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Swiftcurrent Creek a second try - Printable Version

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a second try - Bazi - September 02, 2014

For @Scimitar bebe

Today was the day. She would find Scimitar, and they would have a nice, normal.. no, perhaps not. Things were inevitably tense after the mass exodus of wolves, particularly Danica, but new blood was already filling the ranks and Bazi had made a fast friend in Falwasi. Not a Danica or a Paarthurnax, but pleasant enough in her own right - and a rather good fisherman to boot.

Even before that, their interactions had been stilted and awkward. Each regarded the other as unreadable - mysterious. Bazi didn't consider herself so; she was just impulsive, somewhat screechy, and occasionally a bit of a dick. Those ingredients did not a mysterious wolf make.

Scimitar, on the other hand, was a brick wall to her. It seemed like he always had 120% more to say than what actually came out of his mouth. It was nearing the end of the day when Bazi finally put her nose to the ground and began to sniff, trailing round the creek's territory like an ant following in the path of its fellows. They had to break this cycle.

RE: a second try - Scimitar - September 02, 2014

Scim's actually annoying when he's mopey.

Lovesick puppy would have been a prime definition of Scimitar in that very moment -- a dead rabbit was only a foot from his outstretched form, untouched spare for the killing blow he had given, and yet each time he made to look at it, disgust would overwhelm him, killing any thoughts of appetite that might have formed. Swiftcurrent Creek was quick to replenish -- something about the land seemed to beckon others, and now, with everything in his life shot to absolute shit.. Scimitar felt anywhere but at home.

He had half entertained the idea of sweeping outside of the territory and finding his way back to Neverwinter Forest. Something about that place called to him.. and in a perfect world, he would go do so -- trialing away from the Creek to lay claim to the grand forest.. except this time, a certain petite and ivory female would be at his side.

But this wasn't a perfect world, and he very much doubted that the female who haunted his thoughts consistently was even about to look at him, let alone want to be at his side.

RE: a second try - Bazi - September 03, 2014

She found him outstretched next to an untouched kill with a face like a spanked ass - a furry one, but the moodiness shone through. That didn't bode well. Bazi reconsidered her plan to approach him several times before giving in, taking slow, tentative steps into his line of vision after sheltering behind a cluster of rocks.

Unlike Scimitar, Bazi's plea that they depart Swiftcurrent Creek had been born of desperation to escape her problems. Now, days later and with the pack's ranks strengthening each day, she was calmer, and thoughts of running away had all but disappeared.

Carefully, with alert ears and a gently swaying tail, she made her way over to her sour Beta. Within a few feet of the freshly dispatched rabbit, she stopped.

"I made a friend," she announced. "A girl. Her name is Falwasi."

RE: a second try - Scimitar - September 03, 2014

lmfao - with a face like a spanked ass

He scented her before he seen or heard her – somehow, her dainty paws seemed to trek through the creek without sound. She was like a goddamn ninja, and Scimitar had a feeling she knew that.

His ears flickered to the sound of her approach now, though, and his gaze soon slid to her direction. The rabbit lay, forgotten for now, and instead of turquoise eyes flitted across her face for any insight to her thoughts. Gone was the upset plea he had been witness to the other day, and as she spoke, he wondered if she was attempting to settle the dust between them by simply ignoring the angry words that had been exchanged.

“She’s a nice girl,” he offered in turn, waiting to see if there was more to this announcement.

RE: a second try - Bazi - September 04, 2014

Lmao, I couldn't not. XD

"She’s a nice girl."

"Yes..." Bazi agreed, looking to her feet for inspiration and finding none. Scimitar's answer told her one thing - they wouldn't be able to sweep the events of the past few days under the rug (or artfully placed deer skin, given the absence of rugs in the wild). Kieran didn't care, what the newbies didn't know wouldn't hurt them, and Kaskara.. well, Bazi would have to wait and see what she said. Most of all she dreaded speaking to Galileo, whose kind, benevolent eyes she could not imagine darkening with dismay at her actions. Paarthurnax had forgiven her... and Bazi missed her fiercely.

Emboldened by the memory of the golden healer's last words to her, Bazi's eyes snapped back up to Scimitar's face.

"I've told almost everyone what I did. I've apologized. I will go to Danica, and.. I will apologize to her too, if she'll hear it. I regret telling her to go. I don't regret telling Shadow, even if it cost me Paarthurnax. He was an ass, and I didn't like him." There. If that didn't set the record straight, then what would? Bazi gulped down a breath of air before she went on, less forcefully now. "I also.. I want a big family. Really big. But that takes two to do that, so.. I asked you of you liked me, because I like you, a lot, even if you're gruff and totally annoying and 'mysterious' or whatever. So.. will you.. you know ... ?" Mate was a little forthright, and Bazi searched her scrambled mind for something more appropriate. ".. be.. something-in-progress with me?"

RE: a second try - Scimitar - September 05, 2014

He listened to her – his eyes studying her face as she spoke. She was so youthful – and little did she know how endearing she was. He would have commented on all of this – offering to assist her when she traveled to see Danica, if she so desired. Agreeing that Shadow’s banishment was indeed for the best.. his attitude had been bringing the pack down – it was only a shame neither of them even realized that he had also been mouthing off about the pack prior to his departure.

But he didn’t get a chance. No sooner did his jaws open to speak did they clamp shut with a click as the pale she-wolf barreled onward. This time, her babbling drawing his heart to a near stop. There was a moment of indignation that rose in him – after all, he was supposed to be the one that told her, as old fashioned as it may have been.

Swiftly he rose then, his gaze fast upon her as he searched her face. Already overlooking the annoying comment, instead, he made to close the distance between them, his large form drawn up as he gazed down to her. “Bazi,” he began, feeling as if his mouth was dry. Expressing his emotions was not something he was used to, and the simplicity of it all scared him. It had to be more complicated than admitting his like for her, didn’t it? “I want nothing more than to court you. Because I want nothing more than to give you the family you want. And I want mine to be with you.” With his words out there, he waited with bated breath – for someone who was supposed to be the older and ‘wiser’ one as was pegged on him a few times, he certainly felt completely lost.

RE: a second try - Bazi - September 05, 2014

Scimitar listened - impatiently, judging by the way his mouth opened and shut again when she left him no room to interject, but he listened. When she was done, Bazi felt naked. She fidgeted where she stood, briefly regretted calling him [/i]'gruff totally annoying and mysterious, or whatever'[/i], and waited with bated breath for a response.

It was better than anything she could have hoped for.

Scimitar towered above her, big and strong and mind-meltingly handsome. Bazi gazed up at him, her heart making a thousand trips between her feet and her throat in the time it took him to say his piece. Emotions blasted through her like electric shocks, raising the fur along her spine. "Really?" she squeaked, lip wobbling unattractively. In the next few seconds she would either cry or squeal so loudly with joy that @Tuwawi would no doubt hear the sound from the top of her mountain in the north - and know that things would be well again in Swiftcurrent Creek some day.

RE: a second try - Scimitar - September 12, 2014

So they both waited – foolish in their feelings and how to demonstrate them as they stared, wide-eyed and waiting for the other to do something. So as she squeaked out a question for clarification, he snorted, closing the distance fully between them as he wrapped his muzzle to the back of her neck, cradling her against him in a warm embrace.

He inhaled sharply, crooning gently as he simply held that moment. Somehow, the timing had never seemed right, and yet now, Bazi had come to him rather the other way around. H had been her choice. The thought alone elicited a small smile to toy at his lips.

The situation couldn’t stay serious for so long – not with the energy that suddenly spurred him forward. Shifting to pull back his muzzle, he took in her beautiful face for a moment before he aimed a playful nip to her ear – eliciting the silent tag, you’re it command before bounding away, waiting to see if she would give chase.