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so lonely - Printable Version

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so lonely - Yildun - September 06, 2013

for naga - early evening

this used to be my playground
this used to be my childhood dream
this used to be the place i ran to
whenever i was in need
of a friend
[size=3]why did it have to end[/size]

Dreamserpent… Yildun had been doing a lot of thinking about this job within the pack. If it was something Kootz thought that he could do, then so be it. He would strive to try to do the best that he possibly could, though he also knew that it would mean that others would have to actually seek him out. Being blind, and not the most well-known member in the pack (other than being known as the blind one), he didn’t do a whole lot of going out of his way to know the business of others within the pack. Would others actually come to him to seek out support and help? Or would they avoid him like the plague, opting to go to Kootz instead?

Something that was more recently bothering him, though, was that he did take notice to the fact that his brother was missing, as were the others that had traveled with the small group. Julooke and Verrine were still around, but he tried hard to not bother them much. Where had they gone? Why had they gone? Especially his brother, whom he hadn’t thought would just ditch them like this. All this managed to do for the young male was increase his fear of abandonment. He wanted so badly to just cling to someone but he was afraid to allow himself to get close to anyone because he didn’t want them to end up leaving him too. How long would it be before Julooke and Verrine left him too? He was learning quickly that everyone left him in one way or another.

The young male had wandered a little further away from the den that he shared with Julooke and Verrine than he usually did, ending up very near the pack borders. He knew where he was purely by scent. He was so lonely, and although he wasn’t actively seeking out the company of others, he wouldn’t turn away from company. Moving slowly through the trees, he paid close attention to the smells and sounds around him. He was still trying to learn where every tree, every bush, every rock was located within the territory in order to make it easier for him to navigate. Eventually he hoped to be able to navigate it well enough to possibly hunt now and then.

Tired of wandering, the young male slowly lowered his rump to the ground with a soft sigh. He’d come all the way to the pack borders and had yet to actually run into another soul. He was unaware of what the pack numbers were, but did know that part of the group he’d come here with were gone. Sensitive ears swiveled back and forth as he continued listening to the various sounds around him.

RE: so lonely - Lysianassa - September 08, 2013

She had been a member of Neverwinter for a while now, but she hadn't spent much time getting to know those she shared a pack with. Naga was unused to being apart from her sister—they had traveled for most of their young lives together, and she had thought their destiny would be made in this strange land. She had thought that their destiny would be found as they stood side by side, but Atropos had vanished.

Still, even with weeks gone by, Naga spent most of her time away from Neverwinter to search for her sister. It was like she had lost a limb; without her more confident sister, the young Kesuk-Nereides felt as though she had been abandoned. Abandoned by the deities that had sent the vision that led them here; by her mothers; by her sister.

She knew that there was another pack nearby, but she hadn't yet mustered the courage to visit it. Now that she was a member of Neverwinter, Naga didn't want to accidentally spark a war by treading where she wasn't welcome. But as the days passed by, she could no longer fight the urge to see if Atropos had made her way into the ranks of Neverwinter's neighbor.

As she approached the borders, her mismatched eyes caught the form of another. With her heart beating in her throat, Naga immediately dropped to her belly with a soft whine, indicating she meant no harm.

RE: so lonely - Yildun - September 08, 2013

this used to be my playground
this used to be my childhood dream
this used to be the place i ran to
whenever i was in need
of a friend
[size=3]why did it have to end[/size]

Early evening brought quite a bit of silence, more so than if it were fully night because there were not yet the sounds of the insects that came out after the sun went away entirely. The sightless young male knew that night was nearing because of the change in temperature around him. Some found this time of day eerie, while others could find solitude and comfort in this very time of day. Yildun found neither, really. While he used to readily embrace the nights because of the stars, he hadn’t in quite some time but only because he couldn’t hear the stars talking to him anymore. Every night when he tried to hear them and nothing came, it was like losing his family all over again. Perhaps that was part of why he couldn’t seem to pull himself out of the depression that clung so tightly to him.

The sound of movement in the distance caused him to turn his ears in the direction it was coming from. It wasn’t coming from within the pack borders, so he knew that it was someone that was a stranger to him. He didn’t bother with turning his head in the direction the sound was coming from because of two reasons. The first reason, he figured that whoever the sound belonged to was going to just pass on by. The second, and main, reason was because it wouldn’t do him any good anyway since he wouldn’t be able to see whoever it was. Much to his surprise, though, whoever it was didn’t just pass by and had stopped. This left him in a bit of a particularly awkward position, really.

Not wanting to be thought of as rude, the silvery male lifted himself to his paws and turned in the direction of the sound of the soft whine from the stranger at the border. “Can I help you?” he asked as his face turned in her direction and milky colored eyes stared, blank and unblinking, into the distance over where he thought the one who had whined was at. He didn’t really know what to say beyond asking if he could be of some assistance or whatever. Having no friends, he had become a not so social creature since his parents had died.

RE: so lonely - Lysianassa - September 10, 2013

As Naga watched from her crouched position, she could see that the stranger didn't even react to her presence—at least, not at first. It was odd that he didn't even care she was so close to the borders of his pack, but she wasn't going to be stupid. What if it was a trick? But after a moment, the white male's head turned in her direction and spoke. Perhaps a little rudely, the young female remained silent and simply stared.

What was wrong with his eyes? They seemed to blend in with the rest of his coat, as if clouds had covered his pupils and iris. "Are you blind?" she asked, bluntly, though it wasn't necessarily meant to be rude. Naga had never seen a blind wolf before, and back in Echo Cove such wolves were spoken of with reverence.

She rose to her feet, taking a few curious steps closer.

RE: so lonely - Yildun - September 11, 2013

this used to be my playground
this used to be my childhood dream
this used to be the place i ran to
whenever i was in need
of a friend
[size=3]why did it have to end[/size]

He could hear her breathing, so he knew that she was still there even though she’d remained silent. Having turned his head in her direction, at least in the direction he figured she was, the question that soon spilled forth from her was truly of little surprise, though he had expected something along the lines of ‘what’s wrong with your eyes’ instead of the question that came from her. Had she seen a blind wolf before? Is that how she knew to ask her question the way she did? Yildun knew that he wasn’t the only blind wolf in the world, but he did know that not many had actually met a blind wolf before. None the less, he was not at all upset about her question.

“Yes, I am blind,” he answered, giving a slight nod of his head. His ears perked forward as he listened to her rising and taking a few steps toward him. He did not flinch, nor move away. She sounded young, younger than him, but he wasn’t sure by how much. “I’m Yildun and this is Dragonwatcher’s territory,” he volunteered, hoping that she would introduce herself as well.

RE: so lonely - Lysianassa - September 12, 2013

He answered in the affirmative, and Naga nearly barreled on ahead with a follow-up question, but he was saying something else. Evidently, he wanted to steer the conversation in a different direction—and so the young female swallowed the question down (though she could swear it was like a bone caught in her throat). "Dragon Watchers?" she asked instead, having never heard of a pack with a name quite like that. "What's a dra-gone and why do you watch them?"

Yildun seemed unperturbed by her advance, and though part of her wanted to move closer, Naga moved with the sort of plop only puppies seem capable to sit on her rump. "My name is Lysianassa Kesuk-Nereides," she finally offered in return, her tone all proud and boasting, "but you can call me Naga." Her mothers were of the gods, and so was she—in Echo Cove, at least, the Kesuk name meant power. And from her mom's stories, the Nereides were pretty legendary in their own right.

Then, because she couldn't help herself, the question she had tried to keep buried burst forth, "Can you tell me my future? My moms said that the gods had a plan for me here... well, me and my sister Atropos. That our destiny is here."

RE: so lonely - Yildun - September 13, 2013

this used to be my playground
this used to be my childhood dream
this used to be the place i ran to
whenever i was in need
of a friend
[size=3]why did it have to end[/size]

“I have no idea, really,” he answered, giving a slight shrug of his shoulders in the process. “The pack already had that name when I joined it.” Though it was a very different name for a pack, he really didn’t think a whole lot about it. If he had, he probably would have asked Koontz why. But since it wasn’t something he thought about, he hadn’t bothered asking the Alpha female about it. Nor would he probably do so later, either, simply because it would end up slipping his mind once this conversation was over.

She introduced herself, taking the “bait” so to speak, when he steered the conversation away from his blindness. Though he usually didn’t mind discussing it with others, sometimes it wasn’t how he wanted to begin conversations with strangers. Her name was quite a mouthful, but then she said he could call her Naga. But wait a minute! “Nereides??” spilled forth from him before he could stop it. “I was born next to a pack that were Nereides. They were nice. We did activities together, like hunts and parties, to celebrate life and the friendship between our packs.”

The question that suddenly burst forth from her caused him to slick his ears back a little. “Uh… what? Tell you your future?” He was clearly very confused.