Wolf RPG
Cedar Sweep the light of the eyelid - Printable Version

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the light of the eyelid - Ginko - February 28, 2020

From one wood to another, Ginko passed beneath the stately trees until they had faded to rich cedars and created a denser terrain.
The mushi in the forest were active. He could see them dance from the roots of the trees, reaching up with glowing tendrils before they disappeared in the earth again. The beings that most could not see, did not even know existed, and yet still moved about the world. The sight had given him a rare ability. The world of the mushi was profound and sometimes frightening; he was there to quell the challenges.
Stepping softly beneath the boughs of the cedar trees, Ginko passed on through the wooded area. The wolf kept his pace consistent, but leisurely. He had no reason to rush, not yet. The world that he had stumbled into was vast and marvelous; it would take time for him to venture through it all.

RE: the light of the eyelid - Wraen - March 01, 2020

Wraen had left Sun Mote copse behind to do some tracking, though, frankly speaking, just as all leaders and heads of large families, she needed to spend some time of her own. She loved and enjoyed the ruckus so many Blackthorns and Redhawks could make, but silence in the background was an occasional and very welcome change. 

Cedar Sweep was just the right distance away from her home. She was in "foreign lands" and at the same time she could easily and quickly return home, if that was required. After wandering for a while she came upon a stranger that too seemed to have taken a stroll in the woods. Encouraged by the close vicinity of her pack and the fact that as a leader she had a natural curiousity for all people that wandered near and around, she approached the man without fear. 

"Greetings to the fellow wanderer," she told the man and smiled at him sweetly. "What has brought you this close to the Firebirds?"

RE: the light of the eyelid - Ginko - March 01, 2020

A voice was carried through the wood, feminine and pleasant in its tones. The sage drew his gaze upward to meet the figure. 

The woman was shrouded in a cloak of slate and soft grey. She held herself well, suggesting that she had something to protect nearby. On the chilling winter wind, Ginko could smell the fragrance of a nearby pack. He assumed this is what the woman meant in referring to Firebirds. The ashen male had never happened across a living thing by such a name. Still, the seer did not doubt that such a being existed. 

"Greetings, miss," he returned to her in a smoky voice. For a moment, warmth passed along his features in a ghostly smile. "Your pack?" Ginko asked, hoping to confirm his assumption with the stranger.

RE: the light of the eyelid - Wraen - March 07, 2020

"Exactly," Wraen dipped her muzzle politely, keeping her conversational light smile from turning into a beam. She might not be able to have lust of the season, but she was not immune to good looks and charm. Her knees were weak for a moment and pleasant warmth filled her belly. 

"Wraen - the Sovereign of the birds," she introduced herself. "And you are?"

RE: the light of the eyelid - Ginko - March 09, 2020

The woman’s muzzle pointed to the earth in a polite gesture. She confirmed his guess, leaving him to wonder just how many more packs would be littered throughout the area. The sage wondered too, if any of the other leaders would be quite as personable as the stone-colored female.
She offered her name – Wraen – and her rank among her group. The word was not familiar to him, but the rogue was capable of determining her importance based on tone. Then, the emerald-eyed forest wolf regarded him with a questioning expression and asked for his own moniker.
“I am Ginko, a mushi master making my way through these lands,” the ashen voyager answered her pleasantly. It was then that the white-maned wolf drew his muzzle upward and searched the boughs of the trees overhead. “Have you and your Firebirds been here long?”

RE: the light of the eyelid - Wraen - March 14, 2020

"Little more than a year, though the extended family of the founding wolves has lived in the valley for far longer time," Wraen explained the vague details of the pack's origins. Once the pack had split up in three sister packs, now only one remained. It turned out that Blackthorns and Redhawks were like old married couple. They had lived side-by-side for years, knew each one inside and out, could not stand each other occasionally, but could not live apart from one another either. Not for long anyway.

"What is a mushi master?" she asked the question that had sparked curiousity in her.

RE: the light of the eyelid - Ginko - March 22, 2020

This meant they were longstanding members of that area. It had been quite some time since the wayfaring sage had happened upon members of his own kind who had lived in an area so thriving with life - of all kinds. It thrilled him to think that they were doing well, and had been doing well for long enough for several families to call those landscapes home. 

A soft smile curled the edges of his dark lips. His ashen frame closed some of the remaining distance between their two frames. Ginko lowered his head toward the earth with a gentleness, a care. "Mushi are life in it's purest form," he spoke, his smoky voice taking a reverential tone. Drawing his crown upward, the ghostly beast locked his jade gaze with the woman across from him. Warmth radiated from his frame. "Those who dedicate themselves to the study and understanding of mushi are mushi masters."

RE: the light of the eyelid - Wraen - March 25, 2020

Wraen had hit a jackpot! She returned Ginko's gaze and smiled at him warmly, then broke the contact and looked politely to the side. "Sounds like something I have heard before, but your concept is something entirely new to me," she told him. 

"If you have time - do tell more about them and yourself. Where do you hail from and are there more mushi masters at your home?" she asked.

RE: the light of the eyelid - Ginko - March 31, 2020

There were many who shared a similar understanding. Wraen was not alone in her thoughts. The concept alone was something that may have seemed familiar to her. He had hoped that the way he had picked his words would allow for some comfort when treading in unfamiliar water. Ginko knew well enough that the details were vastly complicated things that could startle or confuse the kind woman. Time would allow him plenty of chance to teach to those who wished to learn.
“I hail from a land far from here – I have traveled for more than a year before reaching this point in my journey. These lands are incredible,” the sage answered her with a sweeping gesture of his muzzle toward the trees in their area. Ginko could not help but to feel a surge of pleasure at the prospect of someone who wished to learn more about his studies.
“I would not be opposed to telling you more of mushi. To answer your question, there are very few mushi masters in the world. We are a dying breed.”

RE: the light of the eyelid - Wraen - April 04, 2020

Wraen half-expected the man to be that show-off-jerk, who got you all riled up by telling that he or she was part of a super-secret-but-also-very-cool society and then reveal that "Sorry, I can't tell you anything else! It's strictly forbidden, you know, how it is"

Either the guy was social in general or just thirsty for a social contact of any kind. He agreed readily to tell her all (or most of) about mushi masters and, Wraen sat down to listen obediently and devour all of the details. 

"Well, the honour is all mine to be educated by you on this subject," she told him.

RE: the light of the eyelid - Ginko - April 14, 2020

Ginko was not a social beast, not entirely.
The mushi master had spent most of his life in a state of aimless voyaging. He drifted to where his heart guided him, passing over mountains and deserts, even glimpsing the snowcapped tundra of the far northern terrain. Everywhere that he had wandered, there were mushi to be found. Not all of those places had other forms of companionship, however.
To have found someone who was willing to listen and to learn, well that seemed to be a blessing to the pale-maned beast. In spite of the few years of distance from social interaction, Ginko would not turn his nose up to this interested party.
She seated herself and looked eagerly to him for more information. The sage offered her a gentle smile and nodded his head. “To start, it would be best to explain to you what mushi are in a way that is easy to understand. Life in its purest form is difficult to comprehend,” the male’s smoky voice carried through the air.
Stepping forward, Ginko motioned to her frame with his muzzle. “If your body was a representation of all living things on this earth, you could say that your limbs would represent all animal life. Your paws would be plants and trees, also living but not to the same degree as the creatures who roam with hot blood and refined muscle,” he explained in a way that seemed simple and easy to understand. From there, Ginko lifted his muzzle upward, following the frame of her body without touching her. “Your body would be the rich life that we do not see with our eyes, the smallest pieces of life that make up our world and all that exists in it. Things that are challenging for us to understand.”
From there, the calm wayfarer moved slowly and traced the outline of her sitting figure with bated breath. “Your muscles and your blood and veins, they would be the fine things that make up the world, but here,” Ginko motioned to her chest, the cavity that housed her beating heart. “This is where mushi would exist.”

RE: the light of the eyelid - Wraen - April 21, 2020


Wraen followed Ginko's explanation carefully and keen interest. At the right points of the story she looked at her paws, body, tails, took a glimpse at the tip of her nose and then down at her chest (as far as it was possible). Huh! She did not immediately remark on, what he had told, mulling over the content of his speech and repeating some of the sentences in her mind once or twice to remember.

She looked up at Ginko and wished him to continue: "And how do you master them?" She spent a delightful afternoon in the foreign man's company and then they parted their ways.