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Oystercatcher Tide Pools bittersweet arrival - Printable Version

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bittersweet arrival - Tyche - May 04, 2020

moons had passed since she had departed her home cove of driftwood. the separation had been bittersweet. the girl had surpassed her elders' expectations, and she had been deemed the spreader of truth. she was to go on this quest alone. no help would be allowed. the goddess was with her, of course. she rose every evening and guided the way.

the daylight pained her delicate eyes, which preferred the darkness of night to the bright of day, but onward she did press. weary, she stopped to settle herself onto the sand and tend to her worn feet. her tongue was rough on her paws, but she dutifully cleaned them of the sand that had accumulated there.

RE: bittersweet arrival - Abaddon - May 04, 2020

Who knows why the young man had found himself on the beach once again - the sirens were patrolling the whole damn shore as if they not only owned the island but everything that touched the salty water as well. Perhaps it was his morbid curiosity to see what those women were up to next, so see how far they would wander and patrol the beaches no matter how far it was from their home. Regardless, these were not their lands and he would roam it as he damn well pleased - those whores would not keep him from the salty embrace of the ocean.

As the moon hung high in the skies, the vampire was out to play. A new woman came into his view, washing her paws with her tongue... He had found himself drawn by women more so than men, having seen the fairer sex more often than not in recent days. Was it his own doing, or was it fate? Whatever it was, he didn't complain. After a quick clearing of his throat, he halted just far enough to be seen by the woman and look at her with a curious eye and a quirked brow. Why wash your feet with your tongue when there is plenty of seawater to do so for you?

RE: bittersweet arrival - Tyche - May 04, 2020

it took some time before she recognized his words. her life, up until she had left her birthplace behind, had been spoken almost all in her native tongue: greek. in the outside world, they spoke differently. it was a harsh sound, grating to her ears and like poison to her soul. she did not like it, but the nymph knew she must communicate in a way that others would understand. it was part of the nereides way.

seawater for ritual, she explained, no wash in it. the siren shifted herself up so that she was now on her haunches rather than being completely prone.

RE: bittersweet arrival - Abaddon - May 04, 2020

Oh perfect another one with broken English, and a religious freak to boost! His favourite, an eye roll was offered at his own thoughts as they almost cartwheeled out of their sockets. Whatever you say. Now of all times he hoped she had stepped in shit at some point and was lapping it up with her tongue. But then again, these types could be some fun depending on who she was. 

What kind of ritual? Do you summon Gods to do your bidding? Beg them for their aid? He clearly mocked any kind of religious views and would hate to think that the truth was, he was more like his father than he would like to admit. All that was missing was a real love to fight and tarnish his flesh, and perhaps he would be just like daddy one day.

RE: bittersweet arrival - Tyche - May 04, 2020

she may have been lacking in his language, but his tone carried all the meaning she needed to decipher what he meant. the rolling of his eyes, the dismissal of her views. the siren was used to this. yes, she had encountered it many times. it did not fluster her. it was why she had been chosen. she could navigate this scenario.

goddess not to beg. only to ask guidance. the nymph remained calm, her eyes lazy in their focus. he was but a male, and while they could be useful, she did not see such potential from him. she had seen his kind before; he was not worth the effort it would take to break him.

RE: bittersweet arrival - Abaddon - May 04, 2020

Mmhmmm. He hummed darkly in a musical tune at her reply, classic. Not to mention she didn't really answer his question either when it came to what kind of fucking ritual was she talking about? Was it possible she too wasn't quite sure? Or was she embarrassed? Oh how that tickled him. So her guidance brought you to lick shit off your paws instead of using the waters given. He continued, mocking in tone. 

Well, he was here for one thing just to find some crazy religious bitch instead. He wasn't totally bored just yet, nor disappointed seeing as he wasn't quite sure what he was getting into with this one... but nevertheless, it wasn't the best scenario either for a good pass time.

RE: bittersweet arrival - Tyche - May 04, 2020

so fade doesn't work across multiple lines...

the low male sneered at her. poor thing, he had lost his way. too far gone, now. she pitied him. for him to not know his place in this world must be a hardship to endure. always feeling out of place, always feeling out of the rhythm of the world. alas, her duty was not to save those who did not want saving. the nymph's duty was to guide those who sought guidance.

this one, so clearly, did not seek guidance.

she laughed lightly at his accusations, brushing them off just as easily as she had brushed the sand off her feet with her tongue. goddess strange in her guidance, yes? tyche smiled her sweet smile at him, no ill will or intent behind her gentle expression.

RE: bittersweet arrival - Abaddon - May 05, 2020

Yes, very strange. He continued, his soft vocals dipped in a toxin as he let them crawl out of his maw and into anyone's ears who were listening. Make sure to thank her if you wind up pulling worms out of your ass. Oh, what a sight that would be too! All this woman had to do was step in some shit without noticing and by happenstance, it being infested with some beautiful wriggly worm eggs - she'd be a pregnant virgin in no time with new life! Blessed be thy Goddess!

Man, he cracked himself up. Finding himself chuckling softly at his own thoughts.

If only he was more aware that he could easily catch stuff too with his little perversion when it came to blood - but alas, such logic escaped him from the lack of experience on his part, and others to inform him of such things.

RE: bittersweet arrival - Tyche - May 05, 2020

you pull worms out... ass? tyche queried, the crown of her head falling to one side in confusion. she knew worms to be the slimy little snakes that surfaced after a rainfall, purifying the earth's soil. finding them in one's unmentionables was a frightening thought indeed. perhaps if he had called them with a different term, she would have understood what he was attempting to convey.

not turn into... she paused to search for a more delicate word for what she meant to say. waste when eat? they were not her preferred source of nutrition, but she had consumed them when in need.