Wolf RPG
The worst things in life come free to us. - Printable Version

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The worst things in life come free to us. - Paarthurnax - September 21, 2014

It had been a few short weeks since her departure from Swiftcurrent Creek, and although she was comfortable at Noctidardor Bypass, she could not deny the she she felt when her previous home crossed her mind. Paarthurnax often dwelled on her final discussion with Scimitar and regularly she wondered how Bazi was faring. A large part of her wished to return to check in on the pack, but for the time being she refrained. Shadow did not control her, but she doubted he would appreciate her sneaking off in the night to visit with the young leader who'd kicked him out to forge his own path. So new into her mateship with him, the last thing she wanted to do was hurt his feelings or make him lose faith in her.

She ventured further afield that afternoon, eager for a change of scenery and keen to perhaps recruit some new faces to join their ranks. As an aspiring Alpha, it would be her duty to be a good judge of character. She could not give permission to just anybody to enter Noctisardor ranks, but she could recruit loners to return and let her mate make final decisions. Paarthurnax wandered through the dim forest, following nothing in particular, and simply hoping that someone might appear to chat with.

RE: The worst things in life come free to us. - Hatshepsut - September 22, 2014

hee hee. also, first Naturalist thread.

The Egyptian was not often given over to wandering — the pursuit of the lynx upon the glacier had given her purpose. Still, left strangely bereft without Lestat, she let herself down into the commonlands and began a gentle trek in no particular direction.

She would not return without prey, however; the caches must be kept filled and flesh killed daily if the Duskfire wolves were to survive. Her days of excess were over; the woman had grown sinewy and more respecting of hunger in her time away from Karnak. As she swept the surrounding area with the knife-keen gaze that had earned her the nickname of Hawk from her late father, Hatshepsut spotted the curved, lovely form of the supposed Persian she had met some time before. Yet this time the Regent did not approach the girl; she remained as she way, and presently her gaze moved on to more interesting searches.

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RE: The worst things in life come free to us. - Paarthurnax - January 02, 2015

I fail, and forgot all about this thread. Fading it. D:

The wolf who arrived on the scene was one she had not been expecting to see again, and thus caught her by surprise. Paarthurnax paused in her tracks to stare coolly in the direction of the exotic female who'd been so keen to pry into her background during their previous meeting. Her name had been an unusual one, but not something that she recalled.

Their eyes met, following which the two-toned Frostfur exhaled a soft breath. She did not shift her gaze then, for she worried that the other she-wolf might see this as a display of weakness. Paar did not wish to challenge her, however, and she she blinked and remained in an entirely neutral stance. She did not have Scimitar to shoo her away this time.

Thankfully, the golden Regent also did not seem to wish to converse and, turning away, made to continue with her business. Paarthurnax took this as an opportunity to escape and, ducking her head, she resumed her pace in the opposite direction.