he got every single scar. The notches in his ears and tail base, the scrapes across his sides, the marring on his face all of it, he would let her know it all he did not shy form that type of conversation finding nothing wrong with the scars he carried as a man.

Sitri had come to the conclusion long ago that death was just another adventure, and he'd go on it someday. However, there was no use worrying about it, you'd go on it when you were ready and the fates took you for their own.

Sitri saw the girl falter and wobble with her words, trying to find the right thing to say he suupposed. He tilted his head and shook it. no Sitri does not think she is scared, does not think she can be....the disease it eats her, takes her away from reality. She does not even realize she's dying most likely too far gone in the head to care. he shrugged then hefty shoulders the muscles along his back shifted as he did so.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Creidne - August 24, 2014

"Oh, well that's good... I guess." Cree's face turned on a slant as she considered the thought. Having no knowledge of such violent illnesses, it was news to her. Of course, she had know that the disease somehow disturbed the leader's thinking but, she hadn't known to what extent. Sliding her eyes back towards Sitri, she was again intrigued by the male. Had he seen this evil before? Obviously so.

However, Creidne had resolved not to both him and, it was with this aim in mind that she prepared herself to go. After all, she had interrupted him in the first place. Standing in silence before shaking her coat, she offered the male in mere smile before speaking. "Uh... thank you Sitri, for the company I mean." It was really terrible that Creidne was so socially crude that she wasn't really sure how to end it. Usually, relatives and friends had just stalked past her with stiff expressions -or she them. Conversations never really got this far. "I um look forward to continuing Ouroboros Spine with you. She couldn't be sure, but the well-wish felt okay to mention.

RE: Lips like Morphine - Sitri - August 29, 2014

Sitri chuckled darkly it wasn't good it was awful what the queen was going through. She was going crazy slowly, her body was giving up on her, that was not good it was painfull, and irritating and awful he imagined. He had seen the disease once and the whisperings of it was enough to make even his blood run cold.

Sitri dipped his muzzle yes Criedne it was nice and I do to. he grew quiet then and merely watched her with red eyes waiting to see if she had anything else to say, or if she was going. He didn't have much else to say, but she could certainly stay if she wanted too. He wouldn't mind, all he was going to do was sit there and dwell. And dwelling for him was never a good thing.