Wolf RPG
Whitefish River If I left today - Printable Version

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If I left today - Ravaryn - June 14, 2020

Time had passed, but little Ravaryn hadn't yet got the concept of that.
She wouldn't until she could see her first days and nights, feels the change from warm summer days to brittle cold nights.

But for now, the den was warm and so was @Moonshadow and @Shiloh.
She had no concept of what these beings meant to her yet, or of the two fathers she had waiting to meet her.
Her butt wiggled as the russet streaked girl shoved her way into Shiloh, just to be certain she was still there.
Of course, there were likely other ways she could've checked, but moving over this very much solid ground seemed to work just fine.
Ravaryn let out one of her whinging cries, wanting to feel the sound in her body. She couldn't hear it yet, but it felt good and made her feel alive.

RE: If I left today - Shiloh - June 14, 2020

Unlike her sister, the smaller child was destine not to open her eyes this day nor any day soon. She was to be left in the soundless dark for more time than her beloved sibling, always behind her curve. Instead she felt the movement, the pressure of the one she knew as other. A sharp squeak could be heard from her lips but not by either of the puptatoe's ears that were sealed shit to the world. She was confused by the other's actions, why was she pushing into her? 

it was as if in retaliation, the smaller girl wiggled. HEr legs were still useless nor did she try to put them under her to moved, instead she simply found herself swimming along the ground but only at a pace a snail could rival. She opened her pale mouth and might have been her ear, or was it her neck, she did not know but she sucked on it as if she had found the milk bar but she was wrong. Not having a sense of smell was not going well for her.

RE: If I left today - Ravaryn - June 15, 2020

Omg puptatoe
Her sibling tried to shove back against her sack-of-flour form.
Ravaryn just laid there with a  what are you gonna do about it? attitude at her sibling's pitiful attempts.

But no, Shiloh wasn't just content with shoving.
A strange sensation came over her as her sister took hold of her ear and started to suck at it.
How dare she?!
Ravaryn cried out in an attempt for the large one known as food-giver to stop her sister, but to little avail.
So she did the next logical thing.

She shuffled herself along to her sister and latched onto a paw, chomping on it mercilessly.

RE: If I left today - Shiloh - June 28, 2020

phone post
Okay, that wasn't right. This was definitely not the thing she was looking for, this was something fuzzy, yielding, and it waa.. moving? She quickly spit out the imposter with a soft mewling sound but this adventure waa not over, no. An attack came from her sister, the other she shared the womb with. Without eyes, without ears, without a proper sense of smell she could only tell by the size that this what who she was thinking. Her mouth closed over the flower's paw and she gave a yelp of surpirse. What was she to do? The only thing she could think of, try to wiggle herself away and back into the embrace of what she had sought in the first place.

RE: If I left today - Ravaryn - June 28, 2020

Her sister abruptly pulled away from her gummy mouth slobbering all over her paw.
Then, the warm press of her sister shifted away, exposing her to the cold.
Well, it wasn't really cold, but to the pup, it was.

Ryn whined, calling for her sister and for warmth.
They couldn't hear each other, but what she did made her feel the vibrations she expected Shiloh to feel too.
The dark girl wiggled after her sister, intent on not letting her get away from her only sense.