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Razorback Ridge i'm just a tenant, paying rent - Printable Version

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i'm just a tenant, paying rent - Necahual - August 09, 2021

@Vein some pp here, lmk if I need to edit anything. Bye guys, I will miss you all so much!

It had happened.

Like a built up reaction, a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode, the circumstances had provided the catalyst. Her sudden doubt in her superiors, the move across Teekon back to the Canyon, her husband's addiction and subsequent neglect of both his wife and daughter. It had been boiling beneath her skin for months and it was Vein's timorous query if she would be alright with Momotzli while he went for a walk in the twilight that undid her. 

She had snapped, pressing forward, demanding to know where it was he was always going, what he was doing that was more important than his own family -- even going so far as to ask if there was another woman holed up somewhere also questioning all of his promises, because she'd wanted him to hurt like she did. Her mate had flipped, his demeanor one she hadn't witnessed before -- not from him anyhow. 

Aerin could scarcely remember the harsh words that had flown from her mate's maw, but their sting was all too fresh as he stormed off, leaving The Priestess shrinking in the dirt. Without second thought, she had abandoned all line of logic and rationality.

She whirled away, forcing herself to walk as she found her way back to where their child dozed. Her pale gaze lingered on the sleeping girl for only a moment in consideration before instinct reared its head again, leading her to gently rouse and shush the gilded pup before gathering her into her jaws.

Casting a wary look around in search of any onlookers, the ghostly waif vanished into the night with her only living daughter clasped in her jaws for dear life.