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Noctisardor Bypass Even with Wolverine's Oculus Rift, he'll get through this - Printable Version

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Even with Wolverine's Oculus Rift, he'll get through this - Arbiter - January 29, 2020

When she wasn't at the borders, trying to teach her children to be the Dokugas they should be, or keeping tabs on the gradually returning herd of deer, Arbiter was still searching for a new densite. She'd fussed over several possibilities, but certainly lamented not having a perfectly good omega around to do the work for her. Last year had worked out very well -- and the guy had gone all out with the features, it had actually surprised her. Oh well.

The sky had cleared -- well, not really, it was cloudy, it just wasn't snowing like crazy like it usually was. Spook had shown up as she'd decided to end her quest for the day, still having made no decision, but he was prattling on about places he'd found and she was just not in the mood. Instead, she tasked him to hunt one of the rabbit warrens and then placed herself a good ways away, watching his problem-solving at a distance. The trio was probably about old enough to be independent -- if they chose to do so, and if she allowed them.  She stretched herself across the fresh snow, and for that brief time, relaxed.