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Noctisardor Bypass now i see - Printable Version

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now i see - Crëyr - September 27, 2014

Crëyr paused at the edge of a steady stream located inside the pack's boundaries, dipping her head to lap the water up. With her pink tongue flickering back and forth in of the cool, relieving river water, the warmth of the sun allowing a touch on her pelt, the Welsh female was at utmost peace.

She had settled in the pack and she was happy. She was beginning to know her new pack members a bit more, although there were some she hadn't found the opportunity to meet just yet. Crëyr was looking forward to the occasion, as what she longed were friends and good company.

A school of fish wriggled under the surface of the stream, giving themselves small, occasional bursts of speed as they propelled themselves forward in the currents of river water. Delighted, Crëyr began to follow them, her eyes on the fish as they swam. It was slightly fascinating, the way aquatic creatures moved. Soon enough, they were gone from the blue-eyed female's field of vision as she paused a certain distance away from her starting point.

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - September 27, 2014

Could we possibly make this into a healer thread for Paar? I'm way behind in gaining that trade, lol.

Noctisardor Bypass, for Paarthurnax, was overall a peaceful place. She was content with the direction her life was going, and although she still missed Bazi and Swiftcurrent fiercely, she had decided that she'd made the right choice in following Shadow. Her heart still did feel a pull toward her former pack and its territory; things had been tense and rocky in the beginning, but she'd grown to love them wholly. Paar had left on peaceful terms with both her leaders, albeit solemnly, but she was confident that they were doing just fine without her.

She would go to them one day, when the dust had settled, and she considered the possibility before frost and snow claimed their Teekon Wilds. Perhaps by that time Bazi would have conceived the litter she'd come to her to discuss, and again her heart lurched. It pained Paarthurnax that she wouldn't be there to help raise those pups, even if there would have been the very real potential that she could have been denied breeding rights for herself.

As she stepped from between the trees that led to the clearing where a small stream separated the land, Paar's fiery copper gaze settled on the two-toned frame of an unknown female. At once she was intrigued; her only encounter with another she-wolf at the borders of the pack's territory had been... tense. Her title as Shadow's mate was still fresh, and she feared that other females might see fit to challenge her for it. It had been the way of Samarkand: if a woman fancied being the center of the Alpha male's world, they fought tooth and claw for that right.

Curious to gauge this other she-wolf's appearance, Paar strode forward and announced her presence with a low woof.

RE: now i see - Crëyr - September 27, 2014

sure! hope you earn your trade soon c:

Crëyr alerted at the sound of unnatural movement of grass blades, which usually signified the arrival of somebody. Shortly she shook her pelt so that the remaining droplets of water were gone from her fur.

The Welsh beauty turned as her ears pinpointed a low sound, no doubt from whatever company she was going to have in a minute. Shortly, her cerulean orbs caught sight of the she-wolf.

The female was stunning, her pelt two-toned, an elegant mixture of alabaster and of shades that were vaguely reminiscent of the season they were currently in. Her intense copper eyes, shielded behind luscious eyelashes, were fixed on her face, regarding her in a curious manner.

She had the smell of the Bypass on her.

Crëyr lowered herself into a respectful posture, her head dipping low, a slight, sweet smile gracing her lips as she did so. The river rolled on relentlessly, the sound of rushing water enveloping her ears as she spoke. "Hello. My name is Crëyr, and this is my first week in the Bypass."

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - September 27, 2014

Paarthurnax could not deny that this female was indeed a lovely one. With a slender figure, fine features and neat curves, she could easily catch the eye of any male who looked her way. And the more distance closed between them, the more feminine she appeared. Her pelt was primarily of slate hue, cheeks and breast swathed with the most pristine white and her eyes were an unusual, vivid shade of azure. She was divine in her own right... but could her beauty compare to her own?

Deciding that this wolfess could indeed make for competition, Paar let her tail arch dominantly over her haunches as she eased to halt nearby. Her gaze continued to linger on the other's face as she studied her in silence, and when a greeting came forth, Paar's tall ears pricked forward. "I'm Paarthurnax," she said gently, thankful to see that Crëyr did not see fit to assert any dominance herself... yet. "You may call me Paar, if you wish." She canted her head a little, curious. "What made you choose Noctisardor?"

RE: now i see - Crëyr - September 27, 2014

Crëyr let herself watch, still in a respectful position, as the other female's tail arched proudly up towards the clear sky. A higher rank than she was, of course. Or did she also mean to signify something else?

Her voice was sweet, soft, melodic. "I'm Paarthurnax. You may call me Paar, if you wish. What made you choose Noctisardor?"

"Paarthurnax," The lithe Welsh female said, the vowels rolling off her tongue smoothly as she again dipped her head in respect. "Paar. Your name is unforgettable." Then she addressed Paar's question with a slight tilt of her head, her eyes flickering upwards, thinking as she formulated a response. "Well. I have been a lone wolf a couple days ago, in search of company and a new family, as I disliked being alone to myself all the time. I happened to smell and see Shadow then, and I had went forward and requested for a spot in the pack. I know that that was one of the best decisions I have ever made, as I somehow that this place is right for me."

"What about you, Paar? Have you been here since the beginning?" She asked curiously, another smile gracing her lips.

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - September 27, 2014

Crëyr responded gracefully to Paar's dominant stance and the question she shot her way, which caused the crimson beauty to relax somewhat. She let her tail dip and her shoulders slacken a little, though she continued to hold herself as tall as her muscles would allow. Paarthurnax was a gentle creature, yes, but often a proud and vain one. She had hopes and dreams for her life in Noctisardor Bypass; her husband was its leader, and she had developed the desire to rise to the rank at his side. Paar would not let a pretty face get between she and her mate, nor she and her ambitions. It was something she wished to assert with all other she-wolves who joined their ranks.

She listened with curiosity to what her two-toned companion had to say and, content that there was no challenge from Crëyr in response to her display. It was then that Paar took another few steps closer to her dark-furred companion, and she at last let her tail sweep at her rear in a polite, friendly manner. "Shadow and I were pack-mates elsewhere," the lithe wolfess offered when she her question was returned, "He, I and a handful of others banded together to form this pack. We were courting before we left Swiftcurrent, and he asked me to be his mate when Noctisardor was made official."

RE: now i see - Crëyr - September 27, 2014

Paarthurnax's tail moved, sweeping downwards in what Crëyr knew was a friendly, polite gesture. Then she took a few footsteps towards the Welsh beauty, so that the distance that separated them from each other were only a couple inches apart.

Crëyr listened to what the beautiful she-wolf had to say as she responded to her previous question. "Shadow and I were pack-mates elsewhere," Paarthurnax began softly. "He, I and a handful of others banded together to form this pack. We were courting before we left Swiftcurrent, and he asked me to be his mate when Noctisardor was made official."

The blue-eyed wolfess nodded thoughtfully, smiling at the mental images of Shadow courting the very female standing before her. They were slightly amusing and were a tad bit ridiculous, even though she knew she didn't have any idea and that anything was possible. Maybe their sterling Alpha had acted the same way towards Paar, maybe he hadn't. It was hard to tell or assume when it came to a wolf like Shadow.

"You are his mate?" Crëyr offered, bowing her head in subordination. "I wish the both of you luck and the very best with the pack and in life. Do you lead with him?"

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - September 28, 2014

Following her announcement that Shadow was indeed her mate, Paarthurnax scrutinised the newest member of the pack with curious copper eyes. She didn't know what sort of reaction she might expect from her - truthfully, she lobed to hear that Crëyr already new that their leader was a claimed man. But alas, the wolfess did not know, but responded with dignity by wishing them well for the future.

Impressed, the crimson healer offered a warm smile of her own. "I thank you, on behalf of us both," she said gently, content now that this female was not a threat to her desired title. "The pack is new, as is our mateship, but we are thriving."

But then the topic of rank reared its ugly head, and Paarthurnax tried to pretend that it didn't bother her by rolling a slim shoulder. "Not yet. But I am pursuing a leadership role, and wish to be established in one before I conceive a litter." She would plan for pups regardless of her place in the pack, but it was preferable and important for her to produce them as Queen, not as subordinate.

RE: now i see - Crëyr - September 28, 2014

in what way should this become one of paarthurnax's healing threads? :)

Crëyr smiled warmly, mirroring Paarthurnax's actions as the crimson wolfess thanked her for her well-wishes. She did address her question, though something had noticeably flashed behind those alluring copper eyes of hers. Crëyr didn't pay much attention.

"I hope you reach your goals, Paar, as I know there will be great outcomes if that does happen," The blue-eyed Welsh offered gently. Soon enough, a sound indicating the breaking of the surface of river water went softly through Crëyr's ears. Turning her head towards the direction to where the sound had come from, promptly she noticed the little fish weaving in and out of the water.

She laughed slightly. "The fish sure are active, aren't they?"

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - September 28, 2014

I dunno... Maybe Crëyr could ask for some advice? Or have a cough? Nausea? I dunno, whatever you fancy that Paar could assist with. :)

Paar decided that she could learn to like this girl. She always had gotten along better with the opposite sex; as a child she would follow her older brothers around, and having grown up with a male litter-mate she always felt like "one of the boys" until Nezzar and his buddies grew tired of her inviting herself along on their outings. It was at approximately four months of age that she sought playmates of her own gender, but even now as an adult she found that she bonded better with her make pack-mates. Bazi had been a rare exception, and Paar did find that she missed having a firm female friend.

Crëyr averted her gaze then, turning toward the creek as the surface water gurgled over rocks, and Paarthurnax followed her eyes with her own. She speed little flashes of silver, several of them, heading downstream with the current, and she smiled softly at her companion's words. "Heading back to sea now that the spawning season is over, I assume," she offered as an explanation for their actions.

RE: now i see - Crëyr - September 28, 2014

hmm i think i'll be able to incorporate that. any suggestions?

Paarthurnax's eyes cut towards the direction she was currently gazing at and spoke, offering an explanation to her previous words. "Heading back to sea now that the spawning season is over, I assume."

"It must be a large section of time for travel, isn't it?" Crëyr said, her expression now one of wistfulness at the thought of her second home, the ocean. "Sometimes to follow the fish are one of my wishes. I was born near the sea, you see, so you could say it has always used to be by me."

Another one jumped out of the water, its silver scales reflecting sunlight.

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - October 07, 2014

Paarthurnax continued to look across the stream's shimmering surface, following streaks of silver with vivid copper eyes as they darted along with the current. She wondered what it was that drive the fish to move on from their spawning waters and further afield, for she'd heard many reasons for it: cooler temperatures, shortage of food, or simply wishing for a change of scenery. Regardless, the species was a successful one and it thrived with its routine, for whatever reasons.

"It is quite a trek on foot," the crimson beauty agreed, blinking back toward her two-toned companion as she recalled her visit to the shore with Shadow. It had taken them several days to reach the seaside, and would likely be even further away now that they'd moved on from Swiftcurrent Creek. It intrigued her to know that her pack-mate had been born to a similar environment and had been raised not far from the shore, and curiosity glimmered in Paar's lovely eyes.

"I was born to the deserts in the South," she said softly, a warm smile tugging at her lips. She had loved Samarkand despite its dry season, and had spent many a day basking beneath the heat of the sun. She imagined she'd still be there now if Sahrotaar had not seen fit to pack her off to be used as a common concubine. "I love the sea, though. The sand especially... it reminds me of where I came from."

RE: now i see - Crëyr - October 10, 2014

your new avatar is so pretty *o*

Her gaze still cut towards the glimmering stream, her eyes darted back quickly towards her companion as she began to speak in a soft voice, offering a couple words on account of her thoughts and her opinions.

Crëyr's companion blinked, her eyelashes fluttering. "I was born to the deserts in the South. I love the sea, though. The sand especially... it reminds me of where I came from."

She smiled and glanced upwards, thinking about how different Paar's childhood could be from her own. She wondered if the desert she was born in stretched for miles. It was funny how the pack members had all managed to meet each other when they used to be so far away from each other.

"The desert?" Crëyr repeated softly, the glimmer of curiosity prominent in her eyes. "How was it like? Did you enjoy life there?"

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - October 11, 2014

Thanks! Mary made Paar look super. :D

Truthfully, she had loved the deserts of her birth-place. She had loved the sand, the sun, the heat, everything. Paarthurnax loved these Northern lands too, and they were home to her now, but if her brother had not been so selfish she knew in her heart that she would never have left Samarkand. Fate, however, had a way of invading one's happiness, and now that she'd found Shadow, she supposed she should be thanking Sahrotaar for his decisions.

"I did, yes," she said with a small smile, that held a solemn hint. "It was hot, it was dry, and it seemed to stretch on forever. Our ways there were far different from life here." Paarthurnax sought her companion's azure eyes then, unsure if she would pry into why she'd left, or if curiosity would drive her to ask after how different Samarkand's hierarchy had been. Part of her dreaded being questioned about it, but she supposed that if she were to build friendships with Noctisardor's wolves, she could not keep her secrets forever.

RE: now i see - Crëyr - October 13, 2014

do you want Crëyr or Paar to start up a healing convo? maybe they could ask each other about trades and their NB duties. hmmm(:

Paarthurnax smiled, one that spoke of great distance and length. Her avid crimson eyes softened, and instantly Crëyr knew she had loved her old home so.

The petite Welsh knew there was something behind the smile, though, something she could not quite decipher but she was sure it wasn't anything that big to be concerned of.

Curiosity was her besetting sin. She hadn't believed or listened to Draenen back then, but now Crëyr saw why her sister used to tell her that repetitively. She wasn't sure if Paar was going to eagerly respond to that, as she knew some parts were sensitive topics to other wolves, but she decided to go with the flow.

She smiled gently. "Why, where I originated from was the complete opposite of that. Forgive me for asking, but is there a reason why you have left your previous pack, as you seem to have treasured it so?"

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - October 14, 2014

I think maybe we should finish this one up and start a new one that we can dedicate to it? Just use this one as a meet and get thing instead.

Much to Paar's discomfort, Crëyr enquired after her reasons for leaving Samarkand. She felt her throat tighten as she blinked at the two-toned female, contemplating how she could explain such an escape in a way that would not further fuel curiosity. Quickly she swallowed her tension and chocked a velvet red east back, "my parents retired and moved on, and my brother took their place." She smiled softly once more, though sadness dominated her expression. "I thought it best that I seek my own place. In the desert packs, there were no place for litters that were not sired by the Alpha male."

RE: now i see - Crëyr - October 16, 2014

you can wrap this up so we can start the new thread, if you'd like? or this could be the last post? :)

She regarded her two-toned companion behind fluttering eyelashes, the curious glint in her azure eyes prominent, though she was sure she had sensed something in Paar's voice that spelled out discomfort. Perhaps the petite wolfess was right. This topic was something sensitive to talk about when it came to Paarthurnax, and possibly a multitude of other wolves.

Back in Wales, she was born to the Alpha pair. It was only then had her family died, leaving Gwilym in her father's place, allowing the girl, at most one year old, to leave the pack and find herself a place in this world.

A touch of sadness appeared on Paarthurnax's expression, which suddenly caused Crëyr to go through a rollercoaster of memories and emotions— Draenen picking her up, pushing her into the cool ocean water, calling her wild and reckless and stubborn. Gwilym playfully fighting with her elder sister, yipping and running in circles every time he was able to pin her down onto the grass for ten seconds straight.

Nostalgia overtook her mind as a subconscious smile drifted over her lips, which again was laced with glumness. "Teulu yn deulu ni waeth beth. Family is family, no matter what."

RE: now i see - Paarthurnax - October 26, 2014

Crëyr did not pry, and Paarthurnax found that she appreciated her even more for it. Where she'd come from, it seemed to be in the nature of her female comrades to stick their noses into others' business, and so far she'd found the Northerners to be far more respectful of her background than she could have hoped for. A warm smile of gratitude graced Paar's lovely pale features, and it bloomed to reach her copper eyes when her bi-coloured companion spoke words in her own tongue followed closely by translation.

"Family is family," the lithe beauty agreed with a dip of her crown. "But the wolves of Noctisardor Bypass are family now." Samarkand would forever be in her heart, but it was unlikely she would ever cross paths with her blood brothers and sisters again.

It was something that did cause stirring in her heart, but something she was making peace with all the same.