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Emberflame Ridge Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Printable Version

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Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 02, 2020

For @Iolana

The fae remained close to the mountains despite despising the climb; she was hoping Clem would find herself upon the ridges once again, on a dry and peaceful night such as the one on which they'd met. The skies became cloudy after that, blocking the few rays of sun that still found them in winter and thus snuffing out her hope that she'd see her friend again. She knew they were destined, knew that if she ever needed someone to confide in it would be her, but for now her journey continued.

'ver the peaks and down sacred tunnels, the spirit weaved a way to the outside - away from the parapets of stone that kept her from spreading her wings. Loinnir found no problem in this, soaring for once high above to guide her to the emberflame ridge.

The forest was dense and it smelt of charcoal, but through the trees she saw the places she wanted to be, the places that held her destiny.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 02, 2020

Gliding over the ground, Iolana wandered. Each step bringing her closer to wherever she and Lale were meant to be. She wandered soundlessly under the careful eye of her companion overhead, she was her lifeline. And when her lifeline said there was danger, she obeyed. That's what happened when Lale let out a high-pitched whistle; long, short, trill, fade. Part of their secret language for Watch out! Danger ahead!

Iolana ducked into the underbrush, quietly circling what Lale had claimed as dangerous. But once she got a good look she saw nothing but a lone wolf. Giggling a bit she stepped out of the shadows with a kind smile. "Aloha! ʻO koʻu inoa ʻo Iolana. O wai 'oe?" the wisp voiced before translating into what seemed to be the common language here: "Hello! My name is Iolana. Who are you?" With that, she called to her friend with a whistle. Lale swooped down and perched upon the lady's shoulder. Standing on her friend Lale calmed, if Iolana trusted this wolf than so could she.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 02, 2020

One ashen ear twisted and turned towards the sky; she'd never heard such a distinctive call before, only from Loinnir did she ever hear a hoot or screech that resembled some kind of answer to her questions. Speaking of her feathered friend, with a big swoop did he land 'pon a nearby branch, hopping over onto her back when she passed. Something had distressed him, but what still remained a mystery. Was it safe to carry on?

The answer came in a fit of guffaw, revealing a softly painted lady, making her way across to her. She speaks eloquently, but whatever was spoken the fae did not understand - not until the translation, or so she assumed it to be. She was left confused and a bit flabbergasted by the forward approach, visibly sinking into the hind quarters of her tiny frame. I'm Lumiya. She answered, though usually she was more talkative than that. She noticed the lady's friend - so did Loinnir who made an interested hoot at the sight. What's your companion called?

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 02, 2020

The woman seemed a bit startled at Iolana's presence, so she took the liberty of diffusing the situation. "I'm sorry. Did I startle you?" the woman exclaimed. The wisp backed up a step and sat, showing she was no threat. Lale adjusted her position so she wouldn't fall off before giving acknowledgment to the other feathered being around. Iolana's companion that sent back a soothing coo back, causing a quiet laugh to escape from the lady.

"This is Lale. She is a type of bird called a Merlin, which is a small falcon." the wisp explained. Glancing from her friend to Lumiya. Iolana allowed her lilac gaze to study the wiry woman for a mere second before nodding to the bird now perched on the wolf before asking: "What about yours?"

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 02, 2020

Her lesser mood truly hadn't been because of the woman - the fae was miffed about having to get moving again, despite a wonderful time with Clem. She did not want to leave her, but knew her journey lay ahead. If she wanted to find a court like her former, she either had to create it herself or go looking; she'd chosen the latter for now. No - I am the one who should apologize, I was just in a lousy mood. She answered, brows quivering upwards to express her disdain for her own actions. You've definitely improved it. She added then, giving the woman a meant, saccharine smile

The fae gave herself a seat, Loinnir scooting up to her shoulder, and listened to the woman talk about her own fowl. She hadn't been lying - the woman really had risen her spirit and she felt herself getting engaged in the subject. This dinky guy is called Loinnir - I think he's a Screech Owl, but his colors are inaccurate. I found him dying on this very mountain and could not bear to leave him.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 02, 2020

The wisp listened as the woman denied the woman’s apology and reasoned that she was not the happiest at the moment. “Oh I’m sorry. What’s wrong?” The lady didn’t like seeing people upset, always wanted to help even thought there wasn’t much she could do to help.

Then Lumiya gave her a sweet smile and Iolana couldn’t help but throw one back her way with a seat of her tail. Listening to the lady’s explanation of how she had found her friend on the mountainside a frown knit onto the wisp’s face. “Oh the poor thing! What had happened to him?” she exclaimed sympathetically. If there was anything wrong with the owl perched on Lumiya’s shoulder Iolana would be glad to try and help.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 05, 2020

Nothing that won't be fixed by the passing of time. She answered, making a little waving motion with one silvery paw, brushing the subject off. She'd rather have her private matters remain private, and Clementine was one of those matters. The fae had never had a crush before, though she was unsure if that was truly what it was. Though she found beauty in everything she saw, she was sure that marriage and mateship was something between a male and a female. Or was it?

The faerie then shook her head. I have no idea - he wasn't wounded, but he had been ravenous when I'd caught us a meal. She'd assumed the poor thing had simply collapsed because of hunger or thirst, and the mountains were cold no matter if you were made to be there or not. Even Lumi, now, felt a little weaker than before after having traveled 'ver the mountains.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 06, 2020

The lady understood if the woman wanted to keep her troubles out of Iolana's mind, they had just met. She nodded solemnly. The matter was most likely one of personal issues, a thick line that she would not inch any closer to. The lady continued her vow of silence while the other spoke, honeyed ears turned to Lumiya whilst she tried to lip read to her best ability. 

"I'm glad he found somebody like you. Others would just eat him." the wisp said with a gracious smile and wag of her tail towards the lady. "What brought you here? Do you live around?" Iolana was always one of curious sorts, often asking many questions when meeting someone new. And from the look of the lady in front of her, this woman was tired. Whether from travel or simple sleep deprivation Iolana wasn't sure, either way, Iolana was determined to help.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 08, 2020

The fae gave a soft little chortle, whispering a secret she did not wish Loinnir to hear. I wouldn't have known how to pluck him. The notion was funny to her, and maybe to her alone, but the girl laughed about it regardless. She did not care what others thought about her anymore, or so she told herself.

She shook her head at the painted lady's question. We're simply wanderers. She answered shortly, but not coldly. There really was no rhyme or reason for them to be there, they just happened upon places. All she knew that she was yet to find a home that fit her as well as the faerie court had had moons ago, and that perhaps she'd need to introduce that way of living to the Wilds if she could not find a place like it.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 08, 2020

The woman's seemingly classified information stunned her at first, but she caught on quickly and it was almost unnoticeable; her pause. Iolana did laugh though, a kind of relieving chuckle that seemed to ease the air around the four. Glancing from the humored lady to her own feathered friend Iolana made a simple decision and tapped Lale with her muzzle as a whistle seeped from her parted lips.

The whistle special, an elaborate series of mixed dynamics, part of a code unbeknownst to anyone but Iolana and her companion. Replied with a less complex call, one high-pitched short line before it was over and Lale shot off her shoulder and soared into the sky; watching. I had only been a recon mission, not uncommon for the two to complete.

The bird above occasionally diving off to the side only to reappear moments later, never for long. "Lale is simply meandering, she's making sure there isn't anything around. She will be back." the woman said informative before turning her focus back to the lady and her words. "Wanderers? Well, you haven't stumbled upon much. Just two more wanderers. One being almost deaf and another being a bird." the painted one mused, chuckling a bit to herself. "Nothing much." she added looking off to the side.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 09, 2020

It appeared the notion wasn't funny to only her, as the other laughed with her about her quite simple joke. She observed then how the two communicated with each other, and Lumi was wondering how Iolana had trained her to do this. Loinnir was less impressed with it all, impatiently patting her back with his talons as he wanted to get moving again. The fae wasn't done conversing yet, so, as always, she ignored the bird's impatience

How did you teach Lale that? She asked impressed. She then waved a silvery paw around as the lady spoke further, shaking her head. Nonsense - you two are far more than 'nothing much'. Your bird is very useful, and you very courteous. She complimented with a smile.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 09, 2020

"We grew up together. Always understood each other. I learned her calls and how to heed her advice and from there it was simple training and planning." the woman answered with a brief glance to her floating friend before turning her eyes back to her much-grounded companion. As the woman proceeded to compliment Lale and Iolana the lady couldn't help but mirror the woman's action form before; waving a cream paw. 

"Thank you very much. But I'm afraid you haven't seen Lale's upset side." the lady replied with a genuine smile plastered upon her face. "She can get quite moody believe it or not!" Another laugh withdrew from Iolana at her jest of which Lale did not know of. If she had heard Iolana shouldn't expect a reply when she asked her friend to do something ironically enough. "Have you a reason for wandering out here?"

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 10, 2020

The fae listened intently. She wondered then if the lady had a bird because her hearing was impaired, something she'd stated before. I very much doubt Loinnir will ever heed my commands like that. She commented softly with a fake-sigh as she looked over her shoulder. Her owl friend narrowed his gaze then stuck his beak in the air as if saying 'the audacity!'. Lumi chuckled again, knowing that if he had the ability to roast her, he would.

Oh, I assure you I believe it - 'moody' is an understatement for this hassle of feathers. — perhaps it's just a bird thing. Loinnir knew that Lumi was too nice to not care for him, so he stuck with her for free food and free transportation. She cared little for being used by him, for his company, believe it or not, actually made her feel better. We've come from the flatlands - we just happened to cross the mountains here. She answered.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 10, 2020

Oh, I forgot to say this in my last post but your knew avatar is gorgeous!! <3
Loinnir seemed to be offended at Lumiya's jest and that caused an amused chuckled out of the wisp. "You two seem like a good pair" she said with a smile. Other than the fact that they argue like a married couple. The thought brought a suppressed laugh from within. "Ah." the lady said with a nod. "What caused your travels? I heard there's a famine out west, did you get caught up in that?" 

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 11, 2020

Thank you! It was drawn by Jaclyn, she's so good I cri

Lumi chuckled politely at the compliment, directed at both of them. She supposed it was nice to have someone stand up to her beliefs every now and again, to show there was another way she simply wasn't following. Loinnir thought so very differently of the world, it was fresh insight for the aspiring faerie.

Oh - Goodness, no. I didn't even know there'd been a famine, we were so lucky. She responded, a little flabbergasted. No - no, luckily it wasn't that. It's just, I have this vision of a home I want to live in, and I'm seeking a place like it. She informed with a little smile and a twinkle in her eyes, driven by passion for what she was doing. Though, can I tell you a secret?

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 11, 2020

"What kind of place did you have in mind? I'd be glad to assist you in your search!" the wisp responded, willing to help this kind wolf in her travels however necessary. "A secret? Of course!" the woman replied, a smile creeping up her creamy face. "I don't have many to share the secret with anyway!" A giggle escaped as the grin came to full volume, more of a smirk than anything else. Iolana could see the adoration in Lumiya's eyes, her pure glee at the thought of her mission. Taking it more seriously now: "What is it Lumiya?" 

The still quite new syllables were thick on her tongue. Sweet syrup slowly dripping off her tongue, her speech was unaffected but without her usual Hawaiian accent, it felt weird to speak. It took sometimes weeks to get used to new words, this being no exception.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 13, 2020

... A forest - something mystical, nearly magical. She responded dreamily as she tried to envision the original court she'd come from. She smirked then, spilling the beans eventually; I think I might try and start my own pack - my own court of wonders. She grinned then, her whole body nearly shaking with excitement upon proposing the idea. She was young, and inexperienced, but that was how everyone started out. With her knowledge, manners and quick-wit, she was sure she could round up a group of wolves to live the way she envisioned it.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 13, 2020

Lumiya sounded so delighted at the thoughts of where she wanted to find, "Sounds beautiful!" Iolana mystified along with her. It took a moment, but eventually, the woman told Iolana of her dreams of starting her own pack. "How lovely! I'm sure your pack will grow to be the greatest in history!" Iolana expressed. It was true, with a leader such as Lumiya, this new pack is sure to rise above others. 

"The last pack me and Lale were in didn't even get to form." the woman shrugged. Bhe's pack did not get far, but she was sure it would have if the infected one hadn't come and wreaked havoc. Lale swooped all the way down, a spiral of wind following her as she circled downwards. Iolana's feathered friend landed on her back and latched ahold of her ear, using it to pull herself up onto the wisp's shoulder. A quick tilt to the side and Lale had gotten up onto the lady; comfortable. 

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 14, 2020

Iolana seemed to be even more sure of her coming success - even more so than Lumi herself. The fae smiled warmly, giving a solemn nod as a 'thank you' for the kind and encouraging words spoken. She very much doubted her court would be the greatest in the history of the Wilderness, but she was determined to make it exist.

If you two are ever in need of protection, don't hesitate to come find me. She preached, silently inviting her to the friendship she'd like to share. She couldn't promise much, not yet at least until her court was standing strong, but the offer was in place and would be for as long as the painted lady wished.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 14, 2020

The woman offered up her home as a place Lale and Iolana could visit or stay if ever in need and the wisp smile gratefully. "Thank you!" she enthused. "If you ever need anything, me and Lale will be there by your side." Iolana shared. A nod showing her honesty, together Iolana believe her and her feathered companion could do anything, and she happily offered her help with anything to her newfound friend.

She was going to give the lady a farewell and walk off but as she went to stand, Lale jumped off her shoulder and landed next to Lumiya. A whistle sent towards Iolana as she landed, a quite immature one from the sound of it too. "What?" she questioned the bird. Iolana didn't expect her to answer, but it sounded quite like she was inviting the bird to explain herself, encouraging her to speak.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 16, 2020

She knew that the protection she was offering was not one of physicality - no matter if she'd gotten her parents' build or not, Lumi was not a fighter and would probably never become one. No the protection she offered was laced with morals and peace, a secure safety net for those she deemed worthy or in need of it. Though the painted lady, spirit of the river and speaker of the language she could not understand, seemed not in need of such protection, but she was indeed worthy.

The fae assumed that their meeting had come to an end, but Lale thought differently. The sprite of a girl tipped her head in question and slight confusion, but then smiled. She felt Loinnir shift and plop his fluffy body down on the ground. He strutted towards Lale carefully, a swagger in his step Lumi had not seen before (though seeing him walk or fly was a rare occurrence, as the beast was incredibly lazy). She turned to Lale then. Don't tell me you've grown to like this mangy bird? She chuckled, referring to Loinnir.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 16, 2020

It seemed both the ladies seemed to think the conversation was over, and both their feathered friends obviously disagreed. Once Lale was on the ground Loinnir soon followed and dropped to the ground like he owned the place. The silvery lady laughed, and Iolana joined in before lowering her head to Lale's height. "What are you doing?" Lale, not too pleased with something, squawked at the wisp before plopping next to Lumiya.

Lale was always a stubborn bird, her mind could not be changed once she decided something. And she was acting quite like she had come to a heartfelt decision to not leave the two newfound travelers. "You are so spoiled" the wisp chuckled at her feathered companion before sticking her tongue out at her, a tease both mocked each other with often. The jest was soon repaid as Lale made as much as a ridiculing face as a bird can manage before sticking her tongue out in return. She would have to work on that ego of Lale's.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 17, 2020

She silently watched their feathered companions, squawking and hooting about in protest against something. Lumi looked at Loinnir, and then she understood. He didn't have any friends of his own kind, nor had he actually liked a stranger till this lady came 'round. Perhaps the bird was pleading they stay together; Weren't the others lone travelers, after all?

The girl chuckled after the two were finished giving each other weird faces, lowering her muzzle so she could address her little screech menace more closely - yet her eyes were pointed to their new friend, partly because she was unsure of whether she needed her lips to read. What, do you want them to stay with us? She asked, as if perplexed. The white owl hooted with something resembling a nod. I suppose it would make things easier on the four of us.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Iolana - February 17, 2020

What, do you want them to stay with us?  An agreement from Loinnir. "Oh, you out here fetching yourself some friends huh?" the wisp addressed the stubborn ball of feathers that was her friend. Apparently that was what she wanted because she forgot her foul mood and squawked happily as she waddled over to Iolana. The woman had no problem with this, but she did not want to become a burden on Lumiya. Iolana was a lady of fairness, and this was Lale's idea so it was her job to ask. When the little joyous mess came toddling up to the woman she turned the bird around with a push of her snout and whispered. "You have to ask first." 

Perhaps it was more of a parental than a friend action, to be practically teaching one manners, but Iolana did so just the same. When Lale took off toward the silver woman again (after a quiet protest of refusing to go anywhere) Iolana sent a kind smile in the woman's direction; pretending to be quite clueless about the bird's doing. Lale got the woman and squawked and whistled, at times firm and at times kind, almost as if she didn't know how to get her point across.

RE: Negotiate a peace, or negotiate a time and place - Lumiya - February 18, 2020

The situation was amusing, and the fae could not erase the smile on her face. Though she'd been in a foul mood before, she felt better now knowing she would not be alone — not that she truly was, with Loinnir by her side, but still. The thought of company that could actually talk back was appealing, and it added at least one member to the court that was still just plans and dreams.

She nodded and hummed; Ah, yes, I see. as Lale began making her point, asking in her own way what all of them already knew she wanted. Of course you two can stay with us. She answered at last, giving a little wink to Iolana as she addressed her bird. I cannot promise much just yet, but I feel like with you two by our side, we will surely achieve greatness.