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Stone Circle rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone - Printable Version

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rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone - Dawn - December 23, 2019

maybe @Greyback or @Valette? :)

it is an uncharacteristically warm day, and the steady drip of a nearby icicle serves as a thermometer. the huntress is sprawled across a flattened boulder in the midst of the forested part of the territory, mind turning as she thinks over the events of the past year. being back here offers an odd perspective, as she considers the way this pack has continued to endure, Valette as it's head, even as her own life has cycles through euphoric highs and breathless lows. she thinks most often of the fire, family lost, Aditya, ugly mistakes and most of all the desperate loss of her own children. but she remembers to those moments her little family had been at it's closest, and before then, too, when Morningside had been strong. it is those memories she has clung too, but she wonders now if she should let them go just as she attempts to relinquish her fixation on the ugly parts of the past. 

for it is just that, a past, and she has a niece she must safeguard, a pack both new and old she must support. her children and mate are lost to her, her parents, her pack, and all the rest of it. she will not allow what she has now to slip away too. 

sighing, she shifts, lifting her head from her paws and tracking the flight of a pair of ravens as they swing over the treetops.

RE: rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone - Greyback - December 23, 2019

Greyback had been strolling through the forest that afternoon, his head bowed and limbs aching from the cold weather around him. It seemed with every passing year the elders joints ached more and more. The bone that once stood strong now worn down and grinding with every heavy paw step he placed. It didn't hurt drastically, but was a bit uncomfortable, a feeling that became hard to ignore. Still, the elder refused to let it show around others, and walked with elegance as he always did.

Humming to himself, the patriarch strayed from his normal path and made his way into the dense forest, his looming presence spooking the animals around him—sending the birds away in a flurry of loud flutters. It was during this that he noticed a familiar face.

"Dawn," he greeted, dipping his head as he took his place beside her. "How do you do?"

RE: rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone - Dawn - December 29, 2019

his name comes easily; he is hardly forgettable, and bares more than a few similarities to her father. "greyback." small smile curves her muzzle, and she half-rises to better speak with him. "better than before." she answers, though ponders that last time they'd met and wonders if perhaps she'd been happier then. she'd certainly known less loss, even after the destruction of her home and pack. 

"I am glad to see Easthollow is still strong," she offers. they are good rulers, the pair. the endurance of the pack speaks clearly enough for that, but already in the time she has been here she has grown to understand they are anchors, the core on which the pack grows and is held together.

RE: rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone - Greyback - December 30, 2019

Greyback watches as the girl rises up to meet him and in a haste he lifts a paw to motion her downward. "At ease," he says with a firm tone that gradually melts to something much softer as he continues on. He is flattered she would rise on his accord, but he didn't need such a thing at all times.

"I am happy to hear that, and yes... Easthollow is quite strong." He nods while looking around the area, around the territory that Easthollow calls home. Such a view is relaxing to the man, and he lets out a deep hum as he lets himself get used to the feeling next to his packmate. "Before, do you mean...Morningside?" he questions, flicking his ear.

He remembers when he first met the woman, finding her wading in the water with the cattail weeds against the backdrop of a fire-smoked sky; Her fur singed and ragged. It was quite a drastic difference to where she was now, and the man smiled proudly at that, "What happened afterward?"

RE: rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone - Dawn - December 30, 2019

his question earns a pause, and then a nod. she does not seek to pin down the exact moment that was before, but nor is the reign of morningside that, exactly. 

"what happened afterward?" the pride in his glance is juxtaposed by the burn of her grief, which she seeks to swallow before it can colour her expression. "morningside fell not long after the fire. we were too few. I wandered for a time, searching for those we'd lost." perhaps she should stop there. what follows is nothing good, and so she finishes only with, "after a while, I returned to Teekon - I reunited with old packmates, fell in with a pack." they talk a while longer, idly, before dawn excuses herself to sate the hunger in her stomach.