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Duskfire Glacier Nukak - Printable Version

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Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 01, 2021

The duo journeyed back to the glacier on weary paws. When they had arrived, Issorartuyok bid Meerkat a good rest, hoping that she would be able to find peace after having returned to the village.

In their absence, many things appeared to have happened.

The most prominent difference had been in a familiar fragrance upon their land. The northerner had thought himself to be foolish, that he might have imagined the scent from a tired mind and an even more exhausted body. But, no… as he stepped onto the glacier, he could smell it. His brother was there.

Issorartuyok drew his head back and called to @Tuuluuwaq. His heart was warm with the familiarity – the taste of his brother’s name upon his tongue.

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 01, 2021

The call pulled him from whatever he had been doing. It wasn't important. 

He bounded across the glacier, slowing only when Isso was within his sites. 

Tuulu stopped in front of him. His breaths came out in plumes of white as he reached over to headbutt his brother in greeting. Isso, I have been waiting for you to return. Lane has been kind; she let me stay here while I waited. he had so many other things to say and to ask, but he paused and waited for his sibling to speak.

RE: Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 02, 2021

Oh, he’d grown. Tuuluuwaq was a strapping, lean-muscled figure. He looked far better than Issorartuyok had remembered, though the boy’s litter had suffered a terrible loss with the illness that had infected them. The young boy had always been doted upon in the Tatkret family.

Tuuluuwaq! It is good to see your face, brother, the large man boomed in greeting, bounding across the remaining steps between them. Issorartuyok met his brother’s headbutt with his own broad skull. A smile erupted upon his features. I smelled you when we crossed into the glacier. What has brought you so far from the north?

It would be good to catch up with the youngest boy. Issorartuyok had not realized just how much he had missed his family.

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 02, 2021

I have come to join you, brother, he immediately told Isso. I want to learn how to be a proper warrior, and since you lead this pack, I would like to learn about how you handle everything. His hunting wound told him that he still had much to learn. 

How are you, Isso? Are you happy here? Tuulu hoped he was. Of course the fact that his brother had made a home here told him he was likely happy enough.

RE: Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 02, 2021

Issorartuyok was pleased to hear it, though still surprised that Tuuluuwaq would leave their home village and journey to find him. When the young Tatkret admitted that he wished to learn the art of being a warrior, that he wanted to learn what it meant for his older brother to lead, the large figure looked to him softly.

I will have you, brother, of course. Your familiar face is good for my soul, Issorartuyok told him, stepping forward to bump his nose to Tuulu’s shoulder. For all the hopeful wishes he’d had, the man had never anticipated that his brother would be waiting for him when he’d returned. It was as though the spirits had led them there together.

Things are good. This place is different, but similar to our village in the north. It will be a place that will be good for family.

A smile found its way to his dark-masked face.

Tell me of your travels, Tuulu.

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 02, 2021

His words and subsequent affection filled Tuulu with a joy he hadn't felt since leaving home. He closed his eyes and allowed a smile to form on his face. And yours is good for mine. 

Tuulu was happy to hear the glacier was similar to home. It was hard to be away from the place he had known is whole life. Being here with Isso would help ease his homesickness more than anything else, though. 

His brother mentioned it would be good for family, and the smile that crossed his brother's face had an inkling of curiosity spring to life in his chest. Did he mean more than the two of them? Did he know something Tuulu didn't or did he mean something else? Maybe his sibling had found someone here. 

But Isso wanted to know of his travels, so his questions would have to wait. It was a bit lonely, he admitted. But thankfully uneventful.

And then he couldn't hold back his curiosity any longer. Are you thinking of having a family here, Isso? I mean other than me. His chocolate eyes studied the well known face of his brother as he waited for an answer.

RE: Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 02, 2021

It did not matter. That loneliness was wiped away now that Tuuluuwaq was on the glacier. It still saddened Issorartuyok to hear that he had made the venture on his own. He remembered the many miles that had taken him from his home to the unfamiliar. There were days when he had thought to return, to seek out the comforts of what he knew. It had not been his spirit’s path to do so, though.

When Tuulu inquired about whether Issorartuyok would start a family, the dark male nodded his head firmly and chuckled.

Of course, brother. I will make a wife and fill the village with children who will grow to be strong and good. It is what I am meant for, he answered honestly. After his talk with Meerkat, Issorartuyok wondered if such a future was closer than he expected. There were still many things he was not sure of, but their talk had ended well.

I hope you will do the same. Come, let us walk and you can tell me of home. The others are well?

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 02, 2021

So he just meant in general then. Tuulu smiled at his brother. You are meant for that and much more, he told him. I feel it in my heart. He chuckled gruffly. And I will anxiously await my soraluoq

As for Tuulu doing the same, he didn't know. He hadn't really thought much about it. He knew nothing about being responsible for anyone but himself, and he worried he was not father material, not until he learned more about life. 

He began to walk when his brother did, walking close enough that their sides brushed every now and then. They were all fine last time I was there, he answered. I was wandering for a while before I finally decided to find you, and I did not stop back home before I left. He was often gone for months at a time, but his decision to come here had been a bit impulsive. He worried Isso would be angry with him for not telling their family that he was leaving.

RE: Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 03, 2021

Issorartuyok laughed warmly at his brother’s statement. Tuuluuwaq would be a good man and a good uncle to the many children that would fill the land. He did not doubt this. Yes, he was still young and had many experiences to live through before he would be ready to father children of his own. Issorartuyok only believed that playing the role of uncle would help him along that path.

When Tuulu stated that he had been a wandering spirit before seeking out Issorartuyok, the older brother frowned thoughtfully. He had experienced similar desires and much of the same taste for wanderlust. He had still told their mother and father when he had decided to leave. The eldest Tatkret could not help but wonder what had prevented his brother from doing the same.

You should have told mother and father, Tuulu. They will worry for you. You are special and loved by all. The remark was only a reminder. Tuuluuwaq was dear to each of them. He was the survivor. If anything were to happen to the young man, they would feel it in their bones forever.

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 04, 2021

That is exactly why I didn't tell them, he answered. I was afraid they would try to make me stay. He had grown up knowing that he was special to his family—he was the only living member of his litter. He had also grown up wondering why he had been the one to survive. They had all been sick, but why had he gotten better while his littermates all died? It had given him a heavy sense of responsibility. He felt he owed the universe to lead some grand life, which was why he often wandered; sometimes, he felt lost, and being alone was the only way he could properly collect his thoughts. 

They knew I was considering it, at least. But I worried I would stay out of guilt. He had also been afraid to say goodbye, but he'd keep that part to himself.

RE: Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 06, 2021

The older brother understood all too well. He had communicated his own desires with their parents, had shared his spirit’s path and told them that he would not remain in their village. It had still filled him with surmounting sadness. Each step he had taken from the snowy tundra had left a mark on his heart. When he had journeyed further than he had ever before, he had all but sobbed for the loss of his loved ones. It was a telling sign that Tuulu was able to leave without it showing in his soul.

Perhaps one day we might send a messenger to them, to tell them you are safe and that you are with family. For now, let us find food and eat together, Issorartuyok said with a smile. He nudged his young brother on the shoulder and began to lead him toward one of his caches. He was grateful Eldritch had showed him good places for digging the earth and creating stores. It meant they did not have to suffering while the sick prey was being culled.

We have scented illness in the deer near here. Perhaps you and I could hunt the sick ones. I have a young apprentice who would do well to learn how to hunt with others, the older Tatkret suggested.

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 06, 2021

I can venture back eventually and let them know myself he told his brother. I do not need anyone else to tie up my loose ends. Besides, it would be nice to see them. Isso was right: their family would be worried, and he felt guilty about it now that it had been brought to his attention. He wasn't sure why he hadn't thought about that before. He wasn't always so good at seeing past his own perspective. 

His brother mentioned the sick caribou, suggesting that they hunt together and teach his apprentice. I would love to hunt with you again, brother, Tuulu said, his heart filling with excitement at the idea. I have taken one down already with the help of one of the Moonglow wolves, Kigipigak, he explained. It is how I got this injury. he pointed his nose to the healing wound on his leg. Lane has done a good job healing it.

RE: Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 08, 2021

The eldest Tatkret did not comment on his brother’s offer to return in his own time. Now that Tuulu was there, Issorartuyok did not want him to leave. It had been some many moons since he had seen the young man’s face, had heard his voice, and the man had not anticipated how dearly he would wish to keep Tuuluuwaq close to his side. The familiarity in his family was relieving to him.

Lane is a good woman, the older man said with a small nod. She was a good leader, too. She had exceeded all expectations he’d had for her and her ability. Issorartuyok was glad to have the reliable nature at his side as they began to tread on unfamiliar waters. With the death of Wintersbane and Tzila, the village needed strength at their helm. He had no doubts in Lane – she was everything a leader needed to be, and she was more.

I think you will get along with her, brother. Issorartuyok smiled.

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 08, 2021

His brother continued to speak of his co-leader, stating that he thought Tuulu would get along with her. Something warmed in his stomach at the words. He was happy to hear his brother say that. He was rather fond of the healer. There was just something about her that drew him. But whatever feelings were springing to life within the Tatkret, he was not ready to discuss them. He needed more time to process. And if he were ready, Lane would be the one he would seek out first. 

Ah, um, yes. We have so far. She is a good leader. In just the short time he had been here, it had been easy for him to see that. 

It has been too long since we hunted together, Isso, he said next, intentionally changing the subject. It was still the truth. He had missed many things about being with his brother.

RE: Nukak - Issorartuyok - December 14, 2021

Perhaps we could "fade" this and have a more up-to-date one? ^^<3

The eldest Tatkret would not insist on the matter, not when Tuuluuwaq had already met Lane and had the chance to know her for himself. He knew that time would allow his young brother to see her skills and to rely on her leadership. Issorartuyok did not doubt his partner in leadership. Whatever might come from the trust that would build between Tuulu and Lane, Issorartuyok would be pleased by it.

Let us hunt, then. There will be time for talking later, the northerner stated fondly.

There was an itch in his paws to chase across snow, just as they had when Tuuluuwaq had been younger, when he had been learning about the ways of their people. Issorartuyok could not think of anything that would please him as much as that. So, he pointed them to the distant hunting grounds and the brothers began to track.

RE: Nukak - Tuuluuwaq - December 16, 2021

yes definitely! i'll start something for us <3

Tuulu grinned and nodded, excited at the prospect of spending time with his brother this way. He had been the one to teach him to hunt, after all. 

So when Isso pointed in the direction they should start, he moved to follow him, nose to the ground and ready to pick apart the scents and find something they could hunt.