Wolf RPG
Blackfoot Forest Sleepless in the Woods - Printable Version

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Sleepless in the Woods - Serafina - January 11, 2020

AW! Sorry if this sucks. Was falling asleep in the middle of writing....
Serafina was equally exhausted as she was hungry with no promise of either being fixed any time soon. It had been so long since she last ate that she was sure she had lost weight. The she-wolf was torn between making one last effort in finding food or figuring out a place for rest.
Under the night sky surrounded by trees, Sera made her way through the darkness. She had been traveling for some time and found herself in an unknown area. The sounds that surrounded her made her feel on edge, along with the level of darkness. She thought she could find a good place to lay for the night but she was quickly learning that she was mistaken. The woods gave her too much of fright to even travel through, let alone spend the night sleeping there. 
Her blue-green orbs darted in every direction she heard a noise. A bush to her right would move. A twig to her left would snap. Sera didn't know what was creating them and it sounded like there were multiple sources. Could it be food? Her stomach grumbled at the thought. She stopped in her tracks for a moment to take a quick peek behind her. Was she being followed? After a minute, give or take, she continued pushing forward. Maybe I should leave... She said to herself with a low weary voice. 

RE: Sleepless in the Woods - Yami - January 19, 2020

As relieved as Yami was to be home again, their fledgling pack still had a need that drove her once more out into the wilderness. She didn't like to go so soon after arriving, but she consoled herself with the knowledge that she wouldn't go far. She could be back on the mountain within a day or so, hopefully with something to show for her time away.

Unlike the wolf she was about to stumble upon, Yami had no fear of the night time noises. She was confident in herself, but also rather skeptical that anything bad would actually happen. Even when she heard a voice nearby, she wasn't frightened. Wary, but not afraid. "Is someone there?" she called, her ears perked and chin lifted.

RE: Sleepless in the Woods - Serafina - January 25, 2020

Thanks for joining me<3

Hungry and exhausted she continued to move forward even though the place continued to put her on edge. Every sound made her thing her "family" had found her and was closing in on her with the purpose to harm her. It was a constant fear and this place only amplified it. Her ears were pressed close to her skull at this point twitching whenever anything caught their attention. 

Her soul longed for sleep while her stomach longed for nourishment and there didn't seem to be a remedy for them any time soon. She continued to make her way through the darkness determined to push past her discomfort when a voice appeared to come out of nowhere. Sera paused in midstep with a front paw hanging in the air. The unknown voice gave her such a fright which caused her tail to tuck between her legs immediately. No! It was a reflective response that made her wish she had said anything but that. I mean....yes... Although, now she wondered if she shouldn't have said anything at all. Was she safe?

RE: Sleepless in the Woods - Yami - January 26, 2020

of course!

Yami frowned deeper when an answer came. "Really?" she deadpanned into the darkness. Whatever was out there wasn't too bright if it thought she was going to believe empty air had just spoken to her. The stranger seemed to recognize their error quickly enough and attempted to rectify it, which made her quirk a brow. She turned in the direction the voice had come from and began to walk, eventually coming across a small sterling wolf that appeared to be frazzled, to say the least.

"Well hi there," Yami greeted with a smirk, "You must be no one. I'm Yami." The girl didn't appear to be a threat, which was probably why she looked so anxious. She didn't look like she could take care of herself, not like Yami could. Briefly, she wondered if maybe this was what she'd looked like to Kiwi when they'd first met. God, she hoped not.