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Haunted Wood uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Printable Version

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uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Hela - January 13, 2020

when the meeting comes to an end, the youth is left with a great deal more problems to solve. she had wanted this, she had done this, and so must she too deal with the consequences. even as she finished speaking, the pain of her wounds truly begins to take effect, though there is a final issue she must take care of before seeking Serem's aid. 

she nods to @Serem and @Tzila, acknowledging the latter's former intent. it is her right, and only natural that her general be there because they are truly fit for the position. "not to the death," she begins, for the death of Vengeance is truly starting to hit home, though the full extent of what she's done still feels impossible, distant. "I will respect any outcome." she finishes, stepping back to ease onto her haunches, maw half-agape as she pants lightly, full attention now on the pair.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - RIP Tzila - January 23, 2020

Rank challenge for @Serem. HP 40 each.

While on the exterior, Tzila appeared calm and collected, inside her mind was abuzz. Not because she was challenging Serem for the rank of General, but of the new circumstances so suddenly thrown upon the Nightwalkers. A child leading them?! She couldn't wrap her mind around it. Didn't know how to feel about it. But this was Hela they were talking about here, even if she didn't know the girl all that well.

She resisted the urge to send the new Warlord a scathing look at her snippet of a command, and instead kept her eyes trained on Serem. "Of course not." Her posture was kept relaxed as she took a pointed step forward. "This isn't personal. I just believe I am better suited for the job. You and I have been scouting many a time together. I've observed you. You lack initiative." She paused for emphasis. "Enough I feel that is, for this rank." She hoped Serem wouldn't be offended. Tzila viewed her as an ally in the pack, and did not want to tarnish that relationship over a petty scuffle over rank. Regardless of the outcome today, win or lose, on Tzila's end, she would respect Serem just as she had before.

Squaring her shoulders, she tucked her chin close. Silver eyes narrowed, dark ears pinning to her crown to avoid becoming easy targets. Raising her tail like a black flag, she rushed forward in a direct attack. She aimed for Serem's shoulder, hoping to use her weight to throw the woman off balance and pin her quickly.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Serem - January 26, 2020

She listened and watched the woman carefully. The dark woman wasn't really one for small talk and respected her opponent and let her finish. She braced herself and watched as she went for her should and Serem let it happen and in turn arched her head and aimed her jaws for the woman's neck and would clamp down and push her off of her shoulder

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - RIP Tzila - January 28, 2020

Serem's jaws clamped down on the exposed side of her neck, and hers, on a meaty shoulder. Growling thickly through the mouthful of black fur, Tzila was pushed away by Serem's defensive maneuver. Her first attempt to pin her had failed, but she hadn't expected this fight to be an easy one. 

Keeping her weight evenly distributed and her body slightly hunkered down so as to ensure she wouldn't be toppled in the midst of their grappling, Tzila quickly decided to change tactics. She would have to try and tire Serem out first, then go for the pin down. She charged again, wheeling to to snap at her haunches. Easy targets to wrap her jaws around to the point of substantial bruising, that is if she got ahold of one.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Serem - January 28, 2020

Serems first attack was a successful one and despite respecting her opponent; she wasn't going to be pinned that easy. When the female ran forward and snapped at her rear, serem surged forward to hopefully throw her weight into her in hopes of knocking her back far enough so that she could give a better attack.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - RIP Tzila - January 29, 2020

Tzila grunted disapprovingly as her teeth only grazed skin, failing to find their hold on the haunch she had targeted. Serem's collision against her frame was solid; enough to knock the wind out of her, but not enough to send her tumbling. She reared up to intercept her, to test her weight against her own. Pearly teeth flashed as her jaws unhinged, clashing with her muzzle. Her shoulders rolled to the right in a twisting motion, attempting to throw her down like a wrestler would in the arena.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Serem - January 29, 2020

Serem watched as she reared up much like a bear would; The woman's teeth were attached to her muzzle and Seremtried to use her paws to claw at the woman's face hopefully resulting in her letting go and the dark woman would go for the neck once more if so.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - RIP Tzila - January 29, 2020

Tzila merely squinted her eyes down to mere slits as Serem's nails raked at her face. Suffering some superficial wounds from a wolfs relatively blunt claws, was a price she was willing to pay. She clamped down harder on her muzzle for a moment, before releasing her. Dropping back to a natural standing position, she was quick to sweep in on her from the side. Tzila pulled off her signature move; aiming for the back of the neck, out of harms reach so she could try and control her opponent. If the tactic worked, she'd thrash violently to toss Serem down into the dirt.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Serem - January 29, 2020

Serem almost yiped at the pain inflicted to her muzzle but she refrained from doing so. The dark woman could taste her own blood that dropped from her muzzle down to her teeth and tongue.

She saw the woman go for the back of her neck and serem attempted to tackle her and pin her down once she was k. The side of her

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - RIP Tzila - January 29, 2020

Tzila had a good hold on the back of Serem's neck at first. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the black female lunge from the side, to tackle her. The position she was in was compromised, giving Serem ample room and time to execute her move, even if Tzila did let go. Silver eyes narrowed, her muscles tightened, bracing against the impact of Serem's body against her own.

She stumbled, relinquishing her grip, maw bloodied. Her shoulder was first to hit the ground, but she kept her head upright. Lips peeling back, she met Serem tooth to tooth once more. Extended forelegs pushed against the others chest, a cue to equivalent to a cease fire. Her submission was clear, but defiant. Tzila had wanted a little more power, but not badly enough to be the right-hand man (or woman) to a simple child. It just wasn't worth her energy.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Serem - January 29, 2020

serem understood what she was illustrating with her body and the dark woman stopped and backed up looking to the woman. "You fought well." Was all she said to her unless she had anything to say. "I have herbs in my den for any wounds you may have. Feel free to let me know."

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - RIP Tzila - January 29, 2020

Tzila got up, rolling to her feet as if nothing had happened to her. She had long since learned to hide any signs of discomfort well. She shook herself off, letting dust and debris fly loose from her coat. "Right. I'll keep that in mind." She said, preferring to slip off alone to self-tend to her wounds first. As for the scuffle between her and Serem...it had changed nothing between them. To affirm that, Tzila even went as far as to offer a preening nibble behind her ear, before heading off for the dens.

RE: uncover our heads and reveal our souls - Hela - February 01, 2020

and so it is done; the girl-warlord watches as Tzila leaves seemingly unaffected. "congratulations," she offers, and though exhaustion is almost an unbearable weight, she motions Serem to follow—she needs to talk with the newest general.