Wolf RPG
Panther Park Like fire, hellfire; this fire in my skin - Printable Version

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Like fire, hellfire; this fire in my skin - Maud - December 14, 2019

Her skin crawled with an itch that couldn't be scratched far below her dermis. The smoldering fire in her belly had grown to a fierce blaze. Being a slave to her biology, Maud sought relief from the intolerable heat. The stench of numerous male cougars came to a crossroads here. Though normally disgusted by the musky odor, now it enticed her.

With a deep inhale, she released a feral, ear-piercing scream that sliced through the still air. Her desperate cries carried for miles, spooking birds from their perches in the woods. Scarcely heard, it sounded like someone was being brutally murdered to anything that wasn't of her kind. After what felt like an eternity, she put her calls on pause, though she continued to impatiently stalk the forest floor with ears open for any returned calls.