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Firestone Hot Springs sitting on a secret beach - Printable Version

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sitting on a secret beach - Huā - June 10, 2020

backdated to jun 2, midday. dont worry about reading if u dont want she just chilling in the hot tub LOL 
wc: 1039

After meeting the sweet Sugar, she had wandered just inland... past places of nostalgia. The plateau where she'd once lived with her sisters was empty now. It held many memories. She had not known of who had passed there, but she felt her sister's presence there like a spirit, despite the way she'd not lived there in many moons... god, how things had been different then.

Here was the the spot she had argued with a boy called Tuvak. Here was where she'd met Clementine; and ah- there was the spot that the sisters had been confronted by the ruthless women, who hated them for reasons the siren still could not understand. Huā could only wonder how things might've been different if they had flown under the radar. Huā never would've met Hydra or Mal, certainly wouldn't have become pregnant. She probably would've kept hating men and foreigners to the end of her days.

And what of Ying? Would she have still found a way to inevitably injure herself, lose her memories and wander away? Or would she still be here? Would that make things better? A sister, returned to her like a miracle- but her four bastard children snatched away by the universe. Would she trade them in for that life? To be young, with Mei and Ying as her only friends once more?

When she learned she was pregnant, it was enough to make her sick, and not just physically. But now she could not imagine a reality without them. A world without Haoming's rumbling, Xiaoqing's batting white paws, Nüwu's blue eyes or Luli's little coos of joy. It wouldn't be worth it, she decided.

But leaving here had spurred on other things- not all so positive. The period of bad blood with her sister, fearing Ying might snatch leadership for herself... oh, how Huā had learned. She had learned to lead over time, it was not something that had come naturally, and even she still learned on the job. But she had taken that time for granted. Petty arguments and catfights, foolish debates over this and that... if only she had embraced her sooner. Made up sooner. Ended the fighting before it began; savored every moment with Ying. If she had known what was to come, she would've. Now there was no bringing back the nuvujak, no matter how Huā begged the universe or begged Mei's gods.

This place... it filled her with a bitter nostalgia. 

And so she moved onward, unable to remain in a place with such bittersweet feelings.

After strolling through the place wherein she'd met Lumiya- a reminder that she ought to hunt down the faeries, for their stinging beauty- she arrived at the hot springs. It was an odd phenomenon of nature, these waters heated by... she was not sure, but was intrigued anyway. She was a naturalist, after all. It was practically her job to wonder over how nature functioned the way it did, why things were like this or that. And so as she entered this strange place, the sound of fizzling water held her attention tightly.

Huā strode towards one lonely looking pool, from which warmth eminated like a sauna. Was it safe? She sniffed the air delicately, as if that would somehow assist in her decision of whether to hop in. To risk burning her fur off for a little bit of jacuzzi relaxation... it was a tough decision. But she was a new mother, and a young one, and she needed every damn break she could get. The kids? They'd be okay for a few hours under the watch of a babysitter. Right now, it was mom's turn to be pampered and coddled, even if only by the womb of nature. Huā dipped in one black paw with a sucking in of her breath, fearing the worst, scalding sun-fire- but instead there was a gentle warmth. A wetness that felt just as the ocean did, and so one other paw joined the first, and another, and another. She sunk into the hot tub like melting jello, immediately losing all bone structure and becoming one with the liquid. Muscles went loose and eyes rolled from her head as she sunk into a nearly comatose state of relaxation. Anytime now would be perfect to light the candles, pour a glass of wine and put on a bit of Stevie Wonder- but unfortunately, Huā was a wolf. It was just her and the hot tub, nothing more, nothing less. This was the best relaxation a canine mother could get, but she would damn sure take it. 

Settling down into a seat, chin at the water line, nose just above it, she was content. Blinking became more frequent as her lashes fell to her cheeks, and soon she was slipping away into the world of dreams, far from her reality. It was a wonder she did not drown in her rest. Her mind was filled with dreams of Mal, of Lumiya and Aoibh and Nukilik, among others. Of Atausiq. But her dreams were happy, for her at least- some fantasy in which she had as many lovers as she desired and she was stop the world, leading with lifting a paw, things flowing harmoniously without her constant interference. Adorable children that never cried in her ears or shat in the den- just daughters that sat still and quiet and looked pretty, a son that worked hard and respected his parents. And her harem of men and women all around her, providing all the love she could ever ask for. This is what inhabited her dreams- but as soon as her head began to fall, and her nose slipped into the warm waters, she sputtered awake suddenly, splashing the water about for a moment as she awoke with that start. She blinked seaglass eyes suddenly, feeling very warm in the cheeks and tight in the abdomen after her thoughts of Mal. She shook her own head as if denying her own thoughts, feeling very shy even in the presence of no one. A sly smile sat below her hot cheeks after her thoughts, but she tried to wipe it away, feeling very ashamed- and unaware that the boy @Valour lurked nearby.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Valour - June 10, 2020

Coonquest being carried off by a large bird and pecked to pieces...

He could thank Memory for that image.

Conquest wanderinf until she collapsed starving, ravaged by coyotes...

Fucking Coyotes. Fucking Vengeance.

Leaving Moonspear all he could think about was Conquest. Famine was home and safe but that girl had just vanished, a tuft of fur and a little piss to signal her presence and then poof. It could only mean she was taken by someone or something and neither thought pleased him. After who knows how long wandering he found the air growing humid, curious he followed it until the heat was almost overwhelming and was greeted by the sight of hot springs. They looked nice to soak in and he hadn't taken a swim or done anything to relax himself in forever. With all the disturbing thoughts plaguing his mind relaxation was just the thing he needed and so he began to step from the bushes a few pools away when his attention was grabbed by splashing and sputtering. Whipping around he watched silently still somewhat concealed as she blinked seeming confused and unable to help himself he started laughing, the sound deep and rich as he strode from the bushes sitting at the side of a pool a respectful distance away from her sticking a paw in to test the pool "Is it that relaxing?" he asked with a teasing smile, looking her way as he slowly slid in and shivered trying to stifle the groan that threatened to leave his maw. Never had he ever felt something this good, to be covered in total warmth had every muscle instantly release.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Huā - June 11, 2020

WC 1039

With her head still full of thoughts of Mal, it wasn't exactly helpful to be caught by a handsome young fellow in the physical world. Her mind still swam with dreamy visions of her lovers, and her crushes, and she was ready to buckle under the weight of those heated thoughts when the deep laugh broke the quiet bubbling of the springs, grabbing her attention very suddenly. She floundered again, pulling herself up till the water was at her shoulders, gaze settling upon the handsome young boy who strode closer as her heart thumped wildly within her chest. What to make of such a pretty thing? Handsome reds and agouti broken by a starry white stripe along his face and back, mercury silver eyes peering out from a youthful boyish face.

Boyish... reminding her of her old fiance, Atausiq. A handsome man younger than herself that had been so eager to please, eager to fall in love and protect their children. Eager to raise their little seadragons, until, she could only assume, the sea itself betrayed him. Betrayed her. Sucked him away to distant lands, or god forbid, to the depths of the ocean itself. A pile of old bones settled among the ruins of ancient civilizations, piled under sand and stone, eaten away by starfish and sea crabs, surrounded by seaweed and schools of swimming minnows and a couple of happy clownfish. She shook the thought out of her brain, telling herself he would come back to her, one day... that he was alive on some other shore, making his way home for the daughters and sons that ought to have him as a father.

Either way, despite his boyish handsomeness, she hated being laughed at. Did she look like a blubbering fool for a moment there? Sure- but her face soured nevertheless as he came closer, annoyance obvious on her face, in her fox eyes and wrinkled button nose. Feeling humiliated and disrespected all at once by this fucking nobody kid. But then he dipped in a paw, inquiring about the condition of the pool- was it that relaxing? Of course, she thought to herself, though remained as mysteriously quiet as a siren might be. He joined her then, and her seaglass eyes turned away, wanting to look at him, and knowing that meant she ought not to. When had she developed such a thing for younger men? She reminded herself of Mal, the handsome fellow close to her in age (though still unsurprisingly younger,) the one she knew she ought to be with someday, somehow. Could she really forget him for the quick fun of a younger love? She slashed away at the desire developing within her like thick cobweb, willing it away from her, willing herself to behave like the lady she was- the daughter of a noble, once, and now a queen- not a rapid beast eyeing a youthful tasty looking slab of meat. She could have whichever man she pleased, why settle for an unremarkable virgin? 

A scent came to her then, coming off him thickly, causing her to stiffen with some surprise. 


She knew that scent anywhere now, and with it carried an air of importance, as if those graced by her presence always had a story, always played a key piece in the puzzle that was life. Heroes and villains, that was the game Hydra played, though often the lines became blurred. Were they still heroes if violence was the answer to their problems? Fighting violence with violence, was that the solution? Huā never leaned any particular way morally, always a true neutral, a believer in letting things go as they may. If killers chose to kill, they ought to be prepared for what was destined to come back to them. An eye for eye, as once had been the law in her land, keeping citizens in a rigid order that made sure those with criminal souls did not break the peace. And it did a damn good job, most of the time- until her cousin's crimes, perhaps. But she did not want to dwell on that thought, and instead focused on the intrigue of the perfume he wore. 

So, then, it begged the question- who was this? 

Hero or villain? 

She grazed over the checklist that always sat on the bedside table in her mind. A black headed old woman- certainly not. A quiet, dark woman with a cold gaze... nope. A dark man called Merrick with a ruddy neck and a single burning eye- nope. But that didn't mean he wasn't a pawn- though Huā figured if he was an enemy, he would be shredded and beheaded by now, strewn across the wilds like a violent warning- rather than relaxing with a pretty girl in a heated jacuzzi. Nah, he was definitely a hero- or at least some kind of respectable vigilante. As his muscles relaxed she slid slightly closer to him, already forgetting her personal pep talk of before, feeling that after having a dream like the one she'd had it was hard to resist the closeness of a handsome boy. Not touching, no- but eyeing him with glass shard gaze, all pointy and glittering with mischief. Her face was poker, and she was quite good at it too- not a hint of her emotion, not even bashfulness or annoyance came through anymore. But there was that knowingness in her blued gaze. 

You know Hydra, She purred matter-of-factly, wondering what he might say to that. She did not think him Moonspear, considering his scent was more woodsy- and so she was curious how much he was willing to spill about the way in which these two had met. She had no idea that his mind lay on other matters, like the missing Conquest and her possible death. Or that slipping into the pool was for his relaxation- she would turn it into business quickly if she wished, already having had her time of relaxation and needing none more. And if there was a chance here for a potential ally- why not take it? Yuèlóng was far from these other packs, but she'd be sure to make friends in exchange for the couple of enemies she did have.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Valour - June 13, 2020

scuse the crude reference of him smelling her 

Normally women didn't really catch his eye. Even the pretty ones he did little more than maybe study a moment longer. This woman was different, she was a mature and graceful siren slicked down with water. Pretty enough on her own he already found himself feeling awkward even as the heated pool coaxed his muscle to loosen and he slid deeper into the water but then she began to move closer. He swore he caught a trace of a pleasant perfume, the one that meant a woman was either wanting what Vengeance had told him was sex or that she was in season. Eyes sliding to her and then away again, only to repeat the process a few more times he was even more stupified when she mentioned Hydra. Who was this lady and what did he stumble into? Clearing his throat he turned focusing on how relaxing the water was to keep his mind off of how close she was as he replied "Yes, Moonspear is my ally" his silver orbs met hers a proud smirk forming on his maw. Would she be able to figure out that he meant he lead a pack? For someone his age that was something that was risky to boast about but he wore it like a badge of pride just as he did keeping his alliance with Moonspear strong. True enough he didn't know his ally very well but he knew Hydra was a woman that demanded respect and probably didn't waste time with anyone who wasn't worth it, so he was equally as curious about how she knew her as well "You know her as well. How?" he was quick to the point as she had been his eyes kept on her only to make sure she wasn't coming closer to hurt him.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Huā - July 12, 2020

I give up long posts :P

She seemed to have the draw of a siren; Valour a sailor, whose eyes flit awkwardly to and from her figure, her face, blue eyes and dark lashes. 

Ah. So Moonapear was his ally too. Which meant in some ways, by association, they were already a sort of ally... if they worked against the same enemy, which was certainly reasonable, considering Hydra did not hesitate to spread the word of her search for Merrick and his companion. His speech did not make it any clearer to her that he was the leader; she did not yet fully understand the common language, occasionally tripped up in things that came naturally to the locals. And so when he questioned how she knew her, Huā did not hesitate to share, figuring this handsome boy might be a link to some emperor above him. We also ally. Huā straightened up her posture then, as if to emphasize her next words: I am Huāzhēn Jiāng. I am empress from Yuèlóng, the pack on island. And, ah... what pack are you?

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Valour - July 12, 2020

The droplets of water that slid off of her fur was what he focused his attention on instead of the beautiful feminine eyes that for some reason made him want to scamper away with his tail tucked between his legs to guard himself. As she sat up announcing that she was also an ally to Moonspear the water streamed off her fur the sunlight catching it and causing it to sparkle. It was beauty for sure but he still felt no reaction with the knowledge of the previous mood he'd caught her in and settled slowly into a more relaxed position leaning against the side of the pool as she introduced herself. An Empress....that was more interesting seeing as this woman had an alliance with Hydra...a small idea began to form in his mind and he lifted his chin and his stoic expression transformed to one of youthful confidence though he was polite as he returned the introduction "My name is Valour, is it alright if I call you Hua? I am Warlord of the Nightwalkers, southeast of Moonspear"  he wasn't sure what else to say. Hydra was easier to handle, she knew Nightwalkers and Vengeance being his mentor had been a good icebreaker for them to start on good terms. Hua only had a name inbetween her and being a stranger to him...the young Warlord wasn't one to talk to strangers. "An Island pack...that sounds exotic. It's fitting" while he wasn't interested in her he could picture a band of women and men just as beautiful and exotic looking as she was and thought the flattery would do the conversation some good.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Huā - July 15, 2020

Huā is fine, She returned, continuing Warlord, hmm? Sound powerful. She hummed, thinking it was a title that could've suited a strong wolf like Ying well. To know you I am very happy, Valour. This Nightwalkers; how is it like? The siren questioned with a curious tilt of black head. Though Huā wouldn't align herself with an evil pack, a strong one was valuable, and she was always interested in striking up further relations in order to strengthen Yuèlóng's ties to the Wilds. When he commented on the exotic aspect of her pack, she only smirked in return, smiling eyes catlike in appearance.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Valour - July 21, 2020

Nodding he confirmed that it was. He held back speaking for a moment instead letting that sink in. Powerful....was that what he would be considered now? "The same to you" he said though whether or not it would remain pleasant for long was in the air as she asked what the pack was like. Trying to appear casual he dropped his gaze studying the surface of the water and steam as he considered how to answer her question. "Our old Warlord died and I was the only viable option to take over. He trained me" he paused and considered her ties to Hydra who seemed to have liked Vengeance, probably manipulated into believing he wasn't a murderous fiend. "He did some terrible stuff. Forced me to do a lot of it...I wasn't much more than a walking pile of fur with teeth when he found me. i don't know how many others he hurt but we're not like that anymore." it was a long answer but it was an honest one that he gave lifting his eyes back to her face expecting to watch the pretty smile disappear from her face and immediately beginning to try to rush to cover for it. "I've kept the alliance going with Hydra myself. I've been working hard to make sure nobody in Nightwalkers is like he was and...I think we all just followed the wrong man into some scary woods. I'm going to make Nightwalkers a better home. We have new faces....ones that would have been taken in to be harmed in his lead but are instead respected and putting work into helping me grow the pack" he finally stopped his ears shifting back as he realised he'd passionately defended Nightwalkers when there wasn't any need yet. Embarrassed he shifted in the water avoiding her gaze while considering the best exit plan in the case of conversation going south.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Huā - July 22, 2020

The way he defended his home was admirable. It would've been simple enough to tell her a story of a happy and well-protected home, but instead he was honest- laying all the grisly details on the table, pulling the skeletons out of the closet and taking responsibility for them. And now this boy, trained by the cruel warlord, had taken over, determined to create a better home. Huā listened thoughtfully, poker-faced, though she could only be impressed by his loyalty, his dedication to righting the wrongs of the past. Besides- this boy was not necessarily the same as his old dead leader. At least, Huā wished to believe he was as good as he seemed right now. 

A moment of silence, and then she cleared her throat. I admire the way you make your own idea of what this pack is like, rather than follow the 'terrible' man who led before. Those who broke boundaries created history. Huā had come from a place where women were mothers and healers and men were soldiers and leaders. Such standards did not remain in Yuèlóng; Huā was determined to break them down, and try her best from letting her childhood teachings unconciously slip back into her values. You keep this alliance with Hydra, create a better home. I like the way you choose to lead now... what would you think then, of alliance between us? She offered hopefully, eyes flashing up to him, respect now clear in that seaglass gaze.

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Valour - August 05, 2020

He was quick to look back at her a flicker of surprise at the approval passing over his expression before he breathed out a sigh of relief. Studying her with perhaps just a little suspicion he found no physical signs of her leading him on, especially when she continued on to tell him she likes his leadership and wanted an alliance. Brows lifting for a few moments the surprise was blatant this time and though he tried to regain his composure in a dignified manner he instead gushed out "A..another alliance would be amazing! Especially one that also gets along with Hydra. If you travel south along the bottom of the mountains you'll come across water. It'll lead you a lake. We live on the eastern side of that lake in the woods there" while he wasn't usually keen on telling anyone at all where Nightwalkers was located, an Alliance should be the first to know where they lived. 

RE: sitting on a secret beach - Huā - August 05, 2020

She was glad to see the proposal brought him a sort of joy too, as he accepted happily, even filling her in on the location of their home. It brought a satisfied grin to her face. Very well, then! Yuèlóng is on the largest island northwest of here, you will know it when you see it. I hope I can come visit you- or you, to me, in future. She murmured, nodding thoughtfully as she jotted down his directions in her mind. For a few minutes longer they would chat, but eventually the time grew late, and Huā said her farewells to Valour as she made her way back to the island.