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Sea Lion Shores don’t you know? - Printable Version

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don’t you know? - Ying - March 28, 2020

There. The huntress lifted her paw and pointed to the half-dead creature, creeping his way along the outskirts of the colony. You see him? Ying looked at @Atausiq and raised her brow, her silent way of asking if he was prepared for their hunt.

It would be easy to dispatch the beast; the other sea lions no longer held interest in his survival, and based on the initial hunt, he'd already exerted most of his strength. Ying flagged her tail and began the descent.

RE: don’t you know? - Nanoq - March 28, 2020

atausiq's gaze follows where ying indicates with her paw; imperial jade gaze seeking out the half-living beast. it's a fat, slick thing with whiskers and strange things for feet. it does not, initially, look all that appealing to the landlubber but he sees the advantage in killing it. even from the distance, he sees plenty of meat. maybe not enough to feed the whole pack but enough that hua would be able to eat and well ...and primarily, as her groom-to-be was she not his priority?

i see him. atausiq confirms in a low voice; following after her as she leads the way. though he wonders if hunting it will be different than hunting the bison with his family, or deer he doesn't ask; not wanting to draw attention to them. he will just take his cues from her, he decides as the sand shifts beneath his paws, absorbing the sound of his footfalls.

RE: don’t you know? - Ying - March 28, 2020

Assuming the majority of their interactions would be impersonal, she decided that teaching Atausiq important hunting and conflict phrases would be imperative. His status would be elevated after their marriage was made official; having appointed himself the protector of pack and wife, Ying thought that his ability to communicate effectively was an imperative task to accomplish. She was sure that her sister would teach him the rest, probably being more effective in her methods.

She settled into position and whispered, He is big. 他们很大. Incredibly large, but already fatally wounded; from here, Ying could clearly see the damage done to the beast's body. Watch his head because he has big teeth. Take his neck, 他的脖子, and I will take his back. Proving that he was capable in high-risk situations was another important accomplishment. Atausiq's calm demeanor was impressive, but Ying wanted to know how long it would last.

Having explained the plan, the huntress began to creep forward, her eyes locked on the red of its exposed flank.

RE: don’t you know? - Nanoq - March 29, 2020

ying teaches him more of their words; big, he assumes as it follows in the next breath after she points out that the sea lion is large. not as big as the bison he is used to hunting, but still a formidable opponent, atausiq assumes. like hunting bison, atausiq murmurs in a stage whisper, hoping to communicate that he is familiar with hunting large beasts. bison use their horns to protect themselves as opposed to their teeth ...but the mechanics are relatively close. avoid getting chomped.

a sage nod is given as ying dictates that he will take the neck and she its back. when she creeps forward, atausiq moves too, gaze zeroing in on its thick neck; steps measured and gaze volleying between his place of attack and the beast itself. he doesn't think it has much energy to put up much of a fight but still he is weary.

RE: don’t you know? - Ying - April 03, 2020

he has 2/20HP so i'm assuming this is a success LMAO

She looked at Atausiq and nodded, her silent way of commanding him to attack. Ying latched onto the bull's back and tried to pierce through the rough skin with pointed canines. He was weak; despite his movements, their combined strength was enough to hold him to the ground while her hunting partner made the killing blow.