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Firefly Glen relationships are in the pits and nothin’s goin’ right - Printable Version

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relationships are in the pits and nothin’s goin’ right - Parasite - March 12, 2020

forward dated to the 17th

Not here, not there. Oh where, where, where is she? Not in the woods, not by that pack. What did those wolves say to him? Think, think, think. Did they know the whereabouts of dear Maggot? He just cannot remember! Memory has never been one of his strengths! Oh well! Mustn't dwell on it. Gotta move!

Night falls. The valley is silent save for the giggles of a madman. This place it's— bubbles of laughter cut him off— it's so nice! The sound of mud squishing beneath his toes was so so satisfying. And look how dark it was! Pitch black, perfect for sneaking around in. 

Hellooooo. Hello. Hello. He lowered his body to the ground and looked left and right. Is anyone there?

RE: relationships are in the pits and nothin’s goin’ right - RIP Praimfaya - March 15, 2020

once more, praimfaya slips out of moonspear's borders, without company. she would ask dacio but he is healing from his wounds and she, bearing the four kill marks upon her shoulder, is certainly capable of holding her own. still, she knows better than to be arrogant. she is alert and stays close to moonspear so that she is only a call or short jaunt away from its borders. the glen, she finds, is narrow, thick with vegetation and the ground is soft with muck. like stepping in mud and on moss at the same time; an equally as unsteady.

the commander isn't impressed.

just as she is about to turn and head back to moonspear — certain there was nothing of worth here — a voice calls out. for an instant, praimfaya considers not answering but after a moment she lets out a low answering chuff and proceeds forward, towards the voice with caution.

RE: relationships are in the pits and nothin’s goin’ right - Parasite - March 15, 2020

He fell silent as soon as he heard noises that were not his own. First a chuff, and then footsteps. One, two, three, four. Every step is followed by a squelch. He was beckoned by the noise. Parasite crept closer and closer until he saw her pelt's glow amongst the darkness. He lifted himself up and smiled from ear to ear.

Hi there. He took a couple steps forward. How close would she allow him to be before she snapped? He was eager to find out.

RE: relationships are in the pits and nothin’s goin’ right - RIP Praimfaya - March 15, 2020

there is something in the way he moves; like a predator on the prowl for prey and drawing nearer without her invitation that unnerves the commander. still, she is the commander of death and she lifts her chin, lips curling back from her teeth in simple warning. she does not mind conversation but he need not come closer. she is perfectly capable of hearing him from the distance that remain between them.

a sweep of her frostbound gaze tells her that he is dirty ...though she cannot accurately judge whether he was like this before or after his arrival in the glen. to be fair, the muck splatters up her long legs; tainting the silver of her fur. she tries not to let haste cloud her judgement — unfair, certainly. surely he cannot help that he is dirty. hei, she greets in trigedasleng.

were you looking for someone? praimfaya inquires, switching back to common for his sake.

RE: relationships are in the pits and nothin’s goin’ right - Parasite - March 22, 2020

Oh this one was much like the other. She bore her teeth as soon as he slipped closer. And of course he backed away, like he was submitting in some sort of way. Some sort of way. Yes his belly and chin dragged on the floor, but his nose was up, his tail waved above him, his eyes glinted. That cheshire grin never left his face. Body language was not something he grasped.

I was. He nodded. I am. My sister. Parasite tilted to the side and balanced on his toes. Were you looking for someone?

RE: relationships are in the pits and nothin’s goin’ right - RIP Praimfaya - March 22, 2020

the dirty stranger tells praimfaya that he was — is — searching for his sister. she thinks it a bit odd that he doesn't offer a description of what she looks like to ask her if she's seen his missing sister. maybe i've seen her, praimfaya offers in an attempt to shake off her unfounded suspicions born simply because he was dirty. she knows she's being rude and yet knows better than to entirely dismiss her instinctual warnings. what does she look like?

though she supposes it's only fair that she offer an explanation of what she was doing in the glen; fair did not equal a requirement. it was neutral territory and while the fact that she'd been trailing prey isn't a secret, she still doesn't feel like divulging. no. the commander responds simply.