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Swiftcurrent Creek let me guess - Printable Version

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let me guess - Eligius - January 17, 2020

For @Norsamu ! Dated around Jan 21-22 if that's alright <3

There is a spring in his step that he cannot control, nor does the golden boy truly wish to! He hums a tune as he descends from the Lair, if only to explore the surroundings of the new home he’s come to enjoy.
Each of his packmates had such a diversity of personalities; from the gentle vibes of Bhediya, to the rough and tumble of Xizur, and the reaperish qualities of Salvatore.
He’s interested in knowing them all better, soon.
But for now, he’s got his eye of wading through the heavy snow along the creek-side. Rocks scatter across the area, with deep scarring impressions that make it obvious a natural disaster occurred at some point. Yet, with the water source still alive, he thinks these might make good hunting grounds come spring.

RE: let me guess - Norsamu - January 17, 2020

"Did you ever see a wild goose
Sailing o'er the ocean?"

Norsamu ventured east, avoiding the smell of many while walking forward. She did not mind them, nor' care to face the many, but was more in a merry mood of tunes then a battle-mode. Though the pirate's feelings can be changed quite easily, depending on who upsets her, or enrages the barbarian spirit she carries- nontheless, they were at the back of her mind continuing onwards. 

"Ranzo, Ranzo, weigh heigh!"

The winter always brought the most musical of tunes, as the snow covered the noisy nature and the silence gave way to her loudened voice of songs, as she hollared out. The Pirate wasn't the most graceful voice, but the world should be thankful it wasn't nails on a scratching board, just not a mermaids voice nor' the heavens itself giving way.

"They're just like them pretty girls
When they gets the notion."

She had not noticed if the wilds had taken a hit, for even if prey were around, they'd wash away from her voice. Continuing on did she go, "Ranzo, Ranzo, weigh heigh!" to the rivers for a drink. She had her fill of a few rabbits, but of course a behemoth such as herself could never be satisfied with a few small preys, and so desired the feast of elks! However too unfamilar she was, it was a difficulty to find one. Even with the many streams, perhaps there would be none, for where would they graze?

"The other morning
I was walking by the river-"

Through a musical parade, a sunny boy came to be at such creeks, "ahoy laddy."

RE: let me guess - Eligius - January 18, 2020

He cannot help being enhanced by the song, humming along to the tune as he approaches the Creek. Ahead, a woman stands, having just captured a drink of water by the droplets that glisten on her coat.
A-Ahoy! He repeats, unfamiliar with the term, and finding himself interested in the greeting. Sorry, I couldn’t help but see who was singing! It’s got a nice tune. Did you make it?

RE: let me guess - Norsamu - January 19, 2020

A toothy grin to the boys stammering 'ahoy,' and she quietly laughed at his attempt, "ahoy, i'm Norsamu." It was fine to meet others who took in the language of sailors, even though he didn't look like a rowdy-lad. Scrawny, she thought as he was a golden youngin', looking like a shiny mouse, but he spoke to her clear enough, perhaps a shiny rat instead.

"Nay', t'was my folks who sing these songs of the sailors and pirates. Folk-songs passed down, songs for drinking of rum and tales of adventure." Back in the days the Pirates would sing these along as they gloat of their successful raids of treasure, but alas, she was alone since years ago, and remains singing along to the void that is the empty woods. Occasionally would one chime in, but not singalong, only question her choices. How Norsamu could use some rum right now.

RE: let me guess - Eligius - January 29, 2020

Since the merge happened, I’m not sure if you’re still interested in being recruited in? We could continue as a regular thread, or see about messing up the time-line a little!

Did he say it wrong? Oh well, at least he got a little bit of a laugh out of her, and she didn’t seem unfriendly. On the contrary, Norsamu welcomed him with open arms. Eligius grins.
Eligius Castell, at your service, Norsamu! He introduces himself with a playful bow, smooth in the movement despite how goofy he is around the edges.
Interesting enough, the song came not from the pirate’s imagination, but the culture of her heritage. Blue eyes widen with glee. That’s so cool! He bounces lightly on his feet. I mean, I don’t… I don’t know about sailors and pirates, but it sounds neat. I’d love to hear more!

RE: let me guess - Norsamu - February 01, 2020

im actually going to retire her!! but thank you!!
too many characters lmaooo

"Aye, fancy name ya got." Sounded sophisticated enough that he was some sort of noble. Nobles that she robbed- anywho, but wouldn't do this to the rascal who seemed pretty friendly, so Norsamu won't do that! "Not many do.. But it aight', makes it easier for me." If less heard about them, the less wary they'd be over her. Except she also really enjoyed being called an infamous pirate, 

"I'd love to my guy, but I gotta scram, the wilds be callin' me.. In the east. Cya later laddy!"

RE: let me guess - Eligius - February 02, 2020

I feel that LOL Thanks for the thread!

Oh, alright! Well, good luck! He cannot help the disappointment that blooms in his chest. Eligius had been so invested and wanted nothing more than to meet others… and well, spark a friendship? A place to belong really.
Sadly this isn’t it, but the meeting goes… alright. The golden boy goes about exploring with his tail drooped.