Wolf RPG
Neverwinter Forest step one - Printable Version

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step one - Valencia - April 12, 2020

@Cupid <3 Loose on the timeline.

She felt awkward about the interaction she'd had with her packmate the other day. How gruff they'd been, and how tense things were. Perhaps it was wrong of her to have played with the pup on her own, but she had just... forgotten that not all mothers or fathers knew her, and that this wasn't Torbine. 

Lenny had caught a rabbit for the suffering parent and approached the den, uneasy and nervous, but excited to perhaps get to know them. She placed the rabbit down and let out a soft woof, stopping several feet away from the den's entrance.

RE: step one - Cupid - April 14, 2020

Really Mal? Couldn't just leave the food without making the noise? He needed all the sleep he could get, so getting this unexpected wake up call pissed him off.

Cupid grumbled under his breath and put a paw over snout. I'll get it later, just leave it. He was too groggy to realize that Mal wasn't the delievery man today.

RE: step one - Valencia - April 14, 2020

"Um," Lenny began awkwardly, feeling horrible about waking the other wolf up. They sounded mad, too. "Actually, if you don't mind, I'd like to say hi. And, sorry about the other day." It was important to meet her packmates, after all, and she really would rather make a better impression on this poor parent.

Clearly, that wasn't happening. She was destined to screw this one up, it seemed.

RE: step one - Cupid - April 19, 2020

Oh. My god. It's this motherfucker again. Was he not clear before? He didn't want her, or anyone, near this den. Ever. An irritated sigh escaped him. Well, at least she wasn't being nuisance. Girl's got food and he was hungry. 

Cupid emerged from the den with a frown on his face. He glanced down at the rabbit, then looked her in the eye. Is that all you wanted?

RE: step one - Valencia - May 06, 2020

"Well, no," she went on, ears flicking back against her skull and silver eyes darting to the side. This wolf was kind of rude - she'd never really met someone who was this upset about someone else being near their den. But then, she had only really been around family.

Lenny looked back up at the disgruntled parent and smiled. "I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to get out of the den for a little bit. Stretch your legs."