Wolf RPG
Shimmering Sands So, teach and tell me, - Printable Version

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So, teach and tell me, - Grímnismál - August 27, 2020

@ Rusalka Wolves

The sea decided to engulf what was once her home, yet, she stayed bound to the sands. Perhaps it was just due to familarity, but the yearling was a bit lost, on what else she could do. She was aware that there was other packs out there, within the mainland, but at the same time she wondered if they would accept her so.

Should she though? Grímnismál held knowledge on herbs thanks to her mother, the witchdoctor, but at the same time she knew more of poisons then any else. Being oscratized from the village because of her mothers work was hardening, she wasn't sure if the same would follow. It was not a life she wished to live again.

With thoughts, the reaper travelled by the beach, carrying holly with.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Solaire - August 27, 2020

solaire missed the sea. she was not foolish enough to get too close- she knew the dangers, but a short excursion couldn't hurt. gentle rains fell upon her as she tread down into the sands, until her emerald gaze found a stranger, who held some herbs in her jaw. sol paused, eyeing her. hey, herb hunting? she called casually, looking to start a conversation.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Grímnismál - August 27, 2020

A gold wolf approached, one who was touched with the sunset itself, and she greeted so casually. It took a moment for Grímnismál to properly answer, as she was not so used to another simply, coming up to her with question, "Oh, no." There would not be too many plants on the sands, she would have to move more inland to do so.

"It is habit," her mother adored holly. It wasn't a herb, but one of poisonous substance. Anytime she found so, would bring it to her- but the witchdoctor was no more. However she still tightly clunched the plant.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Solaire - August 27, 2020

habit, shd called it. sol tilted her head in question. of course there must be a story here, and she was interested to hear it- why? isn't it just a burden? the girl wondered. she only thought a medic would carry plants all the time like this.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Grímnismál - August 27, 2020

"It is a keepsake of memories." It had been some time since she watched her mothers demise, but still felt unwilling to part with the bond; a holly plant. It wasn't the only plant, as Grímnismál would always bring her a various of herbs. Perhaps practice, and she grew knowledge on them, but still felt she had to learn more. It would be hard now that the island was destroyed.

Though she regarded the holly as simple beauty, but dangerous. She probably shouldn't keep it much longer- especially since it'll wilt eventually.

"Do you live here?" Rain trickled down slightly, and her ruby-eyes looked up to the storm clouds.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Solaire - August 27, 2020

memories- solaire did not understand the need to carry a herb for memories. in truth, she found it a bit silly, to pluck a plant and let it wither unused. but this woman was a stranger, and not sol's business. instead she offered a question back to the sunbeam. no, just inland from here though. we used to live on the moors... but the rain was too heavy to stay. sol shrugged, a slight frown that tugged at her mouth betraying her feelings on the temporary move.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Grímnismál - August 27, 2020

"Why are you this far?" Grímnismál was young, but whoever was before her was way younger then herself. She spoke properly showing of older age, but definitely shouldn't be wandering this far. It was simply assumed she lived in the area, but seemed to wander out too much.

"I'm Grímnismál," the reaper introduced herself, as she was about to offer help, "do you need help getting back?"

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Solaire - August 27, 2020

solaire narrowed her eyes. born of erzulie and rosalyn, she had a strong spirit. and independent from birth, not in a way that she wished to be away from family, but rather she preferred to help others instead of being helped. so being treated as if she was helpless was a big pet peeve- perhaps she took herself too seriously for her age, but it was her nature. because, she snorted, i can. i don't need help, but you're welcome to follow me, if you want. sol directed, puffing her chest slightly and imagining she was erzulie.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Grímnismál - August 27, 2020

"Alright," it seemed she struck a cord for the younger wolf, who declared she would be fine. Though she wasn't sure what to think about the parents who let her roam- but at the same time, the bay wolves were just as brutal. Old-fashioned, but still relevant, some would be thrown over the cliff to prove their worth. Grímnismál believed her time was near for the event- but fate decided otherwise. Her mother was old-fashioned and made it clear, she would do so eventually.

"I do not believe they would welcome me; i'm an outsider," as the soul always was. Not wishing to intrude so, and especially have to face the wrath of being chased out, she would have to refrain.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Solaire - August 30, 2020

nonsense, she laughed, i think they will welcome you, maybe, as long as you are a hard worker. solaire decided, though she wasn't really sure. she had the privilege of being born here, never really needing a ticket in. ah well. ultimately it'd be up to her mothers- and her father too, though she didn't really perceive aningan as someone who took charge. just- follow me. solaire decided, waving her tail as an invitation as she began to walk away, pretending to be careless even though she would likely secretly peek back if she did not hear footsteps.

RE: So, teach and tell me, - Grímnismál - August 31, 2020

"Alright," Grímnismál didn't really put much of a fight, especially since the child kept looking back at her, expecting her to follow-so. There was nothing else for her to do either, as her home was destroyed, and family gone, it was better to take the chance. She feared for the worst case which was a 'no,' and hoped that's all they would give. 

Never dealing with inland wolves, the reaper wasn't sure what to expect. She followed her so, but the two disappeared into a rather foggy area. Perhaps idle chatting, but Grimm didn't realize somewhere along the way, she lost her through the thickness.