Wolf RPG
Redsand Canyon A Pale Shroud of Time - Printable Version

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A Pale Shroud of Time - Agana - December 13, 2019

Agana had gone from the den before dawn; it was pitch black, witch was in her advantage in hunting. Ever since the ground shook the first time, mammals have disappeared one by one, until nothing was left. Her faith for better times was lowering day by day. Sleepless nights were not uncommon, the idea of not surviving the winter came back to her again and again, hitting her like a blizzard.

To clear her thoughts, she left the safety of the den, using hunting as an excuse. The beige female padded through the thick fog; the sound of the winter wind running through the layers of trees gave her an eerie feeling. She could hear her heavy breathing, golden gaze turning from time to time, searching for something that wasn’t there.

Agana emerged from the mist to see a rather unusual image. Redish boulders covered in snow, placed in different positions, uncovering a maze; on the ground faint trails of cratures that dared to enter and never found their way out. The pale moonlight shining on the scene before her gave it a mysterious aura, ghosts of the lost souls dancing their eternity in the redish maze. It was exciting; but she did not dare enter. Golden gaze watched from afar, the excitement not once leaving her.