Wolf RPG
Hushed Willows How much caffeine does it take to kill a man? - Printable Version

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How much caffeine does it take to kill a man? - Lumiya - May 23, 2020

The queen had not been up to much the past couple of weeks. Time was moving fast, yet she was not. Wolves came and went, yet she remained, ever so stagnant. It seemed her dreams were too big, for the Seelie Court had still not became the success Lumi dreamed of and with each passing day it seemed to slip further from her grasp.

She wondered then how the others were doing, if they had even remained within the embrace of the willows...

RE: How much caffeine does it take to kill a man? - Eilonwy - May 24, 2020

I'm assuming Lumi told a lot about the court's meaning and customs behind the scenes

Lumiya? Called Eilonwy out hoping the faerie monarch was in her usual spot doing whatever she did so much these days. And she was. Eilonwy trotted up to her with news on her throat aching to get out. I got news, she said with excitement, though she didn't really know whether the energy came from the feeling of usefulness or somewhere else.

RE: How much caffeine does it take to kill a man? - Lumiya - May 24, 2020

Not a wrong assumption! She def would have

The faerie queen wondered why now she had to run into the fog of which there seemed no end. All had been going well, why was her court not yet flourishing? She'd counted at least two moons since their arrival, when things seemed to flow so fast she was afraid she'd be swept under. Perhaps the task was too big and daunting after all, even with those she loved at her side. The dandelion princess seemed more unsure of her responsibilities, even though she deemed herself ready not too long ago.

Orla's words still rung in her ears every now and then - visions of the handsome coywolf she'd taken a fancy to haunted her dreams. Love, hardships, loss... Had she ever felt true emotion at all? Was she just a husk of niceness, no substance 'neath the facade the others saw? Or was she a broken vase, not capable of holding those emotions without spilling like an overflowing sink?

Ah- hm? She let out when her own name drew her out of her trance. She looked to see the pretty Eilonwy there, seemingly bursting with the anticipation to tell her this news she mentioned. Oh - it's you Eilonwy. Please, do share what you have discovered. Perhaps it was too obvious the little sprite had been thinking about other things just before her peace was [luckily!] disturbed.