Wolf RPG
Whitebark Stream oh what the hell can i do? - Printable Version

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oh what the hell can i do? - Toshi - July 18, 2020

he’s looking at geese!

Woah woah woah. Toshi wasn’t wandering off somewhere today? It’s nothing short of a miracle! Well, he wouldn’t just stay put for nothing; there was something new in the stream.

They were birds for sure, but not like any he’s ever seen. These guys were much bigger than the pudgy little fellas he was used to seeing. The noises they made were more annoying too. They didn’t chirp like songbirds, they made these ugly honks.

They’re freaky that’s what they are, he concluded. Toshi leaned over the water’s edge and squinted at the ugly looking things.

RE: oh what the hell can i do? - Aphrodite - July 20, 2020

The geese had come some time over the past few weeks. Large, ungainly honking birds. 
But with them, came a treat. Their nests, and the contents therein. It was risky, trying to snatch a gosling, and even moreso trying to slurp down eggs. 
She padded along the riverbank, searching for an unattended nest, when she spies a pup near the water, concluding that the birds were "freaky". 
She chuffed lightly to alert him of her presence, settling beside him. Ah, this was the one she had panicked about and practically tossed into the bushes. Hopefully he doesn't remember? 
"Freaky, and also dangerous. But...if you know what you're doing, they are absolutely delicious."