Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain slinking through the shadows - Printable Version

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slinking through the shadows - Aguta - September 19, 2013

private for Ton & Goldry - late afternoon

bone of the father, unknowingly given
you will renew your son
flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed
you will revive your master
blood of the enemy, forcibly taken
[size=3]you will resurrect your foe[/size]

Ever since the return of her cousin, as well as the aokatti development with Taltos, Aguta had not stepped even a single paw off of the mountain. She did her continued duties of patrolling and laying fresh scent markings, making sure that there was no doubt that this mountain belonged to Tartok. Anyone who dared pass over those scent markings was met with flashing fangs. She wouldn’t tolerate anyone ignoring what was theirs, disregarding them as though they weren’t actually there. They would grow, that much was a given. Tartok in these lands would grow and thrive just as they did anywhere else they laid down roots.

Today was no different than the previous day or the previous day. Aguta was part way up the mountain, standing on a ledge and looking out over the area below her. Icy gaze searched everything, missing nothing. There was a light breeze that caused her brindled fur to move occasionally. That was when she spotted movement from below. Narrowing her eyes, she stared, hard. No way could she possibly be seeing what she thought she was seeing. Turning from the edge, the scarred female leapt off the rock and began to head down the path that would lead her directly into their path.

RE: slinking through the shadows - Goldry - September 20, 2013

Silvertip Mountain soared above his head, its shaggy slopes rife with narrow trails and precipices, shady woods and shallow caves. The afternoon sun framed its jagged peak in a halo of light. It looked more foreboding the closer he came; the mountain itself seemed eager to test him.

Goldry padded swiftly alongside and a stride behind the big black bear of a she-wolf; his escort; his shepherd. Like a lamb to the slaughter, he followed her deeper into her territory and closer to her mountain, where he finally smelled the scent of her pack, small and new, but undeniably there. Not a slaughter, then—a feast, with him as the centerpiece; but Goldry was no lamb, and his instincts boiled beneath his skin. His teeth and claws readied to bite and tear. His yellow eyes scanned back and forth, back and forth. His ears perked. His nose quivered.

He had no reason to suspect an ambush, yet there was an unnerving air to this place. It felt like being watched.

A shadow detached itself from the rocks and trees, and seemed to glide toward them. Her icy blue eyes and constellation of scars familiar. Her stride more intense and composed than before. He couldn't read her face, although he realized she must have recognized him too. Why else would she deliberately intercept them with such zeal?


Goldry paused, unsure, with his head pulled up and ears pointed forward. Should he smile? Wag his tail? Start in on some lame explanation—hey, what a coincidence!—no, he cast a sidelong glance at the bearish wolf beside him, knowing without thinking she was watching, waiting, hovering like a hawk. There would be no mistakes, no weaknesses, no forgiveness.

He bowed his head in a heartbeat, swept his ears to either side, and avoided direct eye contact with Aguta. His tail swayed once, twice, in low, small arcs. His deltoids and biceps tensed, the hairs along his shoulders bristled; but he did not threaten, merely braced himself.

RE: slinking through the shadows - Tonravik - September 22, 2013

She walks alongside Goldry, saying nothing. There was nothing more to say, yet; she would gesture at landmarks, at important things he might wish to remember about their territory. He would give himself the true tour; Tonravik could do little to help in his memorization. She would lead him to Aguta, who the Alpha had no doubt would find their way to them.

And in swift time, she did. She descended with grace and strength alike, and if Tonravik admired the diligent precision in which the woman moved, she hid it well beneath a motionless facade that did not change. Tonravik did not pause as the tawny male did; she moved to meet Aguta roughly, her bearish body bounding upward as she rounded the icy-eyed woman and nipped her furs, her tail erect as she was waiting to be greeted herself. The brown of her own eyes fall to Goldry, who is watching her, and she waits a frigid moment. Aguta was at the top of her own ranks for the most obvious of reasons. She knew the woman well, and Aguta had done much for Tartok. Even for her. But Goldry could challenge the woman he hunted with if he thought himself a more worthy candidate of the rank she held. That was the ways of the wild. Those with more prowess rose to the top.

But it seemed in that instant, there would be no scuffle to be had. His body bent in submission, and her tail, still stiff and high, waves.

RE: slinking through the shadows - Aguta - September 23, 2013

Writing with a killer headache is bad. So my post is bad. Sorry!

bone of the father, unknowingly given
you will renew your son
flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed
you will revive your master
blood of the enemy, forcibly taken
[size=3]you will resurrect your foe[/size]

Coming down the side of the mountain from the ledge she had been standing on, she met them on the path leading upward. It was to her cousin that she paid attention to first, obviously. Though her head and tail were up, she lowered them just enough to be lower than Tonravik’s. Moving her head forward, she greeted her cousin in the same rough manner that she was greeted in, bumping her shoulder against that of her cousin and nipping at Tonravik’s fur on her shoulder. A low grumble rose in Aguta’s throat, adding to her physical greeting.

And then she rounded her attention to the male that had so obviously been able to somehow track her, at least that’s what she automatically assumed because why else would he be here? Last she knew, he was part of a pack to the north where she had first met him. Leaving Tonravik’s side, Aguta strode toward the male. He was in her home now and rules of Tartok applied on the mountain. She knew this. Just as she knew that she was going to have to do whatever it took in order to be able to keep her position within the ranks.

Striding toward him, she raised her head and tail higher, though still kept them lower than Tonravik’s. Since he had bowed his head, she was able to easily tower over him. He was going to get a side of her that he hadn’t seen when he’d first met her and they’d hunted together. Closing what little distance between the two of them that might have been left, Aguta moved to roughly press her chest against his shoulder, but not so roughly as to try to shove him over. Her goal? Assert her dominance over him. This was her home and her family, and he would have to earn the right to be a part of that. “Goldry,” she finally returned his verbal greeting, but said no more than that.

RE: slinking through the shadows - Goldry - September 23, 2013

Not bad at all, but I hope your headache is gone or goes away quickly!! <3

Aguta tested him. She pushed up against him with her tail and head held high. Goldry could feel her hot breath on his fur. He didn't turn to look at her. He watched from his peripherals – watching for signs of a threat. He listened to her breathing in case she stopped, sucked in, and gave him that vital, fleeting clue that she was about to strike. His muscles flexed and his claws dug into the earth as he prepared to pivot and shove her back if she attacked.

Nothing. She dominated him, and he submitted. He didn't wish to fight. Not now. And though he had ambitions to ascend the ranks, he was also cautious and practical. He held his tail relaxed and languid. He kept his head and body lower than both of them, and he avoided direct eye contact. If she pressed him further, he would display more colorful presentations of his current inferiority. But he hoped he wouldn't have to. Not out of pride, but out of nature. He was not Omega.

Finally, she spoke. His tail wagged slowly and gently.

Her tone was inscrutable. He chanced a glance at her, and her face was as hard and unreadable as stone. Goldry suddenly realized Tonravik wasn't the only one to whom he had to prove himself; and although they had been friendly on the hunt, he could not assume Aguta would grant him even the tiniest of favors here, in her homeland.

But he grinned just barely, and rather than shy away from the challenge, he embraced it wholeheartedly. He would prove his strength and cunning, his talents and his skills. He would show them all that he belonged.

For now, he kept his rank. There could be little to be gained by challenging Aguta here. Even if he won, the foundation of his ascension would have been weak and vulnerable. It was not the most strategic move.

He glanced at his new Alpha. Tonravik seemed pleased, but it was hard to tell.

Goldy twisted an ear toward Aguta and looked toward her. His tail swished in slow, rhythmic arcs. I will earn, his body said.