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Silver Creek one fish, two fish - Printable Version

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one fish, two fish - Alarick - October 17, 2020

An overcast sky, and the rain which had been falling from it rather consistently for most of the morning made for a rather dreary expedition. In spite of the trees that loomed over him, and their leaves of various different autumn shades that shielded him from some of the rainfall, the former hunter had by this point been thoroughly soaked. He did not let that affect him, however, as he proceeded to trail the creek he’d come across the evening prior.

His pace was deliberate, unhurried, his steps drowned out amidst the other sounds in the forest, the most prominent of which was undoubtedly the creek, followed by the rain. The latter of which seemed to be increasing in intensity. Ever vigilant, Alarick would pause sporadically, taking in the lands that surrounded him as he sought and hoped to commit to memory, the spots that prey animals liked to gather, or the trails they might use to traverse to and from this creek. From what he could tell, it seemed to be the main source of water for the area he’d found himself in, and was itself, he had realized, plentiful in sustenance. 

Although his specialty back home had been land-dwelling creatures, wet as he was, the hunter supposed it couldn’t hurt to try his hand at fishing. He most surely needed the practice, and it wasn’t as if he had anywhere else to be. He’d yet to run across any claimed areas in this land, and with any luck, perhaps this was a region he could reside in comfortably for a time. A break from the constant wandering was not something he would snuff at. 

Alarick slowed his pace upon reaching a pool, eyes peering into the murky depths of the water as he contemplated how best to go about his goal. He noted that the fish seemed to like gathering in the areas where the water current seemed to stagnate, which was probably where he would want to concentrate his efforts if he wished to snag one. Or perhaps two, if fortune were to be on his side

RE: one fish, two fish - Wymond - October 18, 2020

Still, he haunts the creek, and comes to know it well, its affinity for moonlight, its sterling darkness inside and outside. He wakes up curled among the undergrowth, shivering, amphibious darkness ... grey light filtering through the threadbare canopy.

He watches the viscous passage of the rainclouds and then the trees, swaying, to the trees of King Elk Forest. Kind of small, though, kind of middling, not as spectacular as they'd looked in the sun only a few days ago. Oh, well ... 

Let them worship the Elk, he reasons. But there's no one -- really, no one -- that knows Him better than I do. That's our secret.

The stranger watching the creek is brown-haired but Wymond is almost certain that he isn't Déorwine. He thinks he can tell this from almost thirty, forty paces away. Anyways, the stranger appears to be deep in thought, weeping, or fishing, looking small and lost under these second-rate trees, under this cold and oppressive sky, Wymond can't believe that he looks like this too, so microscopic in the grand scheme of things. In truth, every time he looks at another wolf, this unpleasant feeling claws at the pit of his stomach. The world was always eating them all up.

For what it's worth, you're hunting awfully close to pack land. Though his knowing smile implies: don't worry, I won't tell anyone.

RE: one fish, two fish - Alarick - October 18, 2020

Staring back at him from the murky depths was something else, that he hadn’t noticed right away, and it broke his concentration for a few moments. The hunter took note of his distorted, dismal looking self that was reflected back at him by the slow-flowing water. The sight of himself stirred up feelings.. memories that were deep and poignant. Thoughts of friends, family, and places that he’d never see again, much to his great dislike. Leaving might’ve been the safest choice for him, personally, but had it been the best? Alarick didn’t suppose he’d ever come to a solid conclusion on that. 

Blinking a few times, he gave his head a slight shake, willing himself to focus in once more on the task he’d set himself on. He could see two or three fish in his immediate vicinity, resting only a scant distance beneath the surface of the water. Slowly, the hunter started to move - but it seemed memories of the past weren’t to be the only distraction he’d encounter today.

A voice called out, startling him, but providing useful information at the same time. Alarick turned to face the other, abandoning his pursuit of food for the moment, feeling it impolite not to personally regard the stranger that’d spoken out. Only once he’d made visual contact with the darker figure of another, seemingly resting amidst the trees and foliage, did he speak. “I wasn’t aware of that. Thank you for informing me.” 

If the stranger had felt compelled to caution him, Alarick surmised that the individuals residing in the pack weren’t the type who would take kindly to someone lingering or hunting near their land. If that turned out to be true, there went his hope of sticking around here for a time. Probably best to keep moving, after this. Advancing perhaps a dozen or so steps closer, Alarick was able to make out the details of the other in greater detail. He'd offered a wry sort of grin, which the hunter took as a good sign. “In which direction does the pack reside? I’ll make sure not to head any further in that direction.”

RE: one fish, two fish - Wymond - October 19, 2020

It's nothing, he says, still smiling until his lips press together in a thoughtful purse at his question. He appraises him again with a quick glance -- did he not want to join a pack for the winter? Every day the nights grew longer and colder. Slowly but surely, the Earth tilted away from the sun on its axis, an indescribably vast and viscous pendulum.

And then -- did he not want to join Kingslend specifically? Did he know of Kingslend? No, he couldn't, because he didn't even know which forest they lived in ... but in Wymond's mind, as dissonant as the Locrian mode, he couldn't help but take it as a personal slight.

Wouldn't it be something to consider, joining them for the colder months? He asks, then relents, they're over there, you'll smell the border if you go far enough in the trees. His nose traces a perfect arc toward Déorwine Central. He should know -- he's been lurking around its edges for a while now as they went from nebulous to defined. 

You're not from around here, then. Me neither.

RE: one fish, two fish - Alarick - October 19, 2020

With a few more tentative steps, and a closer scrutinization of the stranger before him, the very first thing the former hunter noticed.. was his face. Scarring, most prominently, but not exclusively, around the other’s right eye. Curiously, the markings did not appear to resemble anything that might’ve been inflicted by the jaws of another - rather, the injury appeared to be the result of some alternate source, though Alarick would not allow himself to speculate beyond that. The stranger sported a darker coat and appeared to be a rangy thing, taller, perhaps quick… though, the hunter was curious about how the disability would affect speed or agility. 

Guy seemed polite enough, anyway, casually dismissing Alarick’s thanks with a wry smile, though the expression faded not long thereafter. For the briefest of moments, the other appeared contemplative, but the hunter did not have to wait long to hear why. Alarick’s question was answered with another, pertaining to the pack at hand. There was just enough emphasis on the inquiry that it did warrant a brief pause to contemplate it, even as he received the information he’d originally sought only moments thereafter. Alarick turned his head in the direction the other had indicated for long enough to mark it to memory, though his focus had not yet left the previously uttered question.

“Thank you. I.. do suppose, it would be reasonable to learn about them, and to consider that.” He admitted thoughtfully, offering a nod to go along with the verbal concession, but he would not go so far as to express his intent one way or another. While he most certainly wasn’t ready to commit himself to any pack just yet, not so soon, there was value to be had in learning about the local packs. If or when he did feel comfortable making a decision to align with one of them, the more he knew, the better. 

Sitting back, the hunter curled his tail at his paws, making his intentions on remaining clear. Resting his gaze on the other once more as another statement was issued, he offered another small nod. ”Obviously, I am not.” He spoke, going for a bit of wry humor and a small smile to match. ”My name is Alarick. I appreciate the information you’ve provided me so far.” A thought hatched in the back of his mind, but he wouldn’t reveal it, not just yet.