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Haunted Wood Things are changing - Printable Version

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Things are changing - Serem - December 24, 2019

The raven couldn't tell if it was her upcoming heat or because of the fact that more females had joined that she found herself on edge a little bit as she did her patrols. Serem took her time to meet these woman, trying to figure out their intentions but some were unclear and it made her worried. However she was clever and hid her feelings well.


RE: Things are changing - Vengeance - December 24, 2019

It would soon be that time of the year again. There were many females around, it was beginning to be difficult to keep his paws off of all of them. Their heats were rolling around, and the possessive feeling over them all was beginning to rise; all he had to do was focus on the one in particular. Serem. His consort, the one who had offered herself to him with the same desire to create strong progeny. 

It was she that he sought out. Skulking through the haunted woods with misty tendrils snaking around his muscular frame as he followed her scent, that perfume that only grew sweeter by the day. As the woman's figure came into sight, he continued his path just to brush up against her, allowing his frame to curl around hers briefly in an action as close to romance as the Warlord could. The season is nearing.

RE: Things are changing - Serem - December 24, 2019

She had stopped her short walk and had waited there patiently as soon as she caught vengeance's musk that he carried on his pelt. He came close and she felt the body heat that radiated off of him that she had grown accustomed to. "Yes it is. Soon my heat will come but that also means so will the others." She didn't voice her concerns but deep down she felt herself growing agitated at that fact.

RE: Things are changing - Vengeance - December 24, 2019

That also means so will the others. Ah, so she was concerned for the other females who roamed the woods. There were plenty that was for certain. They always lacked males since their creation back in late last summer. He didn't think too much on it rather than something interesting to ponder, but the reasoning behind it escaped him. He dared not linger on it too long should he get the answer wrong. Are you concerned? She was clearly agitated, and though normally he wouldn't care - she would be carrying his chosen litter soon enough. He had to take more care into her well being for the next few months.

RE: Things are changing - Serem - December 24, 2019

He asked if she was concerned and she shortly shook her head. It was weird of him to ask but she supposed it was okay. "I'm not concerned as long as none of their offspring; should they have any interfere with the wellbeing of mine." She was determined to make that clear to any female who may think theirs were safe from her jaws should they become a problem.

RE: Things are changing - Vengeance - December 24, 2019

With a devilish grin, he chuckled at her response. A hollow laugh that only lasted two notes. Perhaps he had chosen the best Consort, her focus was purely on the children rather than their own affair, something that he could not have seen as more perfect.  They have immunity to be challenged and will be fed well. They will grow to be strong enough to defend themselves quickly, trained by us. There is nothing to be overly concerned with.

RE: Things are changing - Serem - December 24, 2019

Once he said this; Serem felt a lot better about herself now and her body relaxed. It was scary to think that come a few months she will have young surrounding her. "Good." She was short not seeing any reason to continue. "Nakara will soon be ready to hunt. I would like to get this done before I become swollen with young."

RE: Things are changing - Vengeance - December 25, 2019

The woman's subject was quick to change, it was easier to ease her worries from the looks of it than he had originally thought. She was a simple woman at the very least, easy to satisfy with little effort - at least they seemed to see things eye to eye. It will be. Clay is almost ready, he is just about ready to truly embrace being a Nightwalker. It won't take much longer.

RE: Things are changing - Serem - December 28, 2019

She gave a swift nod and couldn't think of anything to speak of until she finally remembered what she wanted to mention ideally. "Before I forget, my familiar mentioned to me that my brother may be wanting to make the journey here from our homeland. I wanted to speak with you about it first before I gave an answer." Surely she knew he would want to test his skills and she was okay with that.

RE: Things are changing - Vengeance - December 30, 2019

Serem had a lot to share today, something that was abnormal but not unwelcomed. What the woman had to share was always quite useful after all. If you believe he's a good fit, I will grant him a position among us... with a test of course. Her brother? The man had already met the raven's sister, was Serem's brother just like the Consort? Or was he more so like the dove in the bottom of the pit right now? He was interested in finding out personally what kind of man this one was.

RE: Things are changing - Serem - December 30, 2019

She gave a small nod. "I would not of mentioned him if I was not sure." When he spoke of a test, the dark woman smiled. "I wouldn't of expected anything less."